Ask and It Is Given Book Summary - Ask and It Is Given Book explained in key points

Ask and It Is Given summary

Brief summary

Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks is a self-help book that explains how to use the law of attraction to create the life we desire. It offers practical techniques and exercises for manifesting our dreams and living a more fulfilling life.

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Table of Contents

    Ask and It Is Given
    Summary of key ideas

    Understanding Your Emotions and Desires

    The journey in the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks begins with a discussion about the relationship between our feelings and our desires. The authors propose that our emotions serve as a guide to understanding whether or not we're aligned with our inner desires. When we experience positive emotions, we are in harmony with what we want. Conversely, negative emotions indicate a mismatch.

    They argue that it's our natural right to have all the things we desire, whether it's love, abundance, prosperity, health or success. Living joyfully isn't something that should be hard-earned but should flow naturally when we are in alignment with our inner selves. How we feel is a direct indicator of this alignment or lack thereof.

    The Law of Attraction

    The book makes a deep dive into the Law of Attraction, explaining how it works and how we can harness it. Hicks emphasizes that like attracts like. Our thoughts attract the equivalent of what we think about the most. So if we think positively and focus on our desires, the universe will respond by manifesting these desires into our lives. But, if we concentrate on what we don't want, we inadvertently bring more of the same.

    Becoming deliberate creators of our reality is stressed as one of the keys to achieving what we want. This means directing our thoughts consciously towards our desires. Practicing this can help us reach our goals and live fulfilling lives.

    Practical Methods to Apply The Law of Attraction

    Hicks provides 22 processes or exercises designed to help us harness the law of attraction. These include methods such as scripting where we write out scenarios as we'd like them to unfold, pivoting where we shift our focus from negative to positive when we realize we're harboring negative thoughts, and segment intending where we set our intentions for how each segment of our day will unfold.

    The purpose of these exercises is not only to enable us to work with the law of attraction effectively but also to cultivate positive emotions so that we're continuously operating from a place of joy and abundance. This subsequently draws in more of the same.

    Living a Joyful Life

    The ultimate message of the book Ask and It Is Given is about allowing joy to be our dominant life experience. Living joyfully should not be the result of achieving our dreams, but rather the emotional place from which we attract them. Unhindered by negative experiences and emotions, we should let our natural, joyous state flow.

    We're reminded that we're much more than our physical bodies and that we should trust our non-physical source, which is continuously guiding us. By tuning into our emotions and aligning ourselves with our desires, we enable the universe to yield all that we wish for. In conclusion, the book leaves us with the empowering message that we have the ability to create our own reality, guided by infinite intelligence and our inner joy.

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    What is Ask and It Is Given about?

    Ask and It Is Given is a self-help book that offers practical techniques for manifesting your desires and creating the life you want. Through the concept of the Law of Attraction, the book teaches readers how to align their thoughts and emotions with their desires in order to attract positive outcomes. It provides a step-by-step guide to help individuals take control of their own happiness and fulfillment.

    Ask and It Is Given Review

    Ask and It Is Given (2004) is a book that delves into the power of the law of attraction and offers practical tools for manifesting our desires. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • It provides clear and actionable steps on how to align our thoughts and emotions to attract what we want into our lives.
    • The combination of inspiring stories and exercises helps readers truly understand and apply the teachings in their own lives.
    • With its simple yet profound concepts, the book invites readers to explore their own potential and create a positive shift in their reality.

    Who should read Ask and It Is Given?

    • Those seeking to better understand the relationship between their thoughts, emotions, and life experiences.
    • Individuals who want to learn practical techniques for deliberately creating their reality.
    • People who are looking for guidance on manifesting their desires and living a more fulfilling life.

    About the Author

    Esther Hicks is an author and speaker known for her work in the field of spirituality and the law of attraction. Along with her late husband Jerry Hicks, she co-authored several books, including "Ask and It Is Given." Hicks channels a group of spiritual entities known as Abraham, and her teachings focus on the power of positive thinking and the ability to manifest one's desires. "Ask and It Is Given" is a popular self-help book that offers practical techniques for achieving personal growth and fulfillment.

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    Ask and It Is Given FAQs 

    What is the main message of Ask and It Is Given?

    The main message of Ask and It Is Given is that we have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts and emotions.

    How long does it take to read Ask and It Is Given?

    The reading time for Ask and It Is Given varies depending on the reader, but it typically takes several hours. However, the Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Ask and It Is Given a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Ask and It Is Given is worth reading because it provides practical techniques for manifesting desires and creating a more fulfilling life.

    Who is the author of Ask and It Is Given?

    The author of Ask and It Is Given is Esther Hicks.

    What to read after Ask and It Is Given?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Ask and It Is Given, here are some recommendations we suggest:
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