John Heider Books

John Heider is a renowned author and psychologist who has made significant contributions to the field of leadership. Heider's work draws heavily from Eastern philosophy, particularly the teachings of Taoism, and he applies these principles to the realm of leadership. In addition to Tao of Leadership, he has authored several other books, such as The Tao of Daily Life and The Tao of Yiquan. Through his writings, Heider offers a unique perspective on leadership, emphasizing the importance of humility, self-awareness, and harmony in guiding others.

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Who should read Tao of Leadership?

  • Individuals in leadership roles seeking to cultivate a more effective and harmonious approach to leading others

  • Those interested in integrating Eastern philosophical principles, such as Taoism, into their leadership style

  • People looking to enhance their personal and professional development through the exploration of timeless wisdom

 Books: Tao of Leadership by John Heider

Tao of Leadership

John Heider

Who should read Tao of Leadership?

  • Individuals seeking to develop their leadership skills and abilities

  • Managers and executives looking for a new perspective on effective leadership

  • Those interested in Eastern philosophy and its application to modern leadership