Learned Excellence Book Summary - Learned Excellence Book explained in key points
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Learned Excellence summary

Eric Potterat & Alan Eagle

Mental Disciplines for Leading and Winning from the World's Top Performers

4.4 (149 ratings)
16 mins
Table of Contents

    Learned Excellence
    Summary of 5 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 5

    Discipline One: Values and goals

    The foundation of peak performance rests upon a deep understanding of your values and goals. It may sound obvious, but we must first become aware of what matters to us before we can start chasing it. 

    A great place to kick things off is with the introspective process of crafting a personal credo – a clear statement that encapsulates your core values. This short, curated maxim acts as a compass, guiding decisions and actions, ensuring they are aligned with what truly matters to you. That’s why a credo is more than just a vision statement; it’s a declaration of your identity and how you want to live your life. Take some time to reflect, then see if you can fashion a ten-word sentence that sums up the performer you seek to embody. 

    To bring your new-found understanding into practical application, set short- and long-term goals across various aspects of your life. By establishing objectives for your career, relationships, health, spirituality, hobbies, and legacy over one-, three-, and six-month intervals, you create a roadmap for your journey. These goals aren’t just checkpoints; they are stepping stones towards a fuller, more rounded existence.

    At this point, it can be helpful to identify your “engine” – the passions that drive you forward. Defining these passions requires a deliberate reflection on what fuels your ambition and how these motivators intertwine with your core values. This exercise isn’t just about pinpointing what excites you; it’s about understanding the why behind your drive, thus giving purpose and direction to your pursuits. 

    In essence, the journey towards peak performance is rooted in self-awareness. By articulating your values through a personal credo, setting specific, time-bound goals, and understanding your passions, you lay the groundwork for sustained excellence. This deep self-knowledge equips you to navigate life’s challenges with purpose and resilience, setting the stage for the second discipline: mindset – harnessing the power of thought to further amplify your potential. 

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    What is Learned Excellence about?

    Learned Excellence (2024) offers a comprehensive guide to the five mental disciplines necessary for peak performance. It provides principles and practices used by top athletes, military personnel, and business executives to attain excellence – professionally and personally.

    Learned Excellence Review

    Learned Excellence by Eric Potterat & Alan Eagle (2023) delves into the key principles behind mastering skills and achieving excellence. Here's why this book is a valuable read:

    • Explores the intersection of talent, effort, and deliberate practice, offering a comprehensive guide on how to develop expertise in any field.
    • Provides insightful case studies from successful individuals, showcasing practical strategies for continual improvement and growth.
    • Through its dynamic approach to learning and performance enhancement, the book is far from dull, keeping readers engaged and motivated throughout.

    Who should read Learned Excellence?

    • Corporate executives and business leaders
    • Individuals in high-stress professions, such as first responders
    • Anyone striving for excellence in their personal life

    About the Author

    Eric Potterat, PhD, is a leading performance psychologist. He has extensive experience working with professionals in high-stress careers, including Red Bull athletes, the US women’s soccer team, and the US Navy SEALs, for whom he developed the BUD/S mental toughness curriculum. Previously, Potterat served 20 years in the US Navy, which he retired from as a commander.

    Alan Eagle is an author and executive communications consultant. His books include How Google Works and Trillion Dollar Coach, both of which he co-authored with Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg. His 16-year tenure at Google established him as an expert in helping leaders and companies articulate their narratives effectively.

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    Learned Excellence FAQs 

    What is the main message of Learned Excellence?

    The main message of Learned Excellence is about achieving success through continuous learning and deliberate practice.

    How long does it take to read Learned Excellence?

    The estimated reading time for Learned Excellence is a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in about 15 minutes.

    Is Learned Excellence a good book? Is it worth reading?

    With actionable insights and practical advice, Learned Excellence is a valuable read that can help you enhance your skills.

    Who is the author of Learned Excellence?

    The authors of Learned Excellence are Eric Potterat & Alan Eagle.

    What to read after Learned Excellence?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Learned Excellence, here are some recommendations we suggest:
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