How to Win at the Sport of Business Book Summary - How to Win at the Sport of Business Book explained in key points
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How to Win at the Sport of Business summary

Mark Cuban

If I Can Do It, You Can Do It

4.2 (60 ratings)
13 mins

Brief summary

How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban is a guide to succeeding in the business world. It offers insights from Cuban's own journey to becoming a billionaire entrepreneur with tips on networking, leadership, and embracing failure.

Table of Contents

    How to Win at the Sport of Business
    Summary of 6 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 6

    Mark Cuban worked his way up from sleeping on floors to owning his own company.

    When Mark Cuban moved to Dallas at the age of 24, he was looking for three things: sunshine, job opportunities and women. He had a broken-down car and a few polyester suits, and started off sleeping on the floor of an acquaintance's tiny apartment.

    Cuban had several jobs, which he knew would help his career because they all represented opportunities to learn. While many people assume they need to find the perfect job right after college and commit to it, that’s not necessarily the best way to start your career. Rather, it’s better to build and develop a variety of skills first.

    As a young man fresh out of college, Cuban spent a few months at Mellon Bank, where he learned about computer systems. As a budding entrepreneur, he also endeavored to improve the company without consulting his boss first – which got him fired.

    After moving to Dallas, he got another job working with software. He bought himself a computer for $99 and started teaching himself programming. He devoted his time to this new pursuit rather than returning to university, as it was an opportunity to get paid while learning.

    When working a number of temporary jobs, there’s another valuable lesson to be learned: other people’s methods won’t always be best for you.

    Working a variety of jobs helps you learn about yourself, your skills and your ambitions, but it can also teach you a lot about where businesses or bosses go wrong.

    When Cuban found that his bosses weren’t open to their employees’ ideas, he decided that he simply couldn’t work there any longer. So he left and founded his own company, MicroSolutions, which sold PC software and configured computers.

    Microsolutions had its share of problems – at one point, a secretary stole nearly all the company’s money – but Cuban was able to grow it into a strong company that eventually brought in revenue of over $30 million.

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    Key ideas in How to Win at the Sport of Business

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    What is How to Win at the Sport of Business about?

    In How to Win at the Sport of Business (2011), Mark Cuban offers unconventional advice and wisdom on how to work your way up in the business world. Comprising a collection of posts from Cuban’s renowned blog, the book tells the story of Cuban’s own unconventional rise to success – a story that’s sure to inspire anyone willing to think a little bit differently.

    How to Win at the Sport of Business Review

    How to Win at the Sport of Business (2011) by Mark Cuban is a practical guide on building a successful business and achieving financial freedom. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • It offers real-life stories and insights from Cuban himself, providing readers with valuable lessons and advice.
    • With its straightforward approach and no-nonsense attitude, it cuts through the fluff and gets straight to the point, making it a refreshing read.
    • The book's emphasis on entrepreneurial mindset and constant hustle motivates and inspires readers to take action and overcome challenges on their own entrepreneurial journey.

    Best quote from How to Win at the Sport of Business

    Thats what success is all about. Its about the edge.

    —Mark Cuban
    example alt text

    Who should read How to Win at the Sport of Business?

    • Aspiring entrepreneurs
    • People looking for a way to make money by following their passion
    • Business people who don’t play by the rules

    About the Author

    Mark Cuban founded his first company, MicroSolutions, while living in a three-bedroom apartment with six people. He has since worked his way up in the business world to become the owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA franchise, and one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in history.

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    How to Win at the Sport of Business FAQs 

    What is the main message of How to Win at the Sport of Business?

    The main message of How to Win at the Sport of Business is that anyone can succeed in business with a combination of hard work, creativity, and a competitive spirit.

    How long does it take to read How to Win at the Sport of Business?

    The reading time for How to Win at the Sport of Business varies depending on the reader's speed, but it typically takes several hours. However, the Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is How to Win at the Sport of Business a good book? Is it worth reading?

    How to Win at the Sport of Business is a valuable read for anyone interested in entrepreneurship and business success. It offers practical insights and advice from the perspective of Mark Cuban, a highly successful entrepreneur.

    Who is the author of How to Win at the Sport of Business?

    The author of How to Win at the Sport of Business is Mark Cuban.

    What to read after How to Win at the Sport of Business?

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