Think This, Not That Book Summary - Think This, Not That Book explained in key points
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Think This, Not That summary

Josh Axe

12 Mindshifts to Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs and Become Who You Were Born to Be

4 (87 ratings)
14 mins
Table of Contents

    Think This, Not That
    Summary of 4 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 4

    The becoming/accomplishing mindshift

    In contemplating the lives of those we admire, a distinct pattern often emerges: their legacy isn’t just about what they accomplished but about who they became – individuals of character who significantly influenced others. Such exemplars didn’t solely chase professional milestones or personal ambitions. Instead, they continually strived to evolve as people, positively affecting those around them through their actions and interactions. 

    This approach underscores a mindshift that’s crucial to making your life your masterpiece: prioritizing becoming over merely accomplishing.

    Many fall into the trap of an accomplishing mindset, where the focus is on tangible successes – what they have and what they achieve. This mindset often leads to a disconnection between their actions and character, causing both personal dissatisfaction and a negative impact on their relationships. 

    Contrarily, the becoming mindset champions the development of your inner self – qualities like wisdom, honesty, courage, and justice – which not only fosters personal growth but also enhances your ability to contribute meaningfully to others’ lives. And this is the true measure of success: not the accumulation of wealth or accolades but the enhancement of your unique skill set to better serve society. 

    Questions such as “How can I add the most value to the world?” and “What can I contribute to help others fulfill their potential?” will guide this introspective journey. The rewards of this approach are manifold and backed by research; they include improved leadership, stronger relationships, increased personal fulfillment, and, yes, financial success. 

    Albert Einstein succinctly captured this ethos in advice to his son, urging him to aspire to be a man of value rather than a man of success. This narrative encourages a regular self-evaluation focused on how you can continually improve and impact your various roles in life – be it as a family member, community leader, or business mentor.

    Character, therefore, isn’t a static trait but a dynamic one, crafted daily through consistent actions that reflect your true self. Different from the immutable aspects of your identity, like fingerprints, character is something you actively create and refine. It’s about laying a formidable foundation of core traits that not only define but also drive your interactions and decisions. 

    Ultimately, this lifelong journey of becoming shapes a richer, more authentic life for yourself while also setting the stage for the profound influence you can have on others. 

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    What is Think This, Not That about?

    Think This, Not That (2024) is a guide to reshaping thought patterns to foster a healthier mental, emotional, and physical state. It delves into the science of cognitive habits and provides 12 actionable strategies to empower individuals to achieve lasting personal change and make their life their masterpiece. 

    Think This, Not That Review

    Think This, Not That is an insightful guide by Josh Axe (2022) about improving our well-being by changing our thought patterns. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • It offers practical strategies for shifting mindset towards health and happiness.
    • The book dives into scientifically-backed methods for mental and emotional transformation.
    • By presenting engaging case studies and expert insights, it keeps readers hooked and motivated.

    Who should read Think This, Not That?

    • Anyone struggling with negative thought patterns
    • People interested in holistic health approaches
    • Wellness coaches and mental health professionals

    About the Author

    Josh Axe is a certified doctor of natural medicine, a chiropractor, and a clinical nutritionist known for his holistic approach to health and wellness. He has gained recognition through his website,, which disseminates advice on natural remedies and health-focused nutrition. Axe is also the author of several best-selling books, including Eat Dirt and Keto Diet, which explore gut health and the benefits of ketogenic eating, respectively.

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    Think This, Not That FAQs 

    What is the main message of Think This, Not That?

    The main message of Think This, Not That is to make healthier choices for a better life.

    How long does it take to read Think This, Not That?

    Reading Think This, Not That takes a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in under 15 minutes.

    Is Think This, Not That a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Think This, Not That is worth reading for practical insights on healthy living and positive changes.

    Who is the author of Think This, Not That?

    Josh Axe is the author of Think This, Not That.

    What to read after Think This, Not That?

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