The best 100 Goals books

Goals drive us to success, pushing us towards achievements big and small. Our list delves into various aspects of goal setting, motivation, and tracking progress, enriching your understanding of goal attainment.

With these insightful reads, you'll gain practical tips, new perspectives, and the motivation to crush your goals. Ready to kickstart your journey to success? Dive into our handpicked selection now!

The best 100 Goals books
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Goals Books: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

The ONE Thing

Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results
4.6 (752 ratings)
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What's The ONE Thing about?

The ONE Thing (2013) helps you to discover your most important goal, and gives you tools to ensure you can use your time productively to get there. The book reveals that many of the maxims we accept as good practice are actually myths that only hinder our progress. It also provides advice on how to live your life with priority, purpose and productivity without sending other aspects of life out of balance, because this is the way to perform the kind of focused work that leads to great success.

Who should read The ONE Thing?

  • Anyone looking to improve their productivity
  • Anyone who has trouble finding time to commit to their goal
  • Anyone looking for greater clarity and purpose in their daily life

Goals Books: The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler

The Rise of Superman

Steven Kotler
Decoding The Science of Ultimate Human Performance
4.4 (190 ratings)
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What's The Rise of Superman about?

The Rise of Superman examines the top performers in extreme sports in order to gain insight into how they use flow, i.e., the transcendental experience of being in “the zone,” to accomplish their amazing feats and connects the dots between the experience of flow and the neurology behind it.

Who should read The Rise of Superman?

  • Anyone interested in achieving optimal performance
  • Anyone involved in extreme sports
  • Anyone interested in neuroscience and the mind

Goals Books: First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill

First Things First

Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy
4.6 (778 ratings)
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What's First Things First about?

This title provides you with valuable insights and guidelines that will help you focus your life on the things that are truly the most meaningful. You’ll learn how to set your priorities, make the best decisions, and develop a keen vision for the future. If you’re looking to create positive change in your life, this book is a great place to start!

Who should read First Things First?

  • Anyone who feels a lack of inner peace, balance or meaning in life
  • Anyone who wants to use his or her time more effectively
  • Anyone who has a hard time making big decisions
  • Anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her life

Goals Books: Scrum by Jeff Sutherland


Jeff Sutherland
The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
4.4 (361 ratings)
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What's Scrum about?

Learn all about Scrum, the project management system that has revolutionized the technology industry. This is a uniquely adaptive, flexible system that allows teams to plan realistically and adjust their goals through constant feedback. By using Scrum, your team can improve their productivity (and the final result) without creating needless stress or working longer hours.

Who should read Scrum?

  • Anyone whose business is struggling to make ends meet
  • Anyone who wants to be more productive in less time
  • Anyone who manages a team

Goals Books: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

The Happiness Advantage

Shawn Achor
The Seven Principles that Fuel Success and Performance at Work
4.5 (310 ratings)
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What's The Happiness Advantage about?

The Happiness Advantage looks into the origins of happiness and the positive effects that happiness has on our productivity. Based on extensive research in positive psychology, the book offers concrete tips on how to increase your own happiness and thus your chances for success.

Who should read The Happiness Advantage?

  • Anyone who thinks happiness is the reward for hard work
  • Anyone who feels too stressed to cope
  • Anyone who could use just a little more happiness in his or her life

Goals Books: The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard

The Motivation Manifesto

Brendon Burchard
Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power
3.9 (260 ratings)
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What's The Motivation Manifesto about?

The Motivation Manifesto (2014) explains the fundamental driving forces of human nature and how these either help us realize or keep us from our life’s goals. In a few easy steps, you’ll learn how to inspire and increase your own levels of motivation to live a happier life.

Who should read The Motivation Manifesto?

  • Anyone looking for a motivation boost
  • Anyone feeling unsatisfied with how they’re living life
  • Anyone with a big idea they want to see realized

Goals Books: Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog!

Brian Tracy
21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
4.4 (1,036 ratings)
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What's Eat That Frog! about?

Eat That Frog! is all about overcoming procrastination and learning to manage your time. It’s normal to feel drowned in work, but when you learn to “eat your frogs” – meaning do your most important tasks first – you’ll work more efficiently and be happier too.

Who should read Eat That Frog!?

  • Procrastinators anonymous
  • Anyone with a goal to achieve
  • Those overwhelmed by all the work they have to do

Goals Books: The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling
Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
4.4 (265 ratings)
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What's The 4 Disciplines of Execution about?

The 4 Disciplines of Execution (2012) is a manual for CEOs and managers, showing leaders how to execute their strategic goals by getting their staff to behave differently. By introducing the four disciplines of execution, you’ll help motivate your team to achieve broader company goals.

Who should read The 4 Disciplines of Execution?

  • CEOs, managers and company leaders who want to execute their strategic goals
  • Students of economics and management
  • Anyone who wants to see their organization achieve its goals

Goals Books: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

Better Than Before

Gretchen Rubin
Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives
4.1 (314 ratings)
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What's Better Than Before about?

Better Than Before (2015) gives you the strategies to both create and maintain good, healthy habits, and break the habits that don’t serve you.

Who should read Better Than Before?

  • Anyone who wants to pick up and maintain good habits
  • Anyone wishing to kick a bad habit

Goals Books: The Opposite of Spoiled by Ron Lieber

The Opposite of Spoiled

Ron Lieber
Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money
4.5 (84 ratings)
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What's The Opposite of Spoiled about?

The Opposite of Spoiled (2015) is the essential guide to raising patient, generous children through financial education. These blinks will show you how to guide your child’s development by talking to them about money, involving them in financial decisions and showing them the importance of generosity and work.

Who should read The Opposite of Spoiled?

  • Parents or people considering having children
  • Teachers and those who work with kids
  • Anyone concerned that today’s children are growing up spoiled

Goals Books: Spartan Up! by Joe de Sena

Spartan Up!

Joe de Sena
A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life
3.8 (142 ratings)
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What's Spartan Up! about?

Spartan Up! (2014) is an in-depth guide to living life to its fullest by challenging yourself and being the best person you can be. The “Spartan” way of life draws inspiration from the Spartans of ancient Greece; implement their philosophies in a modern context to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Who should read Spartan Up!?

  • Anyone interested in extreme sports
  • Anyone looking to challenge themselves and try something new
  • Anyone fed up with the boredom and mediocrity of modern life

Goals Books: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese?

Spencer Johnson
An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life
4.4 (387 ratings)
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What's Who Moved My Cheese? about?

Revealing business wisdom through a modern parable, Who Moved My Cheese (1998) offers valuable lessons on how to best manage change in your life. Whether you’re struggling amid a business downturn or trying to find a graceful way to handle a struggling relationship, this book gives you the tools to better understand human nature and see change as a positive force.

Who should read Who Moved My Cheese??

  • Entrepreneurs looking for a better way to manage change at work
  • People struggling with personal relationships
  • Employees dealing with layoffs or other corporate changes

Goals Books: The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner

The Practicing Mind

Thomas M. Sterner
Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life
3.9 (180 ratings)
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What's The Practicing Mind about?

The Practicing Mind (2005) offers a smart and simple solution to handling anxiety when working toward our goals. These blinks show the impact our expectations have on our productivity, and reveals steps you can take to live in the present, enjoy your progress and really get things done.

Who should read The Practicing Mind?

  • Students struggling to overcome procrastination
  • Creatives beginning a new long-term project
  • Freelancers who feel like their work keeps piling up

Goals Books: Eat, Move, Sleep by Tom Rath

Eat, Move, Sleep

Tom Rath
How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes
4.0 (314 ratings)
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What's Eat, Move, Sleep about?

Eat, Move, Sleep (2013) offers simple tips for improving your health and well-being in some very important ways. You don’t have to revolutionize your lifestyle to get in shape and increase your energy levels – little changes can make a big difference, and these blinks will show you how.

Who should read Eat, Move, Sleep?

  • Anyone hoping to lead a healthier lifestyle
  • Workaholics struggling to improve their work-life balance
  • People with stressful jobs and packed daily routines

Goals Books: Organize Tomorrow Today by Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy

Organize Tomorrow Today

Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy
Eight Ways to Retrain Your Mind to Optimize Performance at Work and in Life
4.5 (315 ratings)
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What's Organize Tomorrow Today about?

Organize Tomorrow Today (2015) is the definitive guide to achieving a successful career and fulfilling life. These blinks offer you valuable information, giving you the tools to unlock the power of your mind, increase your self-confidence and become your most productive self.

Who should read Organize Tomorrow Today?

  • Artists and creatives looking to be more productive
  • Athletes who want to create positive new habits
  • Students and professionals who want to become better public speakers

Goals Books: Born For This by Chris Guillebeau

Born For This

Chris Guillebeau
How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do
4.2 (121 ratings)
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What's Born For This about?

Born For This (2016) is your guide to finding the career of your dreams. These blinks will help you discover your true passions while providing the tips and information you need to earn money from your genuine interests.  

Who should read Born For This?

  • Recent graduates who don’t know what their next steps will be
  • Anyone who hates their job
  • Professionals who have thought about quitting their job to start their own business

Goals Books: 18 Minutes by Peter Bregman

18 Minutes

Peter Bregman
Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done
3.7 (358 ratings)
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What's 18 Minutes about?

18 Minutes (2011) is a helpful guide to getting things done by focusing on meaningful work, reaching goals and preventing distractions. These blinks will show how to identify the kind of work that is right for you and how to stay on track and hit your targets.

Who should read 18 Minutes?

  • People who want to get things done
  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed with work
  • Anyone searching for happiness and meaning in their lives

Goals Books: Get Smart! by Brian Tracy

Get Smart!

Brian Tracy
How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field
4.2 (2,767 ratings)
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What's Get Smart! about?

Get Smart! (2016) offers a variety of tips on how to tap into your unused brainpower and live a happier, more successful life. With a change in your perspective, and an outlook based on long-term positivity, you can discover how to get great results out of life and turn any challenge into an opportunity.

Who should read Get Smart!?

  • Autodidacts looking for a learning opportunity
  • Unhappy people hoping to improve their lives
  • Creative and ambitious people hoping to be more productive

Goals Books: Get Momentum by Jason W. Womack and Jodi Womack

Get Momentum

Jason W. Womack and Jodi Womack
How to Start When You’re Stuck
3.9 (102 ratings)
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What's Get Momentum about?

Get Momentum (2016) guides you through simple yet effective strategies for you to work sustainably toward your personal and professional goals. From managing time in the short and long term, to monitoring progress, modifying your approach and celebrating little victories along the way, these blinks outline the keys to gaining and maintaining motivation.

Who should read Get Momentum?

  • Mid-career professionals lacking the motivation to tackle new challenges
  • Runners and hobbyists seeking strategies for more effective skill development
  • Small business owners interested in straightforward methods for productivity and planning

Goals Books: How to be F*cking Awesome by Dan Meredith

How to be F*cking Awesome

Dan Meredith
Sticking a finger up to the law of attraction and a thumb up to action
4.1 (224 ratings)
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What's How to be F*cking Awesome about?

How to be F*cking Awesome (2016) guides you through real, actionable steps to achieve your goals without making any excuses. The book provides some straightforward principles that will help you avoid the common loopholes that stop people from living successfully.

Who should read How to be F*cking Awesome?

  • People who want to achieve their goals but feel stuck or afraid
  • Those who are ready to start their own business
  • People who want to work on their productivity

Goals Books: Measure What Matters by John Doerr

Measure What Matters

John Doerr
How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs
4.4 (709 ratings)
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What's Measure What Matters about?

Measure What Matters (2018) chronicles John Doerr’s lifelong journey of helping organizations implement objectives and key results – otherwise known as OKRs. With the help of OKRs, companies like Google and nonprofits like the Gates Foundation have been able to transform the way they set goals to reach new heights.

Who should read Measure What Matters?

  • CEOs and managers looking to drive their organization’s growth
  • Founders looking to implement a healthy, transparent workplace culture right from the get-go
  • Employees sick of annual performance reviews

Goals Books: The More of Less by Joshua Becker

The More of Less

Joshua Becker
Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own
4.5 (497 ratings)
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What's The More of Less about?

The More of Less (2016) is the ultimate guide to getting more out of life by owning less. Written by a leading light in America’s growing movement against excessive consumerism and cluttered living, this is a practical book designed to help you free up headspace, resources and time so that you can pursue the things that really matter.

Who should read The More of Less?

  • Hoarders and shopaholics
  • Would-be nomads tied down by too many possessions
  • People who have had enough of overflowing closets and cluttered garages

Goals Books: Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg

Tiny Habits

BJ Fogg
The Small Changes That Change Everything
4.6 (2,168 ratings)
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What's Tiny Habits about?

Tiny Habits (2019) is a meditation on the virtues of not biting off more than you can chew. If you want to make positive changes stick, behavioral analyst BJ Fogg argues, you have to think small. Want to get in shape? Start with two pushups a day. Want to become more mindful? Take a yoga breath every time you close your car door. These “tiny habits” set the bar low, which means it’s easier to incorporate them into your existing routine. Over time, however, they rewire your brain and make virtuous habits as automatic as brewing a cup of coffee in the morning.

Who should read Tiny Habits?

  • Would-be world-beaters looking for innovative hacks 
  • Anyone struggling to stick to their New Year’s resolutions 
  • People interested in self-improvement and the science behind habits

Goals Books: The Joy of Missing Out by Tanya Dalton

The Joy of Missing Out

Tanya Dalton
Live More by Doing Less
4.4 (143 ratings)
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What's The Joy of Missing Out about?

The Joy of Missing Out (2019) focuses on how we can eliminate stress from our lives and improve our productivity. It contains actionable strategies for simplifying our lives and identifying our priorities.

Who should read The Joy of Missing Out?

  • Those who struggle to manage their time effectively
  • Individuals who have a hard time saying no
  • Women of all ages and all stages of life

Goals Books: Kaizen by Sarah Harvey


Sarah Harvey
The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time
4.6 (721 ratings)
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What's Kaizen about?

Kaizen (2019) is a guide to the improvement philosophy known as kaizen, which encourages taking small steps to complete ambitious goals. Already well established in the world of business and sports, this method can also be applied to personal development. Using practical examples, this guide explains how to take a kaizen approach to setting goals that’ll improve health, relationships, money, and work.

Who should read Kaizen?

  • Anyone trying to overcome a habit or take up a new challenge
  • Anybody wishing to improve an aspect of their life
  • Anyone interested in Japanese culture and philosophies

Goals Books: The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden

The Motivation Myth

Jeff Haden
How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win
4.4 (341 ratings)
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What's The Motivation Myth about?

The Motivation Myth (2018) debunks the idea that you need motivation for success. Drawing on the author’s own experiences and examples from high achievers across a range of fields, it shows you how to cultivate a process to reach your goals and enjoy fulfillment along the way.

Who should read The Motivation Myth?

  • Managers, parents, and students who feel unmotivated
  • Entrepreneurs who want to start a business
  • Anyone interested in picking up a new sport

Goals Books: Goals! by Brian Tracy


Brian Tracy
How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
4.7 (702 ratings)
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What's Goals! about?

Goals! (2003) explores the power of goal-setting. It outlines tips and techniques for achieving your most important aims in life and examines the link between goal-setting and success.

Who should read Goals!?

  • Anyone wanting to achieve more in life
  • Entrepreneurs looking for inspiration
  • Procrastinators hoping to get more done

Goals Books: Soundtracks by Jon Acuff


Jon Acuff
The Surprising Solution to Overthinking
4.3 (389 ratings)
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What's Soundtracks about?

Soundtracks (2021) is a simple guide to ending self-doubt, hesitation, and overthinking. Instead of being at the mercy of your fickle and often unhelpful thoughts, you’ll discover patterns of thinking that can strengthen you, make you happier, and bring you closer to achieving your goals.

Who should read Soundtracks?

  • Lifelong overthinkers who finally want to start taking action
  • Negative Nancies who need to inject some optimism into their lives
  • Anyone who lets self-doubt interfere with work, life goals, or relationships

Goals Books: Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday

Courage is Calling

Ryan Holiday
Fortune Favors the Brave
4.3 (354 ratings)
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What's Courage is Calling about?

Courage is Calling (2021) is both a meditation on bravery and a guide to courageousness. From how to dispel your fears to the benefits of taking small steps first, it gives concrete advice for building courage, and lays out, in writing rich with anecdotes, the simple ways that each of us can become a little bit braver.

Who should read Courage is Calling?

  • Scaredy-cats in need of a strong dose of daring
  • The already-courageous who want to become even braver
  • Anyone interested in how courage has shaped history

Goals Books: The Hidden Habits of Genius by Craig Wright

The Hidden Habits of Genius

Craig Wright
Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit – Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness
4.4 (380 ratings)
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What's The Hidden Habits of Genius about?

The Hidden Habits of Genius (2020) is a guide to the traits that set geniuses apart from the rest of us. Drawing on the lives of extraordinary creatives, thinkers, and disruptors from ancient Greece to modern Japan, it traces the factors that make up the complex and fascinating phenomenon that we call “genius.”

Who should read The Hidden Habits of Genius?

  • Embryonic geniuses who want to reach their full potential
  • Students of human nature wondering what makes a genius tick
  • All those looking to boost their creative abilities

Goals Books: Fear Less by Pippa Grange

Fear Less

Pippa Grange
Face Not-Good-Enough to Replace Your Doubts, Achieve Your Goals, and Unlock Your Success
4.3 (379 ratings)
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What's Fear Less about?

Fear Less (2021) highlights the countless ways that fear infiltrates our lives, negatively impacting our work, relationships, and personal satisfaction. We may not even realize that we’re afraid, but identifying our underlying anxieties and insecurities is the first step to leading a more fulfilling, fearless life.

Who should read Fear Less?

  • Perfectionists who feel they’re never quite good enough
  • Private people who struggle with honesty and intimacy
  • Nervous fliers, anxious parents, commitment-phobes, and anyone else who’s afraid

Goals Books: The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

The Alter Ego Effect

Todd Herman
The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life
4.5 (164 ratings)
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What's The Alter Ego Effect about?

The Alter Ego Effect (2019) is a guide to achieving your goals through the use of alter egos. Featuring numerous examples of successful people who have created alter egos, it offers clear, practical strategies for success in every area of life.

Who should read The Alter Ego Effect?

  • Frustrated creatives seeking to improve their performance
  • People who are curious about identity and the concept of alter egos
  • Clark Kents ready for their phone booth transformation

Goals Books: Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

Turning Pro

Steven Pressfield
Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work
4.5 (233 ratings)
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What's Turning Pro about?

Turning Pro (2012) sheds a light on why so many aspiring creatives and entrepreneurs fail to make their dreams a reality. It also explains how, by making a conscious decision to pursue your goals and reconfiguring your life, you can finally gain traction and embrace your true calling.

Who should read Turning Pro?

  • Aspiring artists with big dreams
  • Frustrated writers who struggle with productivity
  • Closet creatives who wish they had more courage

Goals Books: How to Change by Katy Milkman

How to Change

Katy Milkman
The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
4.4 (366 ratings)
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What's How to Change about?

How to Change (2021) is a simple guide to overcoming the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals. It diagnoses our most persistent problems, from laziness to impulsivity, and presents a number of research-backed solutions to each one.

Who should read How to Change?

  • Serial procrastinators who can never get things done
  • Anyone whose bad habits interfere with their aims
  • People who’ve lost confidence in their ability to change

Goals Books: Living Beyond “What If?” by Shirley Davis

Living Beyond “What If?”

Shirley Davis
Release the Limits and Realize Your Dreams
4.3 (538 ratings)
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What's Living Beyond “What If?” about?

Living Beyond “What If?” (2021) is an empathetic handbook to realizing your dreams. It shares intimate, affecting anecdotes and sets out a step-by-step guide to overcoming your fears and achieving success.

Who should read Living Beyond “What If?”?

  • People struggling to get over a particular fear or blockage
  • Those who want to reinvent themselves but don’t know how
  • Anyone looking to level-up their life

Goals Books: Everyday Vitality by Samantha Boardman

Everyday Vitality

Samantha Boardman
How to Thrive, Survive, and Feel Alive
4.5 (418 ratings)
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What's Everyday Vitality about?

Everyday Vitality (2021) explores how we can cultivate resilience while juggling the small, nonstop stresses of everyday life. Those who thrive do so because they build vitality, a force of power and flexibility that allows them to handle difficulties. The people who cope best are the ones who find ways to turn their stress into strength through intentionality, purpose, and connection.

Who should read Everyday Vitality?

  • Anyone looking to alleviate stress in their daily lives
  • People interested in improving their quality of life
  • Those who are interested in achieving peace amid busyness

Goals Books: Goals by Zig Ziglar


Zig Ziglar
How to Get the Most Out of Your Life
4.5 (537 ratings)
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What's Goals about?

Goals (2019) provides a comprehensive guide to setting goals and achieving them. By learning how to plan, hold yourself accountable, and foster the personal qualities you need to pursue your dreams, you’re more likely to succeed.

Who should read Goals?

  • Ambitious dreamers
  • Unconventional individuals trying to reach a breakthrough
  • The chronically busy who still can’t seem to achieve their goals

Goals Books: Who Not How by Dan Sullivan with Benjamin Hardy

Who Not How

Dan Sullivan with Benjamin Hardy
The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork
4.5 (566 ratings)
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What's Who Not How about?

Who Not How (2020) introduces a new way of thinking about entrepreneurship, goal setting, and collaboration. Developed by business coach Dan Sullivan, the Who Not How mindset shows the importance of delegating tasks to others. By inviting them to help you achieve your goals, you’ll gain more free time, increase your income, and develop valuable, lasting professional relationships.

Who should read Who Not How?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to realize a business idea
  • Burned-out professionals with a desire for more free time
  • Perfectionists on the hunt for procrastination cures

Goals Books: Surrounded by Setbacks by Thomas Erikson

Surrounded by Setbacks

Thomas Erikson
Turning Obstacles into Success (When Everything Goes to Hell)
4.5 (394 ratings)
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What's Surrounded by Setbacks about?

Surrounded by Setbacks (2021) is a practical guide to achieving your goals despite the obstacles you will inevitably meet along the way. We all experience setbacks in our lives. Some of them will be minor and fixable, while others will be completely outside of our control. But by learning to manage your responses to all kinds of adversity, by taking complete responsibility for your life, and being stubbornly persistent in your approach, you can achieve your dreams.

Who should read Surrounded by Setbacks?

  • Determined dreamers ready to achieve their goals 
  • Disappointed career professionals wondering why their hard work hasn’t paid off yet
  • Restless renegades who want to stop living according to society’s expectations

Goals Books: How to Begin by Michael Bungay Stanier

How to Begin

Michael Bungay Stanier
A Proven Plan to Start Something That Matters
4.4 (727 ratings)
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What's How to Begin about?

How to Begin (2022) argues that you unlock your greatness by working on the hard things. The things that matter. Not to your partner, friends, or family – but to you. The hardest part isn’t the work itself, though. It’s identifying the kinds of projects that are worth investing your time in. Projects which give your life meaning. And that’s what this book is really about: helping you discover worthy goals.

Who should read How to Begin?

  • Self-improvers stuck in a rut
  • Thinkers and doers
  • Anyone who wants to live their best life

Goals Books: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho
4.5 (729 ratings)
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What's The Alchemist about?

The Alchemist (1988) follows the story of a young Andalusian shepherd, who travels to the pyramids of Egypt to find a treasure he has recurrently dreamed about. On his journey, he has to overcome multiple obstacles – through which he learns valuable life lessons. Based on a thirteenth-century folktale, it explores topics such as following your dreams, finding your destiny, and the nature of love.

Who should read The Alchemist?

  • People who want to become more resilient
  • Anyone with a dream or passion
  • Those who wish to find their own purpose in life 

Goals Books: Get It Done by Ayelet Fishbach

Get It Done

Ayelet Fishbach
Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation
4.2 (766 ratings)
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What's Get It Done about?

Get It Done (2022) turns the spotlight on the person that’s often hardest to influence: you. Drawing on anecdotes and research from motivation science, it shows how modifying your circumstances can propel you forward both personally and professionally – even when you feel lost at sea.

Who should read Get It Done?

  • People who want to be more productive at work or home
  • Those wondering how to persevere in the face of adversity
  • Anyone seeking clearheadedness in a chaotic world

Goals Books: Influence is Your Superpower by Zoe Chance

Influence is Your Superpower

Zoe Chance
The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen
4.6 (543 ratings)
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What's Influence is Your Superpower about?

Influence is your Superpower (2022) is a deep dive on influence: how it works, why it's important, and how you can wield it for ethical, positive results. It explores how influence operates by drawing on insights from cognitive science, linguistics, market research, and more, empowering readers to unlock their own natural powers of influence.

Who should read Influence is Your Superpower?

  • Entrepreneurs who want to pitch ideas without sales-y sleaze
  • Employees who want to advocate better for themselves and others
  • Activists who want to create lasting change in their communities

Goals Books: The 6 Phase Meditation Method by Vishen Lakhiani

The 6 Phase Meditation Method

Vishen Lakhiani
The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day
4.6 (500 ratings)
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What's The 6 Phase Meditation Method about?

The 6 Phase Meditation Method (2022) is a ground-breaking transformational guide divided into six distinct phases. In as little as 20 minutes, you can reclaim your life and reap the many practical benefits of meditation.

Who should read The 6 Phase Meditation Method?

  • Failed meditation experimenters
  • Time-poor self-improvers
  • Mental-fitness geeks

Goals Books: Be Your Future Self Now by Benjamin Hardy

Be Your Future Self Now

Benjamin Hardy
The Science of Intentional Transformation
4.5 (619 ratings)
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What's Be Your Future Self Now about?

Be Your Future Self Now (2022) is a guide to defining your future self – and making sure you get there. It walks readers through the seven threats to your future self, the seven truths about your future self, and the seven steps you can take to be your future self today. 

Who should read Be Your Future Self Now?

  • Those ready to take their careers and lives to the next level
  • Individuals seeking clarity on their future
  • Anyone frustrated by unsuccessful New Year’s resolutions

Goals Books: How to Be a Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott

How to Be a Productivity Ninja

Graham Allcott
Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do
4.4 (657 ratings)
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What's How to Be a Productivity Ninja about?

How to Be a Productivity Ninja (2014) transforms old-school time-management techniques and productivity advice into a twenty-first century handbook on how to work smarter – not harder. Adapted to the realities of contemporary work and life, it’s filled with practical guidance and exercises for boosting productivity.

Who should read How to Be a Productivity Ninja?

  • Chronic procrastinators who’d like to get more done
  • Habitual multitaskers who can’t seem to follow through
  • Anyone who’s scared of their overflowing inbox or novel-length to-do list

Goals Books: The Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani

The Power of Unwavering Focus

4.6 (896 ratings)
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What's The Power of Unwavering Focus about?

The Power of Unwavering Focus (2022) is a practical and personal guide that offers clear steps toward ending the distractions, fears, and worries that keep us stressed out and anxious, while carving a clear path toward more mental clarity and focus. Packed with concrete steps and personal reflections, it offers a deep look into the awesome power of the mind and how focus can help everyone live a more purposeful and joyful life.

Who should read The Power of Unwavering Focus?

  • Exhausted multitaskers feeling lost in the grind
  • Goal-seekers looking for a clearer path to success
  • Anyone wanting to live with more purpose in daily life

Goals Books: One Small Step Can Change Your Life by Robert Maurer

One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Robert Maurer
The Kaizen Way
4.7 (992 ratings)
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What's One Small Step Can Change Your Life about?

One Small Step Can Change Your Life (2004) is a practical self-help guide inspired by the concept of kaizen – change through small steps. It suggests a variety of simple techniques that can help anyone improve their lives and make lasting changes, one small step at a time.

Who should read One Small Step Can Change Your Life?

  • People struggling to achieve their health goals
  • Writers, artists, or other creatives who feel blocked
  • Anyone who’s feeling pessimistic or demotivated

Goals Books: Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza

Evolve Your Brain

Joe Dispenza
The Science of Changing Your Mind
4.6 (655 ratings)
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What's Evolve Your Brain about?

Evolve Your Brain (2007) dives deep into the human brain and its structures. It demonstrates the power of neuroplasticity to change thinking, behavior, and biology.

Who should read Evolve Your Brain?

  • Curious minds who are, well, curious about their minds
  • Self-help fans seeking brain-based advice on achieving their goals
  • Anyone with a brain wondering why it didn’t come with an owner’s manual

Goals Books: Abundance by Deepak Chopra


Deepak Chopra
The Inner Path to Wealth
4.5 (423 ratings)
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What's Abundance about?

Abundance (2022) offers a new way of releasing you from a life of lack and scarcity. By using its meditation techniques, you can transform your life from one dogged by limitations into one where you want for nothing.

Who should read Abundance?

  • Seekers of fulfillment wanting to live their best lives
  • Ambitious dreamers wishing to transform goals into reality
  • Yogis looking to take their practice to the next level

Goals Books: The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma

The Everyday Hero Manifesto

Robin Sharma
Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve The World
4.2 (884 ratings)
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What's The Everyday Hero Manifesto about?

The Everyday Hero Manifesto (2021) is a how-to primer for becoming the hero of your own life. It’s full of detailed plans interspersed with short essays, anecdotes, and even poetry to help you become happier, more productive, and more successful.

Who should read The Everyday Hero Manifesto?

  • Anyone stuck in a rut
  • Go-getters looking to improve their career trajectory
  • Self-improvement seekers searching for practical guides and techniques

Goals Books: Discipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday

Discipline Is Destiny

Ryan Holiday
The Power of Self-Control
4.7 (1,815 ratings)
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What's Discipline Is Destiny about?

Discipline Is Destiny (2022) draws on Stoic virtues to make a case for a life guided by self-discipline. It shows how being in control of your body, thoughts, and emotions is a prerequisite to mastering anything else – and uses historical figures to illustrate how things like sleep, discomfort, and kindness tie into greatness. 

Who should read Discipline Is Destiny?

  • Frazzled folks looking for more structure in their lives
  • Go-getters who want to optimize their time and energy
  • Anyone seeking actionable steps to improve their happiness and well-being

Goals Books: Never Finished by David Goggins

Never Finished

David Goggins
Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within
4.5 (1,164 ratings)
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What's Never Finished about?

Never Finished (2022) is your guide to transforming into the person you never imagined you could be. It shares stories of setbacks and lessons learned that you can use to power through life's unending challenges.

Who should read Never Finished?

  • Injured athletes looking for motivation
  • Midlifers seeking a challenge
  • Anyone seeking to maximize their potential

Goals Books: Exactly What to Say by Phil M Jones

Exactly What to Say

Phil M Jones
Your Personal Guide to the Mastery of Magic Words
4.7 (1,239 ratings)
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What's Exactly What to Say about?

Exactly What to Say (2017) is designed to provide you with the key phrases and words to make your conversations count and bring you success. It contains magic words. Words that are heard and interpreted by the subconscious mind. Words which will help you get the results you want.

Who should read Exactly What to Say?

  • Anyone interested in how words can influence others at a subconscious level
  • Success-driven individuals who want to up their game
  • Entrepreneurs who want to get their prospects to say yes more often

Goals Books: Do Hard Things by Steve Magness

Do Hard Things

Steve Magness
Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness
4.5 (556 ratings)
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What's Do Hard Things about?

Do Hard Things (2022) explodes mythologies around the popular conception of toughness. It shows how traditional markers of toughness, like putting on a brave face and pushing past pain, can actually hinder physical and mental performance outcomes in the long term. Instead, real resilience comes from listening to your body and embracing your emotions.

Who should read Do Hard Things?

  • Employees who need resilience to succeed in challenging, high-stress roles;
  • Athletes and fitness fans wanting to build physical and mental fortitude;
  • Anyone who wants to face challenges with authentic toughness.

Goals Books: 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting by Mandy Morris

8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting

Mandy Morris
How to Create the Reality of Your Dreams
4.4 (432 ratings)
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What's 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting about?

8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting (2022) offers an eight-step approach to increasing your self-awareness, raising your energetic vibration, and bringing about your heart’s truest desires. 

Who should read 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting?

  • Anyone who wants to live more abundantly
  • People frustrated about unfulfilled dreams
  • Manifestors who aren’t seeing results as quickly as they’d like

Goals Books: Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself

Joe Dispenza
How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
4.5 (1,556 ratings)
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What's Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself about?

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (2012) shows you how to tap into your mind's unlimited potential and transform your life from the inside out. Get ready to break free from limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns and become the master of your destiny.

Who should read Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself?

  • Aspiring mind benders
  • Change seekers
  • Wellness warriors

Goals Books: The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

The Universe Has Your Back

Gabrielle Bernstein
Transform Fear to Faith
4.1 (88 ratings)
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What's The Universe Has Your Back about?

The Universe Has Your Back (2016) is a practical guide to transforming your fear into faith. It shares personal stories, lessons, and a range of exercises to help you relinquish control and start realigning with the abundant love and wisdom of the Universe. 

Who should read The Universe Has Your Back?

  • Spiritual seekers
  • Those striving to manifest a specific goal
  • Individuals feeling afraid, lost, or stuck 

Goals Books: No More Mr. Nice Guy! by Robert A. Glover

No More Mr. Nice Guy!

Robert A. Glover
A Proven Plan for Getting what You Want in Love, Sex, and Life
4.2 (404 ratings)
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What's No More Mr. Nice Guy! about?

No More Mr. Nice Guy (2000) is the Nice Guy’s guide to recovery. Learn how to stop seeking the approval of others, live your life the way you want to, and ultimately get the love, life, and sex that you crave but that your Nice Guy Syndrome actually stops you from achieving.

Who should read No More Mr. Nice Guy!?

  • Men who want to take control of their lives
  • Men who want to find love – and with it, good sex
  • Women who want to help their Nice Guy become the man they really want

Goals Books: Stop Self-Sabotage by Dr. Judy Ho, PhD

Stop Self-Sabotage

Dr. Judy Ho, PhD
Six Steps to Unlock Your True Motivation, Harness Your Willpower, and Get Out of Your Own Way
4.0 (405 ratings)
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What's Stop Self-Sabotage about?

Stop Self-Sabotage (2019) outlines a six-step guide to identifying and overcoming behaviors that counteract people’s ability to reach goals of all kinds. The clinically proven process includes exercises, practical advice, and real-life examples of how people have used the method to change their lives.

Who should read Stop Self-Sabotage?

  • Procrastinators
  • Anyone who struggles with motivation or willpower to achieve their goals
  • People looking to make positive changes quickly and efficiently

Goals Books: Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins

Power vs. Force

David R. Hawkins
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour
4.2 (447 ratings)
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What's Power vs. Force about?

Power vs. Force (2014) explains how anyone can tap into their inner power to change their lives and the lives of those around them. It demonstrates that with consciousness, intention and discernment, anyone can find their truth and follow it toward a more fulfilled and impactful life. 

Who should read Power vs. Force?

  • People interested in alternative theories about science and humanity
  • Anyone who faces major doubts in their lives
  • Humanity nerds

Goals Books: The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter

The Power of Discipline

Daniel Walter
How to Use Self Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals
4.3 (1,033 ratings)
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What's The Power of Discipline about?

The Power of Discipline (2020) explores the biological tendencies within our brains that determine our ability to control our self-discipline. It shows us how we can refine these tendencies in order to develop improved self-disciplinary habits and reach our goals.

Who should read The Power of Discipline?

  • Anyone lacking some self-discipline in their lives
  • Those who need to ditch their bad habits
  • Goal-setters looking for advice on how to be an achiever

Goals Books: The Art of Manifesting by Carolyn Boyes

The Art of Manifesting

Carolyn Boyes
Tap into the power of the universe to live your best life
4.4 (396 ratings)
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What's The Art of Manifesting about?

The Art of Manifesting (2023) is a handy guide to the practice of manifesting, or bringing the life you envision into reality. Packed with actionable advice and easy exercises, it shows how you can start to tune into the universe and transform your life. 

Who should read The Art of Manifesting?

  • Anyone looking to change their life
  • People curious about what manifesting is 
  • Those who know about manifesting and want to improve

Goals Books: Smarter Not Harder by Dave Asprey

Smarter Not Harder

Dave Asprey
The Biohacker's Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want
3.8 (959 ratings)
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What's Smarter Not Harder about?

Smarter Not Harder (2023) is a guide to biohacking your metabolic, neurological, and epigenetic systems. It will show you how to maximize your well-being by making your Meat Operating System, or MeatOS, do what you want it to do by doing less – by doing things smarter, not harder.

Who should read Smarter Not Harder?

  • Lazy people who want to make their laziness work for them
  • Anyone looking to improve their well-being
  • Tired people looking for more energy

Goals Books: How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner

How Big Things Get Done

Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner
The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration
4.1 (265 ratings)
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What's How Big Things Get Done about?

How Big Things Get Done (2023) explores what it takes to make large-scale projects work. It tackles tough questions like why so many big projects fail, and what makes the ones that succeed stand out from the rest. With real-life success stories as well as cautionary tales, its lessons can be applied to projects of any size, shape, or form. 

Who should read How Big Things Get Done?

  • Project managers looking to hone in their skills
  • Anyone about to embark on a new project or start a new business
  • Fans of Elon Musk wanting to learn how he works his magic

Goals Books: The Greatness Mindset by Lewis Howes

The Greatness Mindset

Lewis Howes
Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Live Your Best Life Today
4.4 (394 ratings)
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What's The Greatness Mindset about?

The Greatness Mindset (2023) is a powerful guide to unlocking your full potential and living your best life. With personal stories, transformational strategies, and step-by-step guidance, you'll learn how to define your purpose, conquer self-doubt, and start your journey toward a rich, abundant future.

Who should read The Greatness Mindset?

  • Self-reinventors
  • Ambitious millennials
  • Goal-oriented achievers

Goals Books: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

Sean Covey
The International Bestseller Updated for the Digital Age
4.4 (53 ratings)
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What's The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens about?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (2011) invites teenagers to begin taking charge of their lives by teaching them seven habits that help them thrive and will set them up for a successful future. 

Who should read The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens?

  • Parents and guardians of teens
  • Teachers and other role models
  • Leadership coaches

Goals Books: Baby Steps Millionaires by Dave Ramsey

Baby Steps Millionaires

Dave Ramsey
How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth-and how You Can Too
3.8 (381 ratings)
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What's Baby Steps Millionaires about?

Baby Steps Millionaires (2022) is a straightforward, practical guide to how anyone can become a millionaire. It lays out seven simple steps that you can follow to get yourself out of debt, grow your net worth, and improve your life. 

Who should read Baby Steps Millionaires?

  • Anyone who wants to make money
  • People struggling with mounting debts
  • Generous souls who want to be able to give more

Goals Books: The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication by John C. Maxwell

The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

John C. Maxwell
Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message
4.4 (565 ratings)
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What's The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication about?

The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication (2023) addresses the fear of public speaking. It offers tried-and-true techniques that can transform any beginner or average speaker into a trusted and effective communicator.

Who should read The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication?

  • Anyone trying to improve their communication skills
  • Speakers addressing anyone from small groups to stadium crowds
  • Leaders and organizers looking to inspire their teams

Goals Books: Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore

Coaching for Performance

Sir John Whitmore
The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership
4.5 (138 ratings)
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What's Coaching for Performance about?

Coaching for Performance (2009) is the foundational text which launched the multimillion-dollar business coaching industry. The 25th anniversary edition brings new life to the hallmark GROW model, and revisits the methods after a quarter-century of learning in performance coaching. It’s essential for leaders and coaches globally.

Who should read Coaching for Performance?

  • Leaders looking for inspiration
  • Coaches who want to understand the performance coaching method
  • Anyone looking to improve the performance of their team

Goals Books: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was

Barbara Sher with Barbara Smith
How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It
4.4 (438 ratings)
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What's I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was about?

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was (1994) offers practical guidance to help people figure out what they want in life and how to use that knowledge to go after it. It tackles the most common obstacles to goal-setting with exercises and tactics that help people customize an approach that works best for them.

Who should read I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was?

  • People who do not know what they want in life
  • High achievers who feel like something is missing
  • Anyone struggling with figuring out their next steps

Goals Books: My Philosophy for Successful Living by Jim Rohn

My Philosophy for Successful Living

Jim Rohn
4.2 (386 ratings)
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What's My Philosophy for Successful Living about?

My Philosophy for Successful Living (2011) examines the secrets of how to lead a financially successful and personally fulfilling life. Drawing from the author’s experiences, it presents nuggets of wisdom on topics such as finances, personal development, and goal setting.

Who should read My Philosophy for Successful Living?

  • Anyone looking to change the trajectory of their finances
  • People wanting to turn their lives around
  • Finance and personal development enthusiasts

Goals Books: 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan with Benjamin Hardy

10x Is Easier Than 2x

Dan Sullivan with Benjamin Hardy
How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less
3.9 (451 ratings)
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What's 10x Is Easier Than 2x about?

10x Is Easier Than 2x (2023) is part call to action, part step-by-step guide to a life beyond your wildest dreams. You’ll first be introduced to why 10x is simpler, better, and more fun than 2x, then given a clear road map for immediate implementation.

Who should read 10x Is Easier Than 2x?

  • Burned-out entrepreneurs and business leaders  
  • High achievers wanting to take their personal and professional lives to the next level
  • Anyone seeking direction or motivation

Goals Books: Mindful Self-Discipline by Giovanni Dienstmann

Mindful Self-Discipline

Giovanni Dienstmann
Living with Purpose and Achieving Your Goals in a World of Distractions
4.5 (634 ratings)
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What's Mindful Self-Discipline about?

Mindful Self-Discipline (2022) presents a new perspective on self-discipline as a tool for personal empowerment, rather than a set of rigid constraints. It guides us through a transformational journey of harnessing self-discipline, underlining the significance of integrating self-discipline into daily routines to control base instincts, chase higher goals, and design a life that mirrors one’s deepest values and dreams.

Who should read Mindful Self-Discipline?

  • Mindfulness practitioners who want to enhance discipline
  • Those interested in practical self-improvement strategies
  • Individuals seeking personal growth and improved self-control

Goals Books: Strategic Project Management Made Simple by Terry Dean Schmidt

Strategic Project Management Made Simple

Terry Dean Schmidt
Solution Tools for Leaders and Teams
4.1 (151 ratings)
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What's Strategic Project Management Made Simple about?

Strategic Project Management Made Simple (2009) is a guide outlining how to develop clear and impactful strategies for projects of all sizes. It offers a practical framework for managing stakeholders, reducing risk, and building in learning cycles so you can adapt plans amid changing conditions.

Who should read Strategic Project Management Made Simple?

  • Executives and strategic planners
  • Project managers
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs

Goals Books: The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene

The 50th Law

50 Cent and Robert Greene
4.0 (151 ratings)
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What's The 50th Law about?

The 50th Law (2009) focuses on fear philosophy as a catalyst for success. Drawing inspiration from corporate strategies, historical figures, and hip-hop artist 50 Cent – or Curtis Jackson, 50 Cent is his professional name – it encourages brutal realism and a bold mindset to succeed everywhere, from back alleys to the boardroom.

Who should read The 50th Law?

  • Creative Mavericks
  • Ambitious Entrepreneurs
  • Urban culture enthusiasts

Goals Books: Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement by Rachel Richards

Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement

Rachel Richards
The Secret to Freedom, Flexibility, and Financial Independence (& How to Get Started!)
3.6 (388 ratings)
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What's Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement about?

Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement (2019) is a roadmap to financial freedom through diversified income streams like real estate, stocks, and other forms of passive income. As traditional retirement plans become outdated, financial independence emerges as the new goal. Discover the tools to craft your prosperous financial narrative.

Who should read Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking guidance on diversifying their income streams
  • Millennial professionals aiming to achieve financial independence before traditional retirement age
  • Personal finance enthusiasts eager to explore various avenues of wealth generation

Goals Books: Get Off Your "But" by Sean Stephenson

Get Off Your "But"

Sean Stephenson
How to End Self–Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself
4.4 (162 ratings)
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What's Get Off Your "But" about?

Get Off Your “But” (2009) offers a thorough look into the methods and mindset of the popular therapist and motivational speaker Sean Stephenson. You’ll learn his six lessons for getting past your excuses, becoming more confident, and taking control over your life. 

Who should read Get Off Your "But"?

  • People eager for a motivational kick in the butt
  • Those struggling with unrealized dreams
  • Fans of uplifting stories

Goals Books: Unscripted by MJ DeMarco


MJ DeMarco
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship
4.2 (50 ratings)
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What's Unscripted about?

Unscripted (2017) exposes societal norms and stories that often trap individuals in unfulfilling lives, mediocrity, and financial dependency. It emphasizes entrepreneurship as a vehicle for breaking free from these constraints, and provides principles for creating a business that generates explosive wealth and life-changing outcomes.

Who should read Unscripted?

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking guidance on how to quickly achieve financial freedom
  • Anyone feeling trapped in the 9-to-5 grind
  • Individuals interested in pursuing an early retirement strategy

Goals Books: The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest

The Pivot Year

Brianna Wiest
365 Days to Become the Person You Truly Want to Be
3.8 (205 ratings)
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What's The Pivot Year about?

The Pivot Year (2023) is a thoughtful roadmap for transforming your life over the course of a year. Full of daily meditations on courage and growth, it guides those seeking meaningful change.

Who should read The Pivot Year?

  • Personal growth and transformation seekers 
  • People going through life transitions or tough times
  • Fans of Brianna’s work

Goals Books: Live Free by DeVon Franklin

Live Free

DeVon Franklin
Exceed Your Highest Expectations
3.7 (428 ratings)
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What's Live Free about?

Live Free (2021) discusses the importance of properly setting expectations in all areas of life in order to live freely and happily. From navigating the complexities of relationships and cultural norms to redefining success in your professional life, it offers insights and strategies for setting and communicating expectations that resonate with your true self. 

Who should read Live Free?

  • Individuals struggling with societal and cultural expectations 
  • Professionals feeling unfulfilled with their careers
  • Seekers of personal growth and self-awareness

Goals Books: Level Up by Rob Dial

Level Up

Rob Dial
Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating and Upgrade Your Life
4.2 (884 ratings)
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What's Level Up about?

Level Up (2023) is a practical guide to help you move from inaction to taking focused steps to achieve your goals and dreams. It reveals the reasons behind inaction and offers strategies to stop spinning your wheels and start taking meaningful action.  

Who should read Level Up?

  • Individuals seeking practical strategies to overcome inaction.
  • People aspiring to improve focus and productivity.
  • Anyone interested in personal development and self-improvement.

Goals Books: Be the Unicorn by William Vanderbloemen

Be the Unicorn

William Vanderbloemen
12 Data-Driven Habits That Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest
4.2 (413 ratings)
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What's Be the Unicorn about?

Be the Unicorn (2023) offers a comprehensive guide to achieving personal and professional success by detailing 12 key habits that distinguish exceptional leaders in today’s competitive world. It emphasizes the importance of developing these habits to stand out, become irreplaceable, and excel in various work environments, particularly in the context of a rapidly evolving job landscape influenced by AI technology.

Who should read Be the Unicorn?

  • Aspiring leaders seeking success and personal growth
  • Professionals adapting to a competitive, evolving work environment
  • Those interested in soft skills development and leadership excellence

Goals Books: Feel-Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal

Feel-Good Productivity

Ali Abdaal
How to Do More of What Matters to You
4.1 (136 ratings)
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What's Feel-Good Productivity about?

Feel-Good Productivity (2023) presents an unconventional approach to getting more done: prioritizing enjoyment and well-being. Through the dual lens of science and philosophy, it explains why we struggle with low energy, procrastination, and burnout, then offers a series of fun mini-experiments to help you boost your mood, output, and ultimately, success.

Who should read Feel-Good Productivity?

  • High-achievers seeking a more balanced approach to work and life
  • Entrepreneurially-minded students and professionals
  • Anyone interested in holistic lifestyle design

Goals Books: Choosing to Run by Des Linden

Choosing to Run

Des Linden
A Memoir
3.2 (17 ratings)
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What's Choosing to Run about?

Choosing to Run (2023) explores the world of professional marathon running, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of long-distance racing. It delves into the mental and physical preparation required to excel in such a demanding sport, highlighting the resilience and dedication needed for success. By blending personal experiences with broader themes of perseverance and determination, it provides a captivating look at the journey of a top-tier marathon runner.

Who should read Choosing to Run?

  • Amateur and professional marathon runners
  • Individuals seeking motivation and perseverance strategies
  • Fans of inspirational athlete biographies

Goals Books: Zero Sugar / One Month by Becky Gillaspy

Zero Sugar / One Month

Becky Gillaspy
Reduce Cravings - Reset Metabolism - Lose Weight - Lower Blood Sugar
3.5 (243 ratings)
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What's Zero Sugar / One Month about?

Zero Sugar / One Month (2024) is a roadmap aimed at helping individuals eliminate sugar from their diet to achieve long-term health. It provides actionable advice, including guides on what to eat, how to resist temptation, and a day-by-day timeline of what to expect – along with motivational anecdotes and tips to navigate emotional challenges and build confidence throughout the 30-day journey. 

Who should read Zero Sugar / One Month?

  • Individuals looking to reduce their sugar intake for weight loss or health reasons 
  • Health-conscious folks seeking a structured, time-bound nutrition challenge 
  • Anyone curious about sugar’s impact on their health and well-being

Goals Books: Your Best Financial Life by Anne Lester

Your Best Financial Life

Anne Lester
Save Smart Now for the Future You Want
4.1 (35 ratings)
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What's Your Best Financial Life about?

Your Best Financial Life (2024) charts a course through the complex landscape of personal finance, offering a map to navigate the twists and turns of saving, investing, and planning for the future. It unfolds the secrets of compound interest, the perils of financial pitfalls, and the art of adapting to life’s surprises, all while keeping your eyes on the prize: a secure and prosperous retirement.

Who should read Your Best Financial Life?

  • Early-career savers seeking direction
  • Compulsive spenders craving financial freedom
  • Retirement dreamers in need of a roadmap

Goals Books: Your Big Leap Year by Gay Hendricks

Your Big Leap Year

Gay Hendricks
A Year to Manifest Your Next-Level Life ... Starting Today!
4.2 (12 ratings)
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What's Your Big Leap Year about?

Your Big Leap Year (2024) is a daybook that provides 365 short entries that contain affirmations and advice on how to stay motivated in your journey toward self-actualization. It points out the many common problems people face along the way and helps you to navigate around these challenges while unlocking your full potential.

Who should read Your Big Leap Year?

  • Anyone aspiring to a more fulfilling life
  • People working to overcome a fear of failure
  • Self-doubters eager for a more positive outlook

Goals Books: All It Takes Is a Goal by Jon Acuff

All It Takes Is a Goal

Jon Acuff
The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential
4.4 (147 ratings)
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What's All It Takes Is a Goal about?

All It Takes Is a Goal (2023) is a transformative guide that empowers readers to achieve their dreams. It demonstrates how setting effective goals can help individuals escape their comfort zones, make measurable progress, and ultimately reach their full potential.

Who should read All It Takes Is a Goal?

  • Those seeking personal growth and self-improvement
  • People who struggle with lack of motivation
  • Anyone feeling stuck in their comfort zone and wanting to change

Goals Books: Sparked by Jonathan Fields


Jonathan Fields
Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work That Makes You Come Alive
4.5 (10 ratings)
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What's Sparked about?

Sparked (2021) explores the concept of Sparketypes, identifying ten innate impulses that drive individuals in various aspects of their lives, including work, relationships, and personal growth. It helps people to align their endeavors with their natural inclinations, and embark on a journey towards greater fulfillment and authenticity.

Who should read Sparked?

  • Anyone looking for career guidance
  • Leaders interested in personality types
  • People in need of a motivating spark in life

Goals Books: Move by Move by Maurice Ashley

Move by Move

Maurice Ashley
Life Lessons on and Off the Chessboard
4.6 (180 ratings)
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What's Move by Move about?

Move by Move (2024) explores the profound lessons learned from over four decades playing chess, illustrating how the game fosters critical thinking, resilience, and strategic acumen. It reveals how chess transcends mere gameplay, offering invaluable wisdom applicable to navigating life's challenges and pursuing success.

Who should read Move by Move?

  • Chess aficionados
  • Sports fanatics
  • People eager to raise their game in life

Goals Books: Think Remarkable by Guy Kawasaki & Madisun Nuismer

Think Remarkable

Guy Kawasaki & Madisun Nuismer
9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference
4.1 (44 ratings)
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What's Think Remarkable about?

Think Remarkable (2023) is a transformative guide to unlocking your full potential and living an extraordinary life. It draws on the wisdom and insights of remarkable individuals to provide a blueprint for personal growth and success.

Who should read Think Remarkable?

  • Students aiming to develop the skills and mindset needed for success
  • Anyone feeling stuck in a rut and wanting to break free from mediocrity
  • Those seeking inspiration and guidance from the world’s most remarkable people

Goals Books: You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham

You Need a Budget

Jesse Mecham
The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want
4.3 (161 ratings)
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What's You Need a Budget about?

You Need a Budget (2017) is a practical guide to managing personal finances through a unique, four-rule method. It will teach you how to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, gain control over your money, and achieve your financial goals by giving every dollar a job. It emphasizes proactive budgeting, adjusting to financial changes, and building a healthier relationship with money to enhance your overall life satisfaction.

Who should read You Need a Budget?

  • Students or young professionals building their first budget 
  • Professionals who want to demystify their finances
  • Anyone sick of living paycheck-to-paycheck

Goals Books: Manifest by Roxie Nafousi


Roxie Nafousi
7 Steps to Living Your Best Life
4.1 (107 ratings)
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What's Manifest about?

Manifest (2022) explores the transformative power of manifesting to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Designed to help you harness your desires and make meaningful changes in your life, this seven-step program will empower you to turn your best life into reality. 

Who should read Manifest?

  • Individuals interested in personal development and self-improvement
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs seeking motivation and direction
  • Anyone curious about manifesting 

Goals Books: Get Clear Career Assessment by Ken Coleman

Get Clear Career Assessment

Ken Coleman
Find the Work You're Wired to Do
4.0 (4 ratings)
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What's Get Clear Career Assessment about?

Get Clear Career Assessment (2024) is designed to deep dive into your talents, passions, and core motivations. A complement to the Get Clear Career Assessment test, it will provide you with insights that will ultimately guide you in finding the career path and roles best suited to your inherent abilities and interests.

Who should read Get Clear Career Assessment?

  • Career changers seeking clarity on their next steps
  • Job seekers unsure of their ideal career path
  • Professionals wanting to align work with their passions

Goals Books: The Way of the Champion by Paul Rabil

The Way of the Champion

Paul Rabil
Pain, Persistence, and the Path Forward
4.4 (5 ratings)
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What's The Way of the Champion about?

The Way of the Champion (2024) lays out the specific qualities and disciplines required for achieving excellence, both in sports and personal endeavors. Through a series of lessons and examples, it equips readers with the tools to cultivate a champion’s mindset from amateur to professional and beyond. 

Who should read The Way of the Champion?

  • Aspiring and professional athletes
  • Business leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Lacrosse fans and sports enthusiasts

Goals Books: MicroSkills by Adaira Landry & Resa E. Lewiss


Adaira Landry & Resa E. Lewiss
The Tiny Steps That Lead to the Biggest Accomplishments
3.6 (13 ratings)
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What's MicroSkills about?

MicroSkills (2024) offers a deep dive into how small, specific skills can significantly enhance your personal and professional growth. Learn to break down complex goals into manageable actions, from building professional resilience through self-care to transforming workplace conflicts into opportunities for success.

Who should read MicroSkills?

  • Aspiring moguls seeking corporate finesse
  • Self-improvement fans craving everyday success
  • Career climbers championing small changes

Goals Books: Unstoppable Mindset by Alden Mills

Unstoppable Mindset

Alden Mills
How to Use What You Have to Get What You Want
4.4 (14 ratings)
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What's Unstoppable Mindset about?

Unstoppable Mindset (2024) teaches readers how to leverage their mental power to achieve their goals. It presents a step-by-step process for building mental toughness, setting ambitious goals, and overcoming common obstacles to success. The book draws on the author's extensive experiences to provide practical strategies and inspiring stories to help individuals realize their full potential.

Who should read Unstoppable Mindset?

  • Aspiring leaders seeking to enhance their skills
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to build successful businesses
  • Individuals pursuing personal growth and resilience

Goals Books: The Science of Getting Started by Patrick King

The Science of Getting Started

Patrick King
How to Beat Procrastination, Summon Productivity, and Stop Self-Sabotage
4.6 (5 ratings)
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What's The Science of Getting Started about?

The Science of Getting Started (2019) delves into the psychological and biological underpinnings of procrastination, offering a comprehensive analysis of why we delay tasks. It provides practical, science-based solutions to overcome these tendencies, helping you enhance your productivity and achieve your goals by understanding and defeating your inner procrastination triggers.

Who should read The Science of Getting Started?

  • Chronic procrastinators struggling to find solutions
  • Self-improvement enthusiasts seeking better habits
  • Busy professionals seeking productivity tips

Goals Books: Supercoach by Michael Neill


Michael Neill
10 Secrets to Transform Anyone's Life: 10th Anniversary Edition
4.8 (4 ratings)
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What's Supercoach about?

Supercoach (2018) offers a simple but profound explanation of how the mind works and provides insights on happiness, goal-setting, relationships, emotions, financial security, and creativity. It aims to help readers unleash their potential and make a difference in the world while having a deeper, more meaningful experience of being alive.

Who should read Supercoach?

  • People seeking more ease, flow and consistency in pursuing their goals
  • Individuals looking to cultivate deeper well-being and resilience
  • Anyone open to unconventional approaches to achievement and success

Related Topics

Goals Books

What's the best Goals book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard The ONE Thing as the ultimate read on Goals.

What are the Top 10 Goals books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
  • The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler
  • First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
  • Scrum by Jeff Sutherland
  • The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
  • The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard
  • Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling
  • Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
  • The Opposite of Spoiled by Ron Lieber

Who are the top Goals book authors?

When it comes to Goals, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
  • Steven Kotler
  • Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill
  • Jeff Sutherland
  • Shawn Achor