Stress Less, Accomplish More Book Summary - Stress Less, Accomplish More Book explained in key points
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Stress Less, Accomplish More summary

Emily Fletcher

Meditation for Extraordinary Performance

4.4 (452 ratings)
22 mins

Brief summary

Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher is a mindfulness book that introduces the Ziva Technique, a powerful tool to reduce stress, increase focus and improve performance. It includes actionable steps and meditation guidance for a more fulfilling life.

Table of Contents

    Stress Less, Accomplish More
    Summary of 7 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 7

    Meditation can transform your life.

    In 2008, the author was living her childhood dream. She was the understudy for three leading roles in a Broadway production of A Chorus Line. But instead of feeling accomplished, she was suffering from anxiety, insomnia, and constant illness. At the tender age of 27, she was even beginning to go gray.

    Then, one day, she observed a fellow understudy who seemed exceptionally calm despite being under the same pressures. When the author inquired about her secret, the actress simply replied that she meditated. At first, the author was skeptical that meditation could help improve someone’s performance. But soon she found herself on a journey that would change her life forever.

    The key message here is: Meditation can transform your life. 

    The author’s meditation journey began when she decided to attend a session held by her fellow actress’s meditation teacher. That night, she slept deeply for the first time in over a year. As her days meditating went on, things only got better. Soon, her hair color returned. And with her new confidence and calmness, she stopped worrying about what the audience thought of her – and became a better performer in the process.

    The benefits of meditation were so transformative that the author began to wonder why more people weren’t meditating. Her new practice helped her clarify her goals, and she ultimately dropped out of Broadway to become a meditation teacher.

    During her three years of study, she realized that many people are put off by meditation because they feel like they’re bad at it or simply don’t have the time. So she developed a technique for busy people from a six-thousand-year-old practice called nishkam karma yoga – Sanskrit for “union attained by action hardly taken.”

    Unlike some forms of meditation, nishkam karma doesn’t require focused concentration or even an attempt to clear your mind. But that doesn’t mean the results are any less effective. In fact, they can be downright surprising.

    The author would know. Ten years after beginning her meditation journey, she was invited to give a keynote presentation at a biohacking conference in Greece called A-Fest. Public speaking had always left her visibly shaking from anxiety. But this time she simply walked on stage, completely at ease.

    As she delivered her presentation, she felt as if she had become a vessel for knowledge to flow through to her audience. And the audience noticed her performance – the presentation received a standing ovation, and the event became a career highlight.

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    What is Stress Less, Accomplish More about?

    Stress Less, Accomplish More (2019) shows how meditation can help busy people accomplish more in their fast-paced lives. In recent years, science has revealed what meditators have known for millennia: this simple tool can be practiced anytime and anywhere to relieve stress, gain mental clarity, and improve performance across your life.

    Stress Less, Accomplish More Review

    Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher (2019) is a fascinating book that explores the power of meditation to reduce stress and increase productivity. Here's why this book is a must-read:

    • With practical techniques and guided meditations, it provides readers with the tools to manage stress and improve focus.
    • By combining scientific research with personal anecdotes, the book offers a compelling argument for the benefits of meditation.
    • Its engaging storytelling and relatable examples make it an enjoyable read, as it demystifies meditation and makes it accessible to all.

    Best quote from Stress Less, Accomplish More

    We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation.

    —Emily Fletcher
    example alt text

    Who should read Stress Less, Accomplish More?

    • High achievers looking to increase productivity
    • Frustrated meditators who want to establish a regular practice
    • Meditation skeptics eager to know what all the fuss is about

    About the Author

    Emily Fletcher is a leading expert in meditation for high performance. As the creator of The Ziva Technique and the founder of Ziva Meditation, she has been featured in the New York Times and Vogue, as well as on the Today Show and ABC News. She has also spoken about meditation and performance at Google, Harvard Business School, and Ziacom, to name just a few.

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    Stress Less, Accomplish More FAQs 

    What is the main message of Stress Less, Accomplish More?

    The main message of Stress Less, Accomplish More is that meditation can help us reduce stress and increase productivity.

    How long does it take to read Stress Less, Accomplish More?

    The reading time for Stress Less, Accomplish More varies, but it typically takes several hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Stress Less, Accomplish More a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Stress Less, Accomplish More is worth reading because it offers practical techniques for managing stress and improving focus.

    Who is the author of Stress Less, Accomplish More?

    Emily Fletcher is the author of Stress Less, Accomplish More.

    What to read after Stress Less, Accomplish More?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Stress Less, Accomplish More, here are some recommendations we suggest:
    • Stress – Your Catalyst for Success (single sourced article) by The Blinkist Team
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    • Meditation by Osho
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