The Reason For God Book Summary - The Reason For God Book explained in key points
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The Reason For God summary

Timothy Keller

Belief In An Age Of Skepticism

4 (233 ratings)
18 mins

Brief summary

"The Reason For God" by Timothy Keller is a thought-provoking book that responds to common objections to Christianity while exploring the validity of the Christian faith.

Table of Contents

    The Reason For God
    Summary of 9 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 9

    Contrary to popular belief, the Christian church is not particularly exclusive – but it does have core beliefs.

    People hold many different things against the Christian church. But it’s the notion of Christianity as a strict and self-righteous religion that scares the most people away.

    This is because Christianity’s strict beliefs and claims of being the only true religion make many people suspicious.

    For example, some parts of the Christian faith, like the belief that Jesus really is the son of God, are incompatible with other religions. By insisting that this belief is true, Christianity implies that all other religions are wrong.

    But for many people, each religion is right in its own way. That’s why they reject Christianity: because it claims its own fixed rules and viewpoints are the correct ones. This kind of rigid point of view can make some people very angry.

    For example, the author once participated in a panel discussion where he, a rabbi and an imam all stated that not all religions could be true. This angered one of the students attending the discussion, who answered, “We will never come to know peace on earth if religious leaders keep on making such exclusive claims!”

    But in actuality, there is nothing wrong or particularly exclusionary in having strong beliefs and core principles. In fact, every single person and society has a set of core principles that make up their identity and differentiates them from others.

    For example, if you believe in the right to private property, or that your life has a basic value, then you are upholding a core principle. And every society that has basic rules on how people are allowed to act – for example, a law against homicide – also has some core beliefs about life that create a common moral foundation for their particular social identity.

    And even very tolerant groups have certain core beliefs that unite them and form their identity – just like Christianity. For instance, gay rights activists believe that same-sex relationships should be fully accepted by society.

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    What is The Reason For God about?

    In The Reason For God, famous New York pastor Timothy Keller defends Christianity and its core beliefs against the most common objections. His fresh approach provides several arguments for continued Christian faith.

    The Reason For God Review

    The Reason For God (2008) by Timothy Keller is a thought-provoking book that tackles the big questions about faith and skepticism. Here's why this book is worth a read:

    • Packed with compelling arguments and deep insights, it helps readers explore the rationality of belief in God and understand the challenges posed by skeptics.
    • Drawn from Keller's vast experience as a pastor, the book provides real-life stories and case studies that add depth and authenticity to the discussion.
    • It engages readers through clear and concise writing, making complex theological concepts accessible and keeping the reader engaged from cover to cover.

    Best quote from The Reason For God

    If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didnt rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said?

    —Timothy Keller
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    Who should read The Reason For God?

    • Anyone who is interested in religion
    • Christians who want to discover a fresh angle to their faith

    About the Author

    Timothy Keller founded his own church in New York in 1989, and now speaks weekly to a Sunday congregation of over 5,000. A prolific author, he has been described as “the C.S. Lewis for the 21st Century.”

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    The Reason For God FAQs 

    What is the main message of The Reason For God?

    The main message of The Reason For God is that faith and reason can coexist, and that belief in God is rational and intellectually sound.

    How long does it take to read The Reason For God?

    The reading time for The Reason For God varies depending on the reader, but it typically takes several hours. However, the Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is The Reason For God a good book? Is it worth reading?

    The Reason For God is a thought-provoking read that challenges common objections to faith. It provides a compelling case for the existence of God and encourages meaningful dialogue on religious matters.

    Who is the author of The Reason For God?

    The author of The Reason For God is Timothy Keller.

    What to read after The Reason For God?

    If you're wondering what to read next after The Reason For God, here are some recommendations we suggest:
    • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
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    • Mastering Communication at Work by Ethan F. Becker and Jon Wortmann
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