The best 46 Animals books

Animals have always captivated our imagination and curiosity. Understanding their behavior, biology, and the ecosystems they inhabit can enrich our appreciation for the natural world and our place within it. Our carefully curated book list is designed to help you explore the fascinating realm of animals.

These books offer intriguing insights into the lives of various species, shedding light on their unique characteristics and the challenges they face. So, let's immerse ourselves in the wonders of the animal kingdom and embark on this awe-inspiring journey together!
The best 46 Animals books
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Animals Books: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

Eating Animals

Jonathan Safran Foer
4.3 (95 ratings)
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What's Eating Animals about?

Eating Animals (2009) offers a comprehensive view of the modern meat industry and demonstrates how the entire production process has been so completely perverted that it is unrecognizable as farming anymore.

The book explains the moral and environmental costs incurred to achieve today‘s incredibly low meat prices.

Who should read Eating Animals?

  • Anyone interested in how meat is produced today and what the consequences are for people, animals and the environment.
  • Anyone who thinks of food as an important part of their lives, from full-blooded meat-eaters to vegetarians and vegans.

Animals Books: The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

The World Without Us

Alan Weisman
4.3 (36 ratings)
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What's The World Without Us about?

The World Without Us (2007) outlines the fictional scenario where, all of a sudden, the whole of mankind disappears. With humanity missing, the process by which nature claims back what was once hers is described. Although most of the footprints left by humanity would be gone after a relatively short period, some would remain. Among these remnants would be some of the many toxic substances released by mankind, meaning that, even after we’ve gone, the damaging effects of human civilization would linger.



Who should read The World Without Us?

  • Anyone who wonders what damage humans have already done to nature
  • Anyone who wants to know if nature can recover from human interference
  • Anyone who wonders what will survive of our human culture


Animals Books: Oxygen by Nick Lane


Nick Lane
The Molecule That Made the World
4.1 (36 ratings)
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What's Oxygen about?

Oxygen (2002) is a guide to the element that is so essential to our very existence that we sometimes forget it even exists. These blinks explain how oxygen enables and boosts life on earth while simultaneously threatening it.

Who should read Oxygen?

  • Anybody fascinated by the evolution of life on Earth
  • Anyone interested in biology, chemistry or physics

Animals Books: The Genius of Dogs by Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods

The Genius of Dogs

Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods
Discovering the Unique Intelligence of Man’s Best Friend
4.2 (94 ratings)
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What's The Genius of Dogs about?

The Genius of Dogs (2013) uncovers the remarkable intelligence of man’s best four-legged friend. By first examining human intelligence, the authors go on to explain exactly what makes dogs so smart, which talents they have in common with humans and other animals, and what sets them apart.

Who should read The Genius of Dogs?

  • Dog owners or anyone considering adopting a dog
  • People interested in animal behavior and cognition
  • Veterinarians or anyone who cares for or works with dogs

Animals Books: Project Animal Farm by Sonia Faruqi

Project Animal Farm

Sonia Faruqi
An Accidental Journey into the Secret World of Farming and the Truth About Our Food
3.7 (13 ratings)
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What's Project Animal Farm about?

Project Animal Farm (2015) is all about one of the most harmful industries of our time: the modern mass production of meat, eggs and milk. It delves into the horrible conditions farm animals are kept in and the dangerous effects of factory farming on humans, animals and the environment.

Who should read Project Animal Farm?

  • Meat eaters
  • Animal rights or environmentalist activists
  • Anyone who wants to know where their food comes from

Animals Books: Comfortably Unaware by Richard A. Oppenlander

Comfortably Unaware

Richard A. Oppenlander
What We Choose to Eat is Killing Us and Our Planet
3.8 (36 ratings)
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What's Comfortably Unaware about?

Comfortably Unaware (2012) is about the impact our food choices are having on the planet. It explains how the animals that are raised for us to eat end up polluting our waters, soil and air, and why our natural resources are poorly managed.

Who should read Comfortably Unaware?

  • Meat and fish eaters
  • People who want to become environmentally conscious
  • Anyone who wants to understand the impact of our daily choices

Animals Books: Beyond Words by Carl Safina

Beyond Words

Carl Safina
What Animals Think and Feel
4.6 (29 ratings)
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What's Beyond Words about?

Beyond Words (2015) is an explanation of the animal world’s propensity for thought and feeling. These blinks walk you through the complex societies of the natural world and explain how animals think, experience real emotion and learn.

Who should read Beyond Words?

  • Anyone interested in animals
  • Pet owners
  • People who think humans are unique in nature

Animals Books: Farmageddon by Philip Lymbery with Isabel Oakeshott


Philip Lymbery with Isabel Oakeshott
The True Cost of Cheap Meat
4.6 (19 ratings)
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What's Farmageddon about?

Farmageddon (2014) is an in-depth guide to the dark reality of cheap meat. These blinks explain how industrial farming has replaced traditional methods and how it’s draining our resources, poisoning the environment and making us unhealthy.

Who should read Farmageddon?

  • Anybody interested in how we can sustainably meet the world’s food needs
  • People curious about how exactly our meat is produced
  • Anyone who wants to make healthier dietary choices

Animals Books: A Sky Full of Birds by Matt Merritt

A Sky Full of Birds

Matt Merritt
In Search of Murders, Murmurations and Britain’s Great Bird Gatherings
4.5 (11 ratings)
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What's A Sky Full of Birds about?

A Sky Full of Birds (2016) is a celebration of birdlife in Britain. These blinks offer fascinating insights into mating rituals and migration patterns and explain the cultural significance of murmurations, murders, swan songs, and more.

Who should read A Sky Full of Birds?

  • British birdwatchers keen to know more about their local wildlife
  • Avian enthusiasts interested in what the United Kingdom has to offer
  • Readers curious about the role of birds in British culture

Animals Books: Fox by Martin Wallen


Martin Wallen
4.2 (16 ratings)
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What's Fox about?

To simply explain the fascinating animal known as the fox in biological terms wouldn’t do it justice. This mysterious animal has long been the subject of countless stories and myths and cultures around the world have developed their own unique perception of the animal. Fox (2006) dives into these many myths and stories, and also shows how the fox continues to influence our language and culture.

Who should read Fox?

  • Linguists who wonder why we say “foxy”
  • Sociologists curious about how stories change the way we think about a species
  • Animal-rights activists who wonder why the fox has gotten a bad rap

Animals Books: Lesser Beasts by Mark Essig

Lesser Beasts

Mark Essig
A Snout-to-Tail History of the Humble Pig
3.7 (6 ratings)
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What's Lesser Beasts about?

Lesser Beasts (2015) relates the long and fascinating history of the pig. Often considered an inferior creature, the pig is actually the sole animal that has stayed connected to us since the beginning of our existence. The pig’s reputation has taken plenty of blows over the years – and today, due to modern farming practices, its welfare may be suffering more than ever.

Who should read Lesser Beasts?

  • Farmers who want to learn more about hog history
  • Anthropologists interested in our relationship with food over the ages
  • Foodies curious about the development of human dietary habits

Animals Books: Cod by Mark Kurlansky


Mark Kurlansky
A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World
4.3 (57 ratings)
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What's Cod about?

Cod (1997) charts the rise and fall of the codfish. A major commodity in the European market during the discovery of the New World, cod went on to cause national conflicts and, due to overfishing, eventually became vulnerable to extinction. Find out how this fish changed the world only to end up on the verge of oblivion.

Who should read Cod?

  • Foodies interested in the history of seafood
  • Conservationists curious about the dangers of overfishing
  • Students of marine biology

Animals Books: The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman

The Genius of Birds

Jennifer Ackerman
Behold the brilliance of birds!
4.5 (27 ratings)
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What's The Genius of Birds about?

The Genius of Birds (2016) is all about the incredible intellect of these winged creatures. These blinks explain the many ways birds display their intelligence, from tool making and navigation to memory and song.

Who should read The Genius of Birds?

  • People who want to know why birds chirp outside their window every morning
  • Anyone curious about neurological research in animals

Animals Books: Dazzled and Deceived by Peter Forbes

Dazzled and Deceived

Peter Forbes
Mimicry and Camouflage
5.0 (2 ratings)
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What's Dazzled and Deceived about?

Dazzled and Deceived (2009) explores the fascinating phenomenon of camouflage and mimicry in nature, where animals act like leaves and harmless prey look like ferocious predators. These blinks examine how the science of camouflage has influenced not only artistic expression but also how humans fight and win wars.

Who should read Dazzled and Deceived?

  • Biology lovers
  • Artists looking for inspiration
  • Fans of military history

Animals Books: Cat by Katharine M. Rogers


Katharine M. Rogers
4.1 (80 ratings)
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What's Cat about?

Cat (2006) offers a lovingly detailed look at the biological, historical and cultural history of our furry feline friends. Each blink looks at a different stage of development, chronicling how the relationship between humans and cats has evolved from horrific superstitious misunderstandings to domesticated bliss. Meow!

Who should read Cat?

  • Cat lovers
  • Those curious about the symbolic meaning of cats
  • Readers interested in cultural history

Animals Books: Feathers by Thor Hanson


Thor Hanson
The Evolution of a Natural Miracle
4.2 (16 ratings)
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What's Feathers about?

Feathers (2011) is all about the evolution and significance of our quilled comrades, the birds. These blinks explain how feathers originated, why they’re unique and how they have affected everything from human culture to technology.

Who should read Feathers?

  • Nature enthusiasts
  • Biologists and zoologists
  • Pilots, flight attendants and anyone interested in flying

Animals Books: The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben

The Inner Life of Animals

Peter Wohlleben
Love, Grief, and Compassion – Surprising Observations of a Hidden World
4.4 (60 ratings)
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What's The Inner Life of Animals about?

In The Inner Life of Animals (2017) Peter Wohlleben discusses the latest research on animal feelings and emotion. He draws insights from multiple studies as well as from his personal experiences of the woodland where he has lived and worked for decades. The book argues that animals’ inner lives are really not so different from our own.

Who should read The Inner Life of Animals?

  • Everyone who owns a pet
  • Anyone interested in psychology and neurology
  • Animal rights activists who could use some new arguments

Animals Books: On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

On the Origin of Species

Charles Darwin
By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
4.6 (202 ratings)
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What's On the Origin of Species about?

The Origin Of Species (1859) is Charles Darwin’s magnum opus. These blinks outline a theory of how traits are selected by nature, where the tremendous diversity of life on earth came from and how animals and plants came to be distributed across the planet.

Who should read On the Origin of Species?

  • Anyone interested in science or natural history
  • Nature lovers

Animals Books: Cannibalism by Bill Schutt


Bill Schutt
A Perfectly Natural History
3.7 (53 ratings)
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What's Cannibalism about?

Cannibalism (2017) offers a scientific, historical and cultural approach to the understanding of, well, cannibalism. These blinks explain why animals eat their own, why it’s become so taboo among humans, and why it could come back.

Who should read Cannibalism?

  • Scientists, biologists and sociologists
  • Students interested in evolution and cultural taboos
  • People who love sci-fi and dystopian fiction

Animals Books: In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

In a Sunburned Country

Bill Bryson
Discover the delights of “down under”
4.5 (27 ratings)
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What's In a Sunburned Country about?

In a Sunburned Country (2000) is Bill Bryson’s personal account of his time traveling around Australia. With stopovers in major cities, out-of-the-way mining towns and treks through the vast wilderness, it’s a travelogue packed with insights into the history, culture and wildlife of this unique nation.

Who should read In a Sunburned Country?

  • Globetrotters
  • Historians
  • Lovers of nature and wildlife

Animals Books: Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith

Other Minds

Peter Godfrey-Smith
The Octopus And The Evolution Of Intelligent Life
4.1 (161 ratings)
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What's Other Minds about?

Other Minds (2016) is an exploration of the evolution of the octopus. Once a limpet-like creature that crawled along the bottom of the ocean, the octopus is now an intelligent and unique predator. Peter Godfrey-Smith guides the reader through billions of years of evolutionary history to explain the development of complex life, while shedding light on one of the world’s most intriguing animals.

Who should read Other Minds?

  • Students of biology and zoology
  • Readers interested in evolutionary science
  • Animal lovers

Animals Books: Alex & Me by Irene Pepperberg

Alex & Me

Irene Pepperberg
How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence – and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process
4.4 (25 ratings)
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What's Alex & Me about?

Alex & Me (2008) is the heartfelt memoir of Dr. Irene Pepperberg, who reveals the amazing story of how she, along with her parrot Alex, smashed scientific boundaries with their experiments and research on avian learning, speech and cognition. Their work has forever changed the way we think about animals, as well as how we understand human nature.

Who should read Alex & Me?

  • Animal lovers
  • Students of linguistics, neuroscience and speech
  • Readers who like a good scientific breakthrough

Animals Books: Feral by George Monbiot


George Monbiot
Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life
4.1 (27 ratings)
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What's Feral about?

Feral (2013) is both an analysis and a manifesto. Author George Monbiot addresses what people are lacking in their day-to-day lives: nature and true wilderness. The book argues that certain areas should be left to nature and rewilded, and that the benefits of doing so – to both the planet and people – will soon follow.

Who should read Feral?

  • Environmentalists looking for different perspectives
  • Anyone interested in human interactions with nature
  • Land and property administrators looking to broaden their horizons

Animals Books: Power, Sex, Suicide by Nick Lane

Power, Sex, Suicide

Nick Lane
Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life
4.1 (51 ratings)
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What's Power, Sex, Suicide about?

Power, Sex, Suicide (2005) reveals the incredible role that mitochondria play in the evolution of complex life forms. The book looks at various functions of multicellular organisms, including energy generation, cellular relationships and life cycles, and demonstrates the influence of mitochondria in each of these areas.

Who should read Power, Sex, Suicide?

  • Biologists and biology students
  • People interested in the origin and evolution of life
  • Those who want to know more about life, sex and death from a biological perspective

Animals Books: The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

Steve Brusatte
A New History of a Lost World
4.6 (108 ratings)
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What's The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs about?

In The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs (2018), leading young paleontologist Steve Brusatte takes us on a journey through time and space, detailing the history of the different dinosaurs and the worlds in which they lived. He is guided by his deep knowledge of fossils and geological evidence, and is thus able to bring the fascinating stories of dinosaurs into clear focus.

Who should read The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs?

  • Anyone looking to take their knowledge of dinosaurs beyond Jurassic Park
  • Adults who loved playing with dinosaurs when they were kids
  • People interested in geology and fossils

Animals Books: The Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson

The Elephant in the Brain

Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson
Hidden Motive in Everyday Life
3.9 (101 ratings)
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What's The Elephant in the Brain about?

The Elephant in the Brain (2018) explores the selfish motives that drive much of human behavior but which we’d much rather remain unaware of.

Who should read The Elephant in the Brain?

  • Students of psychology and anthropology
  • People interested in evolutionary theory
  • Anyone curious about the dynamics of human behavior

Animals Books: The Mosquito by Timothy C. Winegard

The Mosquito

Timothy C. Winegard
A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator
4.7 (136 ratings)
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What's The Mosquito about?

The Mosquito (2019) provides a sweeping tour of human history with a novel twist. As it follows the course of the pivotal events that shaped the world in which we live today, it draws attention to some of the most important but under-appreciated factors that have influenced those events: the mosquito and the deadly diseases it carries.

Who should read The Mosquito?

  • World history buffs seeking a new perspective on pivotal events in the past 
  • People interested in how diseases have shaped our species 
  • Anyone looking for even more reasons to hate the mosquito 

Animals Books: Underbug by Lisa Margonelli


Lisa Margonelli
An Obsessive Tale of Termites and Technology
4.7 (26 ratings)
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What's Underbug about?

Underbug (2018) explores the fascinating world of a bug so unloved it might just beat cockroaches in an unpopularity contest – the termite. The result of years of research and interviews with biologists, entomologists, and geneticists, Lisa Margonelli’s study sets out to rescue the reputation of this underappreciated creature. Along the way she explores termites’ remarkable architectural powers, unpacks their strange relationship with a 250 million-year-old fungus, and shows how the microbes in their guts might just help us create a more sustainable future. 

Who should read Underbug?

  • Scientists  
  • Nature-lovers 
  • Amateur entomologists

Animals Books: A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough

A Life on Our Planet

David Attenborough
My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future
4.6 (222 ratings)
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What's A Life on Our Planet about?

A Life on Our Planet (2020) is celebrated naturalist David Attenborough’s account of the incredible wonders he’s seen in his 94 years on Earth – and a vivid warning of what will happen if we continue on our current path. It’s accompanied by a Netflix documentary of the same name.

Who should read A Life on Our Planet?

  • Anyone who loves nature television
  • Those concerned about global warming
  • People who want to take action to save our planet before it’s too late

Animals Books: The Book of Humans by Adam Rutherford

The Book of Humans

Adam Rutherford
A Brief History of Culture, Sex, War and the Evolution of Us
4.3 (221 ratings)
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What's The Book of Humans about?

The Book of Humans (2018) is an accessible tour of evolutionary history. It illuminates both the many qualities we share with animals and the many others that set us apart. Incorporating the latest scientific discoveries from genetics and archaeology, it provides a thrilling compendium of the rich variety of life on Earth.

Who should read The Book of Humans?

  • People seeking a primer on evolutionary biology
  • Darwin enthusiasts
  • Animal lovers

Animals Books: The Bird Way by Jennifer Ackerman

The Bird Way

Jennifer Ackerman
A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think
4.3 (41 ratings)
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What's The Bird Way about?

The Bird Way (2020) is a study of birds that harnesses both the expertise of the scientist and the joy of the birdwatcher. A celebration of the mind-boggling diversity of birds and their behavior, it explores the globe in pursuit of the inner workings of the avian mind. From Costa Rica’s teeming rainforests to the magpie-menaced suburbs of Australian cities, it explores how birds as different as ant followers, parrots, raptors, and ravens play, parent, and hunt.

Who should read The Bird Way?

  • Birdwatchers 
  • Scientists 
  • Nature lovers

Animals Books: Honeybee Democracy by Thomas D. Seeley

Honeybee Democracy

Thomas D. Seeley
4.5 (64 ratings)
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What's Honeybee Democracy about?

Honeybee Democracy (2010) traces the fascinating story of how bees decide where to build their new hive. Using highly evolved skills, like independent research and community debate, the bees’ deeply democratic decision-making process is a model we can all learn from. 

Who should read Honeybee Democracy?

  • Popular science enthusiasts with a fondness for insects
  • Politics buffs who want to learn about democratic systems
  • Anyone and everyone who thinks bees are cool

Animals Books: The Book of Eels by Patrik Svensson

The Book of Eels

Patrik Svensson
Our Enduring Fascination with the Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World
4.6 (32 ratings)
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What's The Book of Eels about?

The Book of Eels (2020) takes the reader on a zoological odyssey spanning thousands of years. It’s the story of the eel – a creature that has enthralled humanity with its strange and complex life cycle. Countless scientists have dedicated their careers to the enigma of this fish, which has evolved to undergo several metamorphoses over the course of its life and to endure a grueling migration across the Atlantic to breed. But the eel has proven to be an elusive creature, and there are still many secrets about its life that it seems intent on keeping to itself.

Who should read The Book of Eels?

  • Nature lovers who are fascinated by strange stories from the great outdoors
  • Fans of mysteries that stubbornly resist explanation 
  • Environmentalists concerned about humans’ effect on the future of the eel

Animals Books: The Eight Master Lessons of Nature by Gary Ferguson

The Eight Master Lessons of Nature

Gary Ferguson
What Nature Teaches Us About Living Well in the World
4.5 (171 ratings)
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What's The Eight Master Lessons of Nature about?

The Eight Master Lessons of Nature (2019) is a reflective treatise on what nature can teach us about living well. Carefully observing many forms of life, from forest mushrooms to mighty elephants, the guide reveals valuable lessons they may hold for us. In doing so, it invites us to look again at the wild world around us with a renewed sense of awe and wonder.

Who should read The Eight Master Lessons of Nature?

  • City slickers seeking a greener life
  • Nature lovers looking for a deeper connection
  • Those searching for a more mellow approach to living

Animals Books: Under a White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert

Under a White Sky

Elizabeth Kolbert
The Nature of the Future
4.3 (101 ratings)
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What's Under a White Sky about?

For thousands of years, we humans have been struggling against nature. Under a White Sky (2021) explores the problems that come about when we win that fight –⁠ and how scientists, engineers, and others are trying to fix them. From the quaint to the grandiose, from the quirky to the terrifying, it’s our responsibility to explore all available remedies for the deep damage we’ve wrought.

Who should read Under a White Sky?

  • Anyone concerned about the state of the natural world
  • Plant and animal lovers
  • Futurists curious about global changes

Animals Books: The Secret World of Weather by Tristan Gooley

The Secret World of Weather

Tristan Gooley
How to Read Signs in Every Cloud, Breeze, Hill, Street, Plant, Animal, and Dewdrop
4.4 (211 ratings)
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What's The Secret World of Weather about?

The Secret World of Weather (2021) teaches you how to speak the forgotten language of local climates. Clouds, winds, plants, and other features of our environment all give us clues about the weather as we actually experience it versus what we’ve heard on the daily forecast. With just a little practice, you’ll find it easy to tune into their secret messages and start making your own weather forecasts.

Who should read The Secret World of Weather?

  • Hikers, bikers, and wandering spirits
  • City dwellers looking to reconnect with nature
  • Anyone who doesn’t quite trust their weather app!

Animals Books: Our Wild Calling by Richard Louv

Our Wild Calling

Richard Louv
How Connecting with Animals Can Transform Our Lives—and Save Theirs
4.5 (46 ratings)
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What's Our Wild Calling about?

Our Wild Calling (2020) examines how humans and other animals can enjoy mutually beneficial relationships. It explores stories and philosophy from the ecological movement, and outlines how we can move toward a more hopeful future for all Earthlings. 

Who should read Our Wild Calling?

  • Nature lovers looking for inspiration
  • Office dwellers seeking ways to reconnect with nature
  • Anyone looking for direct ways to respond to global climate change

Animals Books: The New Breed by Kate Darling

The New Breed

Kate Darling
What Our History with Animals Reveals about Our Future with Robots
4.1 (43 ratings)
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What's The New Breed about?

The New Breed (2021) offers new insights into the ongoing debate surrounding robots and artificial intelligence. Instead of looking at robots as a human replacement or threat, the author sees a more accurate comparison in the long relationship we’ve had with autonomous animals, which have helped us feel better and get work done.

Who should read The New Breed?

  • Popular science enthusiasts
  • Panicking futurists
  • Technophobes

Animals Books: If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal by Justin Gregg

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal

Justin Gregg
What Animal Intelligence Reveals about Human Stupidity
4.3 (199 ratings)
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What's If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal about?

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal (2022) takes a playful yet profoundly meaningful look at what makes humans so different from the other animals on the planet. In doing so, it makes a strong case for why the human mind may be dangerously unsuccessful from an evolutionary standpoint.

Who should read If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal?

  • Animal lovers and pet owners
  • Science geeks
  • People worried about the fate of humanity

Animals Books: An Immense World by Ed Yong

An Immense World

Ed Yong
How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us
4.5 (122 ratings)
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What's An Immense World about?

An Immense World (2022) explores the sensory worlds of animals, highlighting how they differ from the human experience. Tracing sight, sound, touch, and more, it shares the various ways animals sense our world – and the extra information they glean with the help of their specialized senses.

Who should read An Immense World?

  • People interested in how animals make sense of their environment
  • Animal lovers
  • Anyone curious about the natural world

Animals Books: Moby Dick by Herman Melville

Moby Dick

Herman Melville
4.5 (83 ratings)
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What's Moby Dick about?

Moby Dick (1851) is an enduring classic of American literature. From the perspective of a boat hand named Ishmael, it tells the story of an ill-fated voyage aboard the Pequod, a whaling vessel. With humor and attention to the smallest detail, it explains how a crew came under the spell of the obsessed Captain Ahab, who had only one mission in life: to kill the giant white whale known as Moby Dick.

Who should read Moby Dick?

  • Fans of classic literature
  • Anyone who likes a good tale of adventure
  • Landlubbers and salty sea dogs alike

Animals Books: Waking the Tiger by Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick

Waking the Tiger

Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick
Healing Trauma
4.1 (421 ratings)
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What's Waking the Tiger about?

Waking the Tiger (1997) offers an enlightening perspective on trauma by exploring the dynamics that make wild animals virtually immune to traumatic symptoms. Using this knowledge, it then provides a pathway to healing through exercises that focus on bodily sensations.

Who should read Waking the Tiger?

  • Trauma survivors looking to understand and heal their symptoms
  • Readers fascinated by animal behavior and human nature
  • Anyone drawn to explore how awareness, instinct, and resilience can transform suffering

Animals Books: All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot

All Creatures Great and Small

James Herriot
4.3 (113 ratings)
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What's All Creatures Great and Small about?

All Creatures Great and Small (1972) is a semi-autobiographical chronicle of the life and adventures of young veterinarian James Herriot during the 1930s and ’40s. Blending humor, warmth, and vivid storytelling, it beautifully captures the challenges and joys of veterinary practice in rural England. Ultimately, it offers a delightful and heartfelt portrayal of the bond between humans and animals as well as the enduring spirit of community.

Who should read All Creatures Great and Small?

  • Veterinarians and veterinary students
  • Animal lovers and nature enthusiasts
  • Anyone interested in a cozy, nostalgic story

Animals Books: Finding Winnie by Lindsay Mattick

Finding Winnie

Lindsay Mattick
The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear

What's Finding Winnie about?

This heartwarming true story follows a veterinarian named Harry Colebourn who adopts an orphaned bear cub and names her Winnie. Set during World War I, the book recounts the incredible journey of Winnie and the bond she forms with Harry, ultimately leading her to become the inspiration for A.A. Milne's beloved character, Winnie-the-Pooh. A tale of friendship, love, and the power of storytelling, "Finding Winnie" is a delightful read for all ages.

Who should read Finding Winnie?

  • Parents and caregivers who want to teach children about history and the power of love
  • Readers who enjoy heartwarming and beautifully illustrated true stories
  • Anyone interested in the origins of the beloved character Winnie the Pooh

Animals Books: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Goodnight Moon

Margaret Wise Brown

What's Goodnight Moon about?

Goodnight Moon is a classic children's book that takes readers on a soothing journey through a little bunny's bedtime routine. With its simple yet captivating rhymes and beautiful illustrations by Clement Hurd, the book has been a beloved bedtime story for generations. It's a comforting and calming read that helps children wind down and prepare for sleep.

Who should read Goodnight Moon?

  • Parents or caregivers who want to engage their young children in a calming bedtime routine
  • Adults who appreciate simple and beautifully illustrated children's books
  • Individuals who enjoy nostalgic stories that evoke a sense of comfort and tranquility

Animals Books: Horse Health Care by Cherry Hill

Horse Health Care

Cherry Hill

What's Horse Health Care about?

Horse Health Care by Cherry Hill is a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of equine health. From preventive care and nutrition to first aid and common illnesses, this book provides valuable information for horse owners and caretakers. With clear explanations and practical tips, it aims to help readers keep their horses healthy and happy.

Who should read Horse Health Care?

  • Equine enthusiasts who want to ensure their horse's well-being

  • Horse owners looking to expand their knowledge of equine health

  • Veterinary professionals seeking comprehensive information on horse care

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When it comes to Animals, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
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  • Alan Weisman
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