Women Trailblazers

Titelbild für die kuratierte Liste 'Women Trailblazers'
A Bedtime Biographies collection
Von den Blinkist Kuratoren

Worum geht’s?

History is written by the victors—perhaps that's why women have been swept to the sidelines despite the many contributions they've made. This collection of Bedtime Biographies shines a spotlight on the incredible, life-changing feats and inventions women have brought into the world and our lives. From invigorating the fight for racial equality and founding modern nursing and sanitation, to leading the discovery of cancer treatment, these trailblazers have changed our everyday lives, longevity, and ways of living. Be inspired by their tales of struggle and triumph as they placed themselves on the frontline in societies and fields that questioned their worth and power to succeed.

Women Trailblazers

A Bedtime Biographies collection
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