Big Magic Book Summary - Big Magic Book explained in key points
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Big Magic summary

Elizabeth Gilbert

Creative Living Beyond Fear

4.2 (301 ratings)
12 mins

Brief summary

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is a self-help book that encourages readers to embrace their creativity without fear or judgment. Through personal anecdotes and insights, the author provides a refreshing perspective on the pursuit of creative fulfillment and the importance of taking risks.

Table of Contents

    Big Magic
    Summary of 6 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 6

    You’ve only got one shot at life, so don’t let fear stop you living creatively!

    Millions of creative people all around the world grew up with the constant reminder that getting a “good education” and finding a “serious job” was the only path that led to happiness. Many experienced failure and hardship in their early attempts in making art. The result? Countless creative spirits who aren’t living out their full potential.

    In our skeptical world, deciding to pursue your creativity is one of the scariest choices you can make. But it doesn’t have to be. Living a creative life isn’t about striving for fame or dedicating your mind, body and soul to your craft. It simply means living a life led by curiosity instead of fear.

    What’s more, there’s no set of criteria that deems something to be creative or not. A creative pursuit is simply something that others might see as crazy, but that makes you feel bold, brave or gives you butterflies. Whether it’s painting, writing poetry, rock climbing or cooking, it should be that special thing that excites your curiosity.

    Do you know what your creative pursuit could be, but still feel hesitant? Well, you’ve got your fears to thank for that. If you’re worried that you don’t have the skills, that it’s too late for you to start, that no one will care about what you have to say, or that you don’t have the time or money to invest, then your brain is doing a great job of stopping you from doing what you really want to do.

    How can you counter this? We’re often told to let go of our fears, but honestly, this isn’t always possible. Instead, the best thing you can do is simply get comfortable with your fears. After all, they’re only natural!

    In a creative life, your passions coexist with your fears. Your fears are more than welcome to come along for the ride and give their input, but they shouldn’t send you on detours or grab the wheel. Fears are nothing more than passengers in the backseat who keep you company and remind you of the things you care about.

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    What is Big Magic about?

    Big Magic (2015) explores what both frightens and thrills us: turning our creative ideas into reality. These blinks provide helpful strategies that’ll enable you to manage the fears, frustrations and blocks of creating, allowing you to channel the playfulness you need to express yourself freely.

    Big Magic Review

    Big Magic (2015) by Elizabeth Gilbert delves into the realm of creativity and encourages readers to embrace their creative passions wholeheartedly. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • With its inspiring anecdotes and personal stories, it reminds us that creativity is within everyone's reach.
    • By debunking myths surrounding the creative process, Gilbert provides a fresh perspective on embracing creativity without fear or self-doubt.
    • The book's emphasis on the importance of creative curiosity and playfulness makes it an engaging and motivating read.

    Best quote from Big Magic

    Creativity is a path for the brave, yes, but it is not the path for the fearless, and its important to recognize the distinction.

    —Elizabeth Gilbert
    example alt text

    Who should read Big Magic?

    • Anyone who wants to explore their creative side
    • Writers struggling with half-finished projects and creative block
    • Students seeking advice on how to chase their creative dreams

    About the Author

    Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of the memoir and international bestseller Eat Pray Love, which was translated into over 30 languages and adapted into a film starring Julia Roberts. She was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Her latest novel, The Signature of All Things, was also a New York Times bestseller.

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    Big Magic FAQs 

    What is the main message of Big Magic?

    Big Magic encourages creative pursuits and embraces the idea of living a creative life without fear.

    How long does it take to read Big Magic?

    The reading time for Big Magic varies, but the Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Big Magic a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Big Magic is worth reading for its empowering and inspiring insights on creativity and living a fulfilled life.

    Who is the author of Big Magic?

    Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of Big Magic.

    What to read after Big Magic?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Big Magic, here are some recommendations we suggest:
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