How to Be an Explorer of the World Book Summary - How to Be an Explorer of the World Book explained in key points

How to Be an Explorer of the World summary

Brief summary

How to Be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith is a guidebook that inspires readers to observe and document the world around them. It offers creative exercises and prompts to encourage a curious and mindful exploration of everyday life.

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Table of Contents

    How to Be an Explorer of the World
    Summary of key ideas

    Exploring the World Around Us

    In How to Be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith, we are encouraged to see the world around us with fresh eyes. Smith introduces the concept of being an 'explorer of the world' - someone who is curious, observant, and open to new experiences. She suggests that we can find inspiration and beauty in the most ordinary of things if we approach them with a sense of wonder.

    Smith provides a series of 'exploration' exercises, each designed to help us see the world in a different way. For example, she suggests we take a walk and focus on a specific color, noting everything we see that matches it. This exercise encourages us to pay attention to details we might otherwise overlook. She also encourages us to collect objects that catch our eye, creating a personal museum of our experiences.

    Documenting Our Experiences

    As we continue our journey through How to Be an Explorer of the World, Smith emphasizes the importance of documenting our experiences. She suggests keeping a journal, sketchbook, or even a digital record of our explorations. This documentation serves as a way to preserve our memories and helps us to reflect on our experiences.

    Smith also encourages us to experiment with different ways of documenting our explorations. We might take photographs, make sketches, write poetry, or even create collages. The goal is not to create a perfect record, but to capture the essence of our experiences in a way that is meaningful to us.

    Embracing Curiosity and Creativity

    Throughout How to Be an Explorer of the World, Smith emphasizes the importance of curiosity and creativity. She suggests that we approach the world with an open mind, asking questions and seeking out new experiences. By doing so, we can cultivate a sense of wonder and find inspiration in unexpected places.

    Smith also encourages us to embrace our creativity, even if we don't consider ourselves 'artistic'. She suggests that creativity is not limited to traditional forms of art, but can be expressed in many different ways. Whether we're making a sketch, writing a poem, or simply arranging objects in a visually interesting way, we are engaging in a creative act.

    Applying Our Explorer Mindset

    In the final section of How to Be an Explorer of the World, Smith encourages us to apply our 'explorer mindset' to our everyday lives. She suggests that we can find inspiration and beauty in even the most mundane of tasks, if we approach them with curiosity and an open mind.

    Smith also reminds us that being an explorer of the world is not just about observing, but also about taking action. We can use our explorations as a source of inspiration, driving us to try new things, take risks, and embrace new opportunities.


    In conclusion, How to Be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith is a call to embrace our inner explorer. By approaching the world with curiosity, documenting our experiences, and embracing our creativity, we can find inspiration and beauty in the most unexpected places. Smith's book serves as a reminder that the world is full of wonders, waiting to be discovered by those who are willing to look.

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    What is How to Be an Explorer of the World about?

    How to Be an Explorer of the World by Keri Smith is a unique book that encourages readers to embrace their curiosity and see the world in a new light. Through a series of creative and thought-provoking exercises, Smith challenges us to observe our surroundings, collect artifacts, and document our findings. It inspires us to become more mindful and engaged explorers of our own lives.

    How to Be an Explorer of the World Review

    How to Be an Explorer of the World (2008) is a delightful book that encourages readers to discover the wonders of the world around them. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • It offers creative exercises that prompt readers to observe, question, and interact with their surroundings, sparking a sense of curiosity and exploration.
    • Through imaginative prompts and thought-provoking activities, the book invites readers to see the ordinary in extraordinary ways, transforming mundane moments into meaningful experiences.
    • With its emphasis on finding beauty in everyday life, the book inspires readers to embrace a mindful and appreciative mindset, opening their eyes to the hidden marvels of their environment.

    Who should read How to Be an Explorer of the World?

    • Curious individuals who want to develop a deeper sense of awareness
    • Creative thinkers looking for new ways to perceive and interact with their environment
    • Adventurous souls who enjoy exploring and discovering the beauty in everyday life

    About the Author

    Keri Smith is a renowned author and illustrator who has created a wide range of interactive books. With a background in the arts, Smith's work often encourages readers to engage with their surroundings and unleash their creativity. Some of her notable works include 'Wreck This Journal', 'The Imaginary World Of', and 'This Is Not a Book'. Through her unique approach, Smith has inspired countless individuals to embrace curiosity and explore the world around them.

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    How to Be an Explorer of the World FAQs 

    What is the main message of How to Be an Explorer of the World?

    The main message of How to Be an Explorer of the World is to cultivate curiosity and embrace the wonders of everyday life.

    How long does it take to read How to Be an Explorer of the World?

    The reading time for How to Be an Explorer of the World varies, but it typically takes several hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in a few minutes.

    Is How to Be an Explorer of the World a good book? Is it worth reading?

    How to Be an Explorer of the World is worth reading for those seeking inspiration and creative exploration. It offers unique perspectives and practical exercises.

    Who is the author of How to Be an Explorer of the World?

    The author of How to Be an Explorer of the World is Keri Smith.

    What to read after How to Be an Explorer of the World?

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