Science Set Free Book Summary - Science Set Free Book explained in key points

Science Set Free summary

Brief summary

Science Set Free by Rupert Sheldrake challenges the dogmas of modern science and explores alternative theories that can lead to a more open and expansive understanding of the natural world.

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Table of Contents

    Science Set Free
    Summary of key ideas

    Challenging the Dogmas of Science

    In Science Set Free, Rupert Sheldrake challenges the ten dogmas of modern science. He begins by questioning the belief that nature is mechanical, arguing that it is more like an organism. He also challenges the idea that the laws of nature are fixed, suggesting that they may evolve over time.

    Sheldrake then moves on to the dogma of the total amount of matter and energy in the universe, arguing that it is not constant. He also questions the belief that nature is purposeless, suggesting that it may have inherent purposes. He further challenges the dogma of biological inheritance, proposing that it is not solely genetic.

    Revisiting the Dogmas

    Continuing his exploration, Sheldrake revisits the dogma of the mind being confined to the brain, suggesting that it may extend beyond it. He also challenges the belief that memories are stored as material traces, proposing instead that they are inherent in nature. He further questions the dogma of mechanistic medicine, suggesting that it may be more effective if it incorporated a holistic approach.

    Sheldrake then moves on to the dogma of the limits of the human lifespan, arguing that it may be extended. He also challenges the belief that psychic phenomena are illusory, suggesting that they may be real. Finally, he revisits the dogma of mechanistic cosmology, proposing that the laws of nature may evolve.

    Exploring New Possibilities

    Having challenged these dogmas, Sheldrake explores the new possibilities that arise. He suggests that if nature is more like an organism, it may have inherent purposes. He also proposes that if the laws of nature evolve, it may explain the phenomena that are currently unexplained.

    Sheldrake further suggests that if biological inheritance is not solely genetic, it may explain the phenomena of morphic resonance. He also explores the implications of the mind extending beyond the brain, suggesting that it may explain psychic phenomena. Finally, he proposes that if the laws of nature evolve, it may have implications for our understanding of cosmology.

    Concluding Thoughts

    In conclusion, Science Set Free presents a radical rethinking of the dogmas of modern science. By challenging these dogmas, Sheldrake opens up new possibilities for understanding the nature of reality. He suggests that if we are open to these new possibilities, it may lead to a more holistic and integrated view of the universe.

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    What is Science Set Free about?

    Science Set Free by Rupert Sheldrake challenges the dogmas of modern science and explores alternative theories that could revolutionize our understanding of the natural world. From the nature of consciousness to the laws of nature, Sheldrake presents thought-provoking ideas that encourage us to question the status quo and embrace a more open-minded approach to scientific inquiry.

    Science Set Free Review

    Science Set Free (2012) by Rupert Sheldrake explores the limitations of science and challenges the prevailing dogmas in the scientific community. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • Thought-provoking concepts like morphic resonance and telepathy offer new perspectives on the nature of reality.
    • Sheldrake presents compelling evidence to support his ideas, questioning the narrow-mindedness of the scientific establishment.
    • The book encourages readers to question mainstream scientific beliefs and embrace alternative ways of thinking.

    Who should read Science Set Free?

    • Open-minded individuals who are curious about exploring unconventional ideas in science
    • People interested in challenging the current paradigms of scientific thought
    • Readers who enjoy thought-provoking discussions on consciousness, evolution, and the nature of reality

    About the Author

    Rupert Sheldrake is a renowned biologist and author. He has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Cambridge University and has worked as a research fellow at the Royal Society. Sheldrake is best known for his controversial theory of morphic resonance, which challenges the traditional scientific understanding of biological and behavioral patterns. Some of his other notable books include "The Presence of the Past" and "The Science Delusion."

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    Science Set Free FAQs 

    What is the main message of Science Set Free?

    Science Set Free explores the limitations of traditional scientific thinking and advocates for a more open-minded and holistic approach to understanding the world.

    How long does it take to read Science Set Free?

    Reading Science Set Free takes several hours, but you can get a quick summary in just 15 minutes with Blinkist.

    Is Science Set Free a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Science Set Free is a thought-provoking read that challenges conventional scientific assumptions and encourages critical thinking.

    Who is the author of Science Set Free?

    The author of Science Set Free is Rupert Sheldrake.

    What to read after Science Set Free?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Science Set Free, here are some recommendations we suggest:
    • God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens
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