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How to Be More Articulate: Your Ultimate Guide with Blinkist

Struggle to express your thoughts clearly? Learn how to be more articulate with these expert tips and Blinkist book summaries (free trial inside!).
by Chris Allmer | Jun 21 2024
How to Be More Articulate: Tips, Tricks & Blinks

We’ve all been there: You’re in the middle of a lively conversation, brilliant ideas buzzing around in your head. You’re just itching to share your thoughts, but when you finally open your mouth… crickets

A jumble of half-formed sentences and forgotten words tumble out, leaving everyone (including yourself) utterly confused.

But guess what? There’s an awesome app called Blinkist that can totally transform your communication game. It’s like having a cheat sheet to the world’s best communication secrets, all in bite-sized chunks.

Stick with us, and let’s unlock your hidden eloquence together! We’ll share amazing tips on how to be more articulate, sprinkled with insights from the greatest thinkers of our time.

And if you want to get a head start, sign up for the 7-day free trial now so that you can access all the book summaries in this article for free:

Start your free 7-day trial

How to be More Articulate in 5 Simple Steps

Step 1: Expand your Vocabulary

A powerful vocabulary isn’t just about showing off fancy words (though, let’s be honest, it’s kinda fun!). It’s about having the tools to express the nuances of your thoughts and feelings, paint vivid pictures with your language, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

And guess what? Blinkist can help build a lexicon that would make Shakespeare proud.

Think of it like this: each Blinkist summary is a mini-workout for your brain, exposing you to new ideas, concepts, and the words that describe them. 

By reading every day, you’ll effortlessly pick up new vocabulary. For example, there is the Free Blink of the Day—free reads you can access daily, featuring the most up-to-date topics.

And here’s our recommendation on how to expand your vocabulary:

The Vocabulary Builder Workbook” by Chris Lele

The Vocabulary Builder Workbook isn’t just a dry list of words—it’s a great sneak peek into the fascinating world of vocabulary. You’ll boost your word power with engaging exercises and helpful tips in no time.

Pro Tip: Don’t just read the summaries passively! Challenge yourself to use at least one new word from each one in a conversation or email. Trust me, it’s a fun way to level up your language game.

Step 2: Become a Storyteller

Stories have a superpower: they make us listen, feel, and remember. Whether you’re pitching an idea, giving a presentation, or simply chatting with friends, weaving a compelling story can make all the difference. 

Blinkist can help you tap into that power by giving you the tools to structure your ideas and create narratives that resonate with your audience.

Here’s our recommendation:

Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller

This book is a masterclass in storytelling for business, but its principles apply to any form of communication. In this Blinkist summary, you’ll discover a simple yet powerful framework for crafting stories that clarify your message, create emotional connections, and drive action.

Pro Tip: After reading a Blinkist summary, challenge yourself to summarize the key takeaways in your own words, as if you’re telling a friend about a great book. This will help you flex your storytelling muscles and internalize the information.

Step 3: Prepare Yourself Mentally

Being articulate isn’t just about what you say, it’s about how you think. Critical thinking skills – the ability to analyze information, spot biases, and make sound decisions – are essential for effective communication. 

Our recommendation:

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman

This Nobel Prize-winning book dives into the fascinating world of human thought processes. You’ll get a crash course in cognitive biases, helping you identify and overcome the mental shortcuts that can lead to flawed reasoning.

Pro Tip: Join the Blinkist discussions and community forums to engage in debates and share insights. This will challenge you to think critically and refine your arguments.

Step 4: Practice Public Speaking

Public speaking is a fear for many, but it’s also a skill that can be learned and honed. Blinkist can be your backstage pass to becoming a confident and charismatic speaker, whether you’re delivering a TED Talk or presenting to your team.

Our recommendation: 

“Talk Like TED” by Carmine Gallo 

Ever wished you could captivate a crowd like those charismatic TED speakers? This book breaks down their secrets into 9 easy-to-follow elements

You’ll get a fast-track guide to crafting presentations that spark curiosity, deliver powerful messages, and leave your audience wanting more.

Pro Tip: After reading a Blinkist summary, practice presenting the key takeaways to a friend or family member. This will help you get comfortable speaking in front of an audience and refine your delivery.

Step 5: Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is the secret sauce that makes all communication more effective. When you believe in yourself and your message, your words carry more weight. 

Blinkist can be your personal cheerleader, offering insights and strategies to help you overcome self-doubt and speak with authority.

Our recommendation:

The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

This book is like a pep talk from your coolest friend, backed up by science. It dives into the nitty-gritty of what makes confidence tick, and the Blinkist summary gives you the cheat codes for boosting your own.

Pro Tip: Share what you’re learning from Blinkist summaries with others. This will not only reinforce your own knowledge but also demonstrate your growing expertise and boost your confidence.


How to Be More Articulate: It Starts with Blinkist (and You!)

So, feeling pumped to become a more articulate communicator? Awesome! 

Remember, this isn’t about sounding like a walking dictionary or channeling your inner Shakespeare. It’s about finding your unique voice, expressing your thoughts with confidence and clarity, and really connecting with the people you’re talking to.

And guess what? We’ve already seen how Blinkist can be your learning buddy on this exciting journey to better communication. Dive into those bite-sized summaries of excellent books like The Vocabulary Builder Workbook, or Building a StoryBrand, and more.

But self-improvement doesn’t stop at reading. It’s about putting that knowledge into action, practicing your newfound skills, and embracing the fact that it is a marathon, not a sprint.

Are you ready to level up your communication game? Blinkist has got your back with over 7,500 titles in 27 categories. And there’s an entire category dedicated to communication skills! 

So whatever you’re looking to conquer – nailing that big presentation, writing a killer email, or simply having more engaging conversations – Blinkist has got you covered.

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