Think Remarkable Book Summary - Think Remarkable Book explained in key points
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Think Remarkable summary

Guy Kawasaki & Madisun Nuismer

9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference

4.1 (44 ratings)
15 mins
Table of Contents

    Think Remarkable
    Summary of 3 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 3

    Growth begins with planting seeds

    Imagine walking through a forest of oak trees. The trees tower above you, creating dappled shadows on the earth below. 

    How can you build something in your life as potent and as valuable as an oak forest? You start by planting acorns. How do you do that? You collect fallen acorns from mature oaks. Then you drop them in water; the ones that sink are healthy, while those that float are rotten. Then you plant the healthy acorns, water them, and tend to them. Most won't sprout, but the few that do take root will, with care and patience, grow into mighty trees that can stand for generations.

    Oak trees are the perfect metaphor for remarkable achievements in life. You must gather seeds of potential, plant them hopefully, nurture them tirelessly, and wait patiently to see which ideas take hold and flourish. You can’t predict which ones will thrive. But you must trust the process, follow your heart, and tend faithfully to all that you have sown. 

    This approach stands in contrast to some advice we often get: “Find your passion”. Passions are often overrated, especially early in life. There is too much pressure to find one’s true calling at a young age. A better approach is to pursue many different interests without overthinking it. Cast a wide net, try new things, and see what grabs you. True passions emerge gradually from a succession of curiosities that captivate you. They start as humble acorns of interest that you nurture over years until they grow into towering oaks. 

    Adopting a growth mindset is the key to unlocking your full potential and living a remarkable life. This mindset is defined by the conviction that your qualities and abilities can be developed through effort, effective strategies, and support from others. On the other hand, those with a fixed mindset believe that their qualities are unchangeable and set in stone.

    One powerful way to plant seeds of potential is through education, both in and out of the classroom. For Stephen Wolfram, a precocious physicist who won a MacArthur “genius grant” at a young age, the key was learning to find knowledge on his own. As a child, he sought out books of physics and mathematics. He was amazed to discover that libraries existed – places where you dive into knowledge of virtually any subject. For Wolfram, reading widely and voraciously was its own form of education, opening up new vistas of understanding, which he would later incorporate into his scientific work.

    Another way to plant seeds is via other people – by putting yourself out there and meeting strangers from all walks of life. The author has benefited from many such chance encounters. While getting his son’s iPhone fixed at an Apple Store, a random encounter led to a meeting with Shaun Tomson, a world-champion surfer from the 1980s. On another occasion, while the author was himself surfing in Santa Cruz, a new friend introduced him to two remarkable people: Leon Panetta, the former US Secretary of Defense, and Dave Ebert, a renowned shark expert, author, and TV personality. Each conversation with a stranger holds the potential to expand life in unforeseen ways, so stay open and curious. The wider your network, the better opportunities can find you. Build bridges by smiling, listening intently, and focusing on the positive. You never know where a casual chat might lead. 

    As you gather seeds of potential, stay humble and strive to learn from every experience, even unglamorous ones. When musician and entrepreneur Derek Sivers was 17 years old, his first paying gig was strolling around a pig show strumming his guitar for a measly $75. He jumped at the random offer, gave it his all, and impressed the folks who hired him. That humble pig show led to an invitation to play at a fancy art gallery opening, which in turn launched a lucrative career performing over 1,000 circus shows. Saying “yes to everything,” as Sivers describes it, can be a useful approach, especially early in one’s career. 

    Do the tasks no one else wants to do. Master skills that make you uniquely valuable. Be a team player who makes your colleagues shine. With the right mindset, there are no truly dead-end jobs – only opportunities to prove yourself and expand your capabilities. 

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    What is Think Remarkable about?

    Think Remarkable (2023) is a transformative guide to unlocking your full potential and living an extraordinary life. It draws on the wisdom and insights of remarkable individuals to provide a blueprint for personal growth and success.

    Think Remarkable Review

    Think Remarkable (2021) by Guy Kawasaki & Madisun Nuismer is a refreshing approach to unlocking creativity and innovation. Here's why this book stands out:

    • It presents practical strategies for thinking outside the box and generating groundbreaking ideas.
    • The book delves into real-world case studies that showcase the transformative power of remarkable thinking.
    • With its uplifting tone and emphasis on embracing challenges, this book makes the journey of innovation engaging and empowering.

    Who should read Think Remarkable?

    • Students aiming to develop the skills and mindset needed for success
    • Anyone feeling stuck in a rut and wanting to break free from mediocrity
    • Those seeking inspiration and guidance from the world’s most remarkable people

    About the Author

    Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva and a former advisor to Google and Apple. He is the author of a dozen books, including APE, What the Plus!, and Enchantment. He is the host of the podcast Remarkable People.

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    Think Remarkable FAQs 

    What is the main message of Think Remarkable?

    The main message of Think Remarkable is to embrace creativity and innovation to stand out in a crowded world.

    How long does it take to read Think Remarkable?

    Reading Think Remarkable takes a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Think Remarkable a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Think Remarkable is worth reading for its fresh insights and practical advice on achieving standout success.

    Who is the author of Think Remarkable?

    The authors of Think Remarkable are Guy Kawasaki and Madisun Nuismer.

    What to read after Think Remarkable?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Think Remarkable, here are some recommendations we suggest:
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