Hue 1968 Book Summary - Hue 1968 Book explained in key points
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Hue 1968 summary

Mark Bowden

A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam

4.4 (64 ratings)
28 mins

Brief summary

'Hue 1968' by Mark Bowden is a compelling narrative of one of the deadliest battles of the Vietnam War. It reveals the complexities of warfare and the human toll on both sides.

Table of Contents

    Hue 1968
    Summary of 12 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 12

    The Vietnam War was rooted in the region’s colonial history.

    More than 40 years since it came to a close, the horrors of the Vietnam War remain etched into our collective memory, a proxy for the Cold War at large. But that’s not all there was to it. In fact, the reasons for the conflict go much further back.

    The French had ruled over what are now Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia under the name of French Indochina since the nineteenth century. As empires crumbled in the aftermath of the Second World War, the French were faced with increasing cries for national self-determination in their colonies.

    Specifically, in Vietnam, the French found themselves fighting against the Viet Minh, a revolutionary pro-independence organization led by Ho Chi Minh. This First Indochina War lasted from 1946 to 1954.

    Even though the French military was backed by US advisors and weaponry after 1950, it was the Viet Minh who doggedly managed to gain the upper hand.

    Eventually in Geneva in 1954, both sides agreed to peace accords. The French would leave, while Vietnam would become de facto independent. However, the country would be temporarily split in two at the seventeenth parallel. North Vietnam would exist as a communist state while South Vietnam would be a republic backed by the French and Americans.

    The 1956 elections were intended to put an end to this temporary division so that the countries could be united as their people wished.

    However, the South Vietnamese government reneged on the Geneva agreement when it became clear which way the wind was blowing. In fact, US President Eisenhower estimated the Communists would muster around 80 percent of the vote.

    No election was held: the US rallied behind South Vietnam because it was a Western-style republic and could help contain the spread of communism from the northern Communist state.

    It was this decision that led to the Viet Minh, now renamed the Viet Cong, launching a campaign of armed resistance in South Vietnam. To them, their neighbors to the south were a non-democratic, Western puppet state.

    It seemed certain that the unpopular and weak South Vietnamese government would capitulate to the Viet Cong. An American intervention and the arrival of US troops became inevitable.

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    What is Hue 1968 about?

    The Vietnam War is remembered as one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts of the twentieth century. At the end of 1967, the US government was assuring the public the war was almost won; by February 1968, that was no longer the case. In Hue 1968 (2017) Mark Bowden examines the battle in the city of Hue which changed the way the American public viewed the war.

    Hue 1968 Review

    Hue 1968 (2017) by Mark Bowden is an immersive account of the Tet Offensive, offering a unique perspective on the Vietnam War. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • Through detailed research and interviews, it brings to life the experiences of soldiers, journalists, and civilians, providing a comprehensive understanding of the conflict.
    • The book offers a nuanced portrayal of the complexities of war and the human stories behind it, making it a captivating and thought-provoking read.
    • With its engaging narrative style and vivid descriptions, it keeps readers hooked from start to finish, ensuring that history comes alive and never feels boring.

    Best quote from Hue 1968

    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price [...]to assure the survival and the success of liberty. – JFK

    —Mark Bowden
    example alt text

    Who should read Hue 1968?

    • Anyone interested in modern American history
    • Students of politics or international relations
    • Soldiers and veterans

    About the Author

    Mark Bowden is an American author and journalist. His work has been published in the New Yorker, the Atlantic and Rolling Stone. He is also the author of Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War.

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    Hue 1968 FAQs 

    What is the main message of Hue 1968?

    The main message of Hue 1968 is a gripping account of the Battle of Hue during the Vietnam War.

    How long does it take to read Hue 1968?

    Reading Hue 1968 takes some time to complete, but the Blinkist summary can be read in just a few minutes.

    Is Hue 1968 a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Hue 1968 is definitely worth reading for its riveting storytelling and historical significance.

    Who is the author of Hue 1968?

    The author of Hue 1968 is Mark Bowden.

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