The best 29 France books

Bonjour! Welcome to our book list on France, a country known for its rich history, culture, and vibrant lifestyle. Embark on a literary journey through the charming streets of Paris, the picturesque vineyards of Provence, and the breathtaking beauty of the French Riviera.
Discover the stories of iconic figures like Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Antoinette, and delve into the works of renowned French authors such as Victor Hugo and Simone de Beauvoir. Whether you're planning a trip or simply want to immerse yourself in the magic of France, this collection is a must-read. Allez-y!

The best 29 France books
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France Books: The Song of Roland by Anonymous

The Song of Roland

4.9 (10 ratings)
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What's The Song of Roland about?

The Song of Roland (ca. the eleventh century) is an anonymous epic poem that tells the heroic deeds of Frankish king Charlemagne’s knights in their battle against Muslim Saracens in Spain. One of them, military leader Roland, bravely leads his men against the enemy – risking death to defend chivalry, honor, and the Christian religion. 

Who should read The Song of Roland?

  • Fans of epic poetry and ancient literature
  • History buffs interested in medieval Europe and early French culture
  • Military history enthusiasts wanting to read early accounts of battles

What's Reflections on the Revolution in France about?

Published in 1790, "Reflections on the Revolution in France" is a political pamphlet by Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke. In this influential work, Burke criticizes the French Revolution and its radical ideas, arguing for the preservation of traditional institutions and gradual reform instead of violent upheaval. The book offers a conservative perspective on the events unfolding in France at the time and raises important questions about the nature of political change and the role of tradition in society.

Who should read Reflections on the Revolution in France?

  • Readers interested in gaining insight into the French Revolution
  • Individuals who enjoy political discourse and analysis
  • History enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive perspective on a significant historical event

France Books: The Lover by Marguerite Duras

The Lover

Marguerite Duras

What's The Lover about?

The Lover is a semi-autobiographical novel that tells the story of a young French girl's affair with a wealthy Chinese man in 1920s colonial Vietnam. It explores themes of love, desire, and power dynamics, and is known for its lyrical prose and evocative portrayal of a forbidden romance.

Who should read The Lover?

  • Readers who enjoy emotionally intense and lyrical literature
  • Individuals interested in exploring complex relationships and the impact of colonialism on personal identity
  • Those who appreciate autobiographical novels with a distinct narrative voice

What's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea about?

This classic science fiction novel follows the adventures of Captain Nemo and his submarine, the Nautilus, as they journey through the depths of the ocean. Filled with fascinating descriptions of marine life and underwater landscapes, the book explores themes of exploration, technology, and the mysteries of the deep sea. It's a thrilling and imaginative tale that has captivated readers for generations.

Who should read Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?

  • Readers who enjoy adventure and exploration
  • Individuals who are interested in marine biology and underwater exploration
  • Anyone looking for a classic work of science fiction

France Books: The Death of the Author by Roland Barthes

The Death of the Author

Roland Barthes
Reflections on Photography

What's The Death of the Author about?

In this influential work, Roland Barthes challenges the traditional notion of the author as the sole authority on the meaning of a text. He argues that once a work is published, the author's intentions become irrelevant, and the reader's interpretation is what truly matters. Barthes explores the implications of this shift in perspective for literary criticism and the understanding of literature. A thought-provoking and controversial book that continues to spark debate in the field of literary theory.

Who should read The Death of the Author?

  • Readers who are interested in literary theory and the role of the author in the creation of meaning
  • People who enjoy philosophical and critical analysis of literature and art
  • Students of literature, criticism, or cultural studies

France Books: The Wanderer by Henri Alain

The Wanderer

Henri Alain

What's The Wanderer about?

The Wanderer is a captivating novel that follows the journey of a young man who sets out on a quest to find meaning and purpose in his life. As he travels through different countries and encounters various people, he learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of following one's own path. This thought-provoking book delves into themes of self-discovery and the universal search for fulfillment.

Who should read The Wanderer?

  • Readers who enjoy introspective journeys through personal growth and self-discovery
  • Those who appreciate beautifully written and thought-provoking literature
  • People who are interested in exploring themes of wanderlust, human connection, and the meaning of life

France Books: Discourse on Method by René Descartes

Discourse on Method

René Descartes

What's Discourse on Method about?

In this influential philosophical work, René Descartes presents his method of doubt and reasoning as a means to attain certainty in knowledge. Through a series of meditations, he challenges traditional beliefs and seeks to establish a foundation for truth based on reason and skepticism. The book is a groundbreaking exploration of epistemology and the pursuit of truth.

Who should read Discourse on Method?

  • Curious minds seeking a logical and rational approach to understanding the world
  • Philosophy enthusiasts interested in the foundations of modern thought
  • Those looking to challenge and refine their own thinking processes

France Books: Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert

What's Madame Bovary about?

Madame Bovary is a novel that tells the story of Emma Bovary, a young woman who is dissatisfied with her provincial life and seeks escape through romantic fantasies. As she becomes increasingly disillusioned with her marriage and social status, Emma's pursuit of passion and luxury leads to tragic consequences. The novel is a critique of bourgeois society and the consequences of living a life based on unrealistic ideals.

Who should read Madame Bovary?

  • Readers who enjoy exploring the complexities of human nature and relationships
  • Individuals interested in examining the consequences of pursuing unrealistic ideals and dreams
  • Those who appreciate beautifully crafted and thought-provoking literature

France Books: The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan

The Book of the City of Ladies

Christine de Pizan

What's The Book of the City of Ladies about?

The Book of the City of Ladies is a groundbreaking work by Christine de Pizan that challenges the misogynistic views of her time. Written in the 15th century, the book presents a utopian city where women are celebrated for their intelligence, strength, and accomplishments. Through a series of dialogues with historical and mythological figures, de Pizan builds a powerful argument for gender equality and the importance of women's contributions to society. This influential work continues to inspire feminist thought and activism today.

Who should read The Book of the City of Ladies?

  • Readers interested in feminist literature and the history of women's roles in society
  • People looking for inspiration and empowerment from strong female voices
  • Anyone curious about the impact of literature on social and cultural change

France Books: Surrealist Manifesto by André Breton

Surrealist Manifesto

André Breton

What's Surrealist Manifesto about?

In this influential manifesto, André Breton outlines the principles and goals of the Surrealist movement. He explores the power of the unconscious mind, the importance of dreams and free association, and the rejection of rational thought. Breton calls for a revolution in art and society, advocating for the liberation of the imagination and the pursuit of true creative freedom. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the Surrealist movement and its impact on the art world.

Who should read Surrealist Manifesto?

  • Enthusiasts of surrealism and avant-garde art
  • Artists looking to explore new creative techniques and perspectives
  • Curious individuals fascinated by the inner workings of the human subconscious

France Books: Tartuffe by Molière



What's Tartuffe about?

"Tartuffe" is a classic French play written by Molière. It tells the story of a wealthy man named Orgon who is deceived by the hypocritical and manipulative Tartuffe. The play explores themes of religious hypocrisy, gullibility, and the consequences of blind faith. It is a satirical and thought-provoking work that continues to be relevant today.

Who should read Tartuffe?

  • Readers who enjoy satirical and comedic literature
  • People interested in exploring themes of hypocrisy and deception in society
  • Those who want to delve into classic French plays and the works of Molière

France Books: Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean-Paul Sartre

What's Existentialism is a Humanism about?

In this influential work, Jean-Paul Sartre explores the philosophy of existentialism and its implications for human existence. He argues that individuals have the freedom to create their own meaning and values in a world without inherent purpose. Sartre also addresses criticisms of existentialism and offers a humanistic perspective on the importance of personal responsibility and authenticity. This book is a thought-provoking examination of the nature of existence and the choices we make as human beings.

Who should read Existentialism is a Humanism?

  • Individuals seeking a deeper understanding of existentialism and its impact on human life and philosophy
  • Readers who are curious about Jean-Paul Sartre's perspective on existentialism
  • Those interested in exploring the complexities of human existence and the choices we make

France Books: Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes

Camera Lucida

Roland Barthes
Reflections on Photography

What's Camera Lucida about?

Camera Lucida is a philosophical and personal reflection on photography by Roland Barthes. Through a combination of personal anecdotes, cultural analysis, and theoretical exploration, Barthes examines the nature of photography and its ability to capture the essence of a moment. He delves into the concept of the "punctum" - the element in a photograph that pierces the viewer and evokes an emotional response. This thought-provoking book offers a unique perspective on the power and significance of photography in our lives.

Who should read Camera Lucida?

  • Photography enthusiasts seeking a deeper understanding of the art form
  • People interested in the intersection of personal experience and cultural analysis
  • Readers looking for a thought-provoking exploration of the power of images

France Books: Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan

Bonjour Tristesse

Francoise Sagan

What's Bonjour Tristesse about?

Bonjour Tristesse is a classic novel by Françoise Sagan that delves into the complexities of love, jealousy, and family dynamics. Set on the French Riviera, the story follows seventeen-year-old Cécile as she navigates her father's romantic entanglements and grapples with her own feelings. With its evocative prose and thought-provoking themes, this book offers a captivating exploration of human emotions.

Who should read Bonjour Tristesse?

  • Those who enjoy classic French literature or coming-of-age stories
  • Readers who appreciate nuanced and complex characters
  • People interested in exploring themes of love, jealousy, and existential angst

France Books: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

The Alice Network

Kate Quinn

What's The Alice Network about?

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn is a gripping historical fiction novel that intertwines the stories of two women during World War I and post-World War II. It follows the journey of a female spy and a young American socialite as they join forces to uncover the truth about a traitor in their midst. Filled with suspense, betrayal, and the resilience of the human spirit, this book is a must-read for fans of historical fiction.

Who should read The Alice Network?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction with strong female characters
  • Those interested in stories of espionage and resistance during World War I and World War II
  • People who appreciate layered narratives that intertwine past and present


What's A Place of Greater Safety about?

A Place of Greater Safety is a historical novel by Hilary Mantel that delves into the lives of Maximilien Robespierre, Georges Danton, and Camille Desmoulins during the French Revolution. Set against the backdrop of political turmoil, the book offers a gripping portrayal of power, friendship, and betrayal as these three men navigate their roles in shaping the course of history.

Who should read A Place of Greater Safety?

  • History enthusiasts who are curious about the French Revolution

  • Readers who enjoy character-driven narratives with complex relationships

  • Individuals who appreciate thought-provoking explorations of power and its consequences

France Books: A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke

A Year in the Merde

Stephen Clarke

What's A Year in the Merde about?

A Year in the Merde is a hilarious and insightful book by Stephen Clarke that takes a witty look at the cultural differences between the British and the French. Through the eyes of his protagonist, Clarke provides an entertaining account of the challenges and absurdities encountered during a year spent living and working in Paris.

Who should read A Year in the Merde?

  • Those who enjoy humorous and light-hearted observations about cultural differences

  • People with an interest in French culture and society

  • Readers who appreciate a first-person narrative with a witty and sarcastic tone

France Books: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle

A Year in Provence

Peter Mayle

What's A Year in Provence about?

A Year in Provence is a delightful memoir by Peter Mayle that chronicles his experiences as an expatriate in the picturesque countryside of Provence, France. Through charming anecdotes and vivid descriptions, Mayle captures the beauty of the region, its unique customs, and the challenges of adapting to a new way of life. This book is a wonderful escape to the French countryside and a celebration of the simple pleasures in life.

Who should read A Year in Provence?

  • Travel enthusiasts who want to explore the beauty of Provence

  • People looking for a lighthearted and humorous memoir about living in a different culture

  • Readers who enjoy vivid descriptions of food, wine, and the art of slow living

France Books: Almost French by Sarah Turnbull

Almost French

Sarah Turnbull

What's Almost French about?

Almost French is a captivating memoir by Sarah Turnbull that chronicles her journey from Australia to France. With humor and honesty, Turnbull shares her experiences of adapting to the French way of life, navigating cultural differences, and falling in love with a Frenchman. It offers a unique perspective on what it means to embrace a new culture and find a sense of belonging.

Who should read Almost French?

  • Individuals who are interested in French culture and the expat experience

  • Readers who enjoy personal memoirs with a humorous and insightful tone

  • People who want to explore the challenges and rewards of adapting to a new country and way of life

France Books: Bonjour tristesse by Francoise Sagan

Bonjour tristesse

Francoise Sagan

What's Bonjour tristesse about?

Bonjour tristesse (Hello Sadness) is a novel by Françoise Sagan that delves into the complexities of love, jealousy, and family dynamics. Set on the French Riviera, the story follows 17-year-old Cécile and her father's romantic entanglements during a summer vacation. With lyrical prose and a captivating narrative, Sagan explores the consequences of impulsive actions and the fleeting nature of happiness.

Who should read Bonjour tristesse?

  • Readers who enjoy coming-of-age stories with complex characters

  • Those interested in exploring the themes of love, jealousy, and the consequences of selfishness

  • People who appreciate beautifully written prose and evocative descriptions of the French Riviera


What's Five Quarters of the Orange about?

Five Quarters of the Orange is a captivating novel by Joanne Harris that delves into family secrets, betrayal, and the power of memory. Set in a small village in France, the story follows a woman named Framboise who returns to her childhood home and uncovers the dark truths hidden within her family history. With rich descriptions of food and a haunting narrative, this book will keep you hooked until the very end.

Who should read Five Quarters of the Orange?

  • Readers who enjoy stories with rich and vivid descriptions of food and cooking

  • Those interested in exploring complex family dynamics and the impact of the past on the present

  • Individuals who appreciate atmospheric and evocative storytelling

France Books: Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran

Madame Tussaud

Michelle Moran

What's Madame Tussaud about?

Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran is a captivating historical novel that delves into the life of the legendary wax sculptor, Marie Tussaud. Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, the book takes us on a journey through Marie's extraordinary career and the dramatic events that shaped her life. Filled with intrigue, betrayal, and resilience, this novel offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of 18th-century France.

Who should read Madame Tussaud?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction set during the French Revolution

  • People interested in the life and experiences of Madame Tussaud

  • Those who appreciate stories with strong female protagonists

France Books: Marie Antoinette by Antonia Fraser

Marie Antoinette

Antonia Fraser

What's Marie Antoinette about?

Marie Antoinette by Antonia Fraser is a captivating biography that delves into the life of the infamous queen of France. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, Fraser paints a vivid picture of Marie Antoinette's journey from an Austrian princess to the center of the French Revolution. The book offers a fresh perspective on her character and challenges the misconceptions surrounding her reign.

Who should read Marie Antoinette?

  • History enthusiasts who want to learn more about the life of Marie Antoinette

  • Readers interested in the French Revolution and its impact on royalty

  • Individuals curious about the personal experiences and challenges faced by a controversial historical figure

France Books: Submission by Michel Houellebecq


Michel Houellebecq

What's Submission about?

Submission is a thought-provoking novel by Michel Houellebecq that delves into the complexities of religion, politics, and societal change. Set in a near-future France, the story follows a disillusioned academic who becomes entangled in the rise of a Muslim political party. Through its compelling narrative, the book raises important questions about power, identity, and the potential consequences of cultural shifts.

Who should read Submission?

  • Readers who enjoy thought-provoking and controversial literature

  • Individuals interested in exploring the intersection of religion and politics

  • Those who appreciate satirical and darkly humorous storytelling


What's The Discovery of France about?

The Discovery of France by Graham Robb is a captivating exploration of the hidden landscapes and cultural diversity of France. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, Robb uncovers the forgotten history and regional identities that shaped the country. From the rugged mountains of the Pyrenees to the bustling streets of Paris, this book offers a fresh perspective on France's rich and complex heritage.

Who should read The Discovery of France?

  • Readers who are curious about the history and culture of France

  • Those who enjoy travel narratives and exploring different regions

  • People with an interest in social and geographical exploration

France Books: The Dressmaker's Gift by Fiona Valpy

What's The Dressmaker's Gift about?

The Dressmaker's Gift by Fiona Valpy is a captivating historical fiction novel that weaves together the lives of three women during World War II. Set in the picturesque town of Carriveau, France, the story follows Vianne, Isabelle, and the determined young seamstress, Emeline. As they navigate love, loss, and the harsh realities of war, their lives become intricately entwined in ways they never could have imagined.

Who should read The Dressmaker's Gift?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction, particularly stories set during World War II

  • Those interested in the role of women in wartime and their contributions to the resistance

  • People who appreciate a multi-generational narrative that explores family secrets and connections

What's The Girl You Left Behind about?

The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes tells the story of two women, separated by a century, whose lives are connected by a painting. Set during World War I and in present day London, the novel explores love, sacrifice, and the lengths we will go to for the ones we care about. It is a captivating tale that delves into the complexities of art, war, and the enduring power of love.

Who should read The Girl You Left Behind?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction with a touch of romance

  • Those interested in stories that span different time periods and intertwine characters' lives

  • People who appreciate thought-provoking themes and moral dilemmas

France Books: The Greater Journey by David McCullough

The Greater Journey

David McCullough

What's The Greater Journey about?

The Greater Journey by David McCullough is a captivating exploration of the transformative experiences of American expatriates in 19th-century Paris. Through the stories of artists, writers, and medical professionals, McCullough unveils the profound impact of their time in the City of Light on their personal and professional lives, as well as its influence on the cultural exchange between America and France.

Who should read The Greater Journey?

  • Readers who are fascinated by the history of Paris and its impact on American culture

  • Individuals who enjoy biographies and stories of remarkable individuals

  • Those who appreciate well-researched and engaging non-fiction narratives

France Books: The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure

The Paris Architect

Charles Belfoure

What's The Paris Architect about?

The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure is a gripping historical fiction novel set in Nazi-occupied Paris. It follows the story of an architect who is asked to design secret hiding places for Jews. As he becomes more involved in the resistance, he must navigate the dangerous world of deception and betrayal. The book delves into themes of morality, courage, and the power of human connection.

Who should read The Paris Architect?

  • Readers who enjoy historical fiction set during World War II

  • Those interested in stories about moral dilemmas and acts of bravery

  • People who appreciate detailed descriptions of architecture and its impact on society

Related Topics

France Books

What's the best France book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The Song of Roland as the ultimate read on France.

What are the Top 10 France books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The Song of Roland by Anonymous
  • Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke
  • The Lover by Marguerite Duras
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  • The Death of the Author by Roland Barthes
  • The Wanderer by Henri Alain
  • Discourse on Method by René Descartes
  • Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  • The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan
  • Surrealist Manifesto by André Breton

Who are the top France book authors?

When it comes to France, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Anonymous
  • Edmund Burke
  • Marguerite Duras
  • Jules Verne
  • Roland Barthes