Trump-Style Negotiation Book Summary - Trump-Style Negotiation Book explained in key points

Trump-Style Negotiation summary

Brief summary

Trump-Style Negotiation by George H. Ross provides insight into the negotiation tactics and strategies employed by Donald Trump. It offers practical advice for achieving favorable deals and handling difficult negotiators.

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Table of Contents

    Trump-Style Negotiation
    Summary of key ideas

    Understanding the Trump-Style Negotiation

    In Trump-Style Negotiation, George H. Ross, a former right-hand man to Donald Trump, provides an insider's perspective on the negotiation tactics and strategies employed by the former President. Ross begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding the other party's perspective and motivations, a key principle in Trump-style negotiation. He explains that Trump's approach is rooted in the belief that a successful negotiation is one where both parties walk away feeling like they've won.

    Ross then delves into the concept of leverage, a critical element in Trump-style negotiation. He explains that Trump is a master at creating and utilizing leverage, whether it's through his public persona, his business acumen, or his ability to walk away from a deal. According to Ross, understanding and maximizing your leverage is crucial in any negotiation.

    The Power of Preparation and Patience

    Next, Trump-Style Negotiation emphasizes the importance of preparation. Ross shares that Trump is meticulous in his preparation, researching the other party's background, interests, and potential weaknesses. He also stresses the significance of patience, highlighting Trump's ability to wait for the right moment to strike a deal, even if it means walking away from the negotiation table temporarily.

    Ross further discusses the role of emotion in negotiation, noting that while Trump is known for his bold and sometimes confrontational style, he is also adept at controlling his emotions and using them strategically. He advises readers to remain calm and composed during negotiations, as emotional outbursts can weaken one's position.

    Mastering the Art of the Deal

    In the latter part of the book, Ross provides a detailed breakdown of Trump's negotiation strategies, drawing from his experiences working alongside the real estate mogul. He explains Trump's use of anchoring, a technique where the first offer sets the tone for the rest of the negotiation, and his skill in creating a sense of urgency to push the other party towards a decision.

    Ross also highlights Trump's ability to think creatively and find win-win solutions, even in seemingly impossible situations. He emphasizes the importance of flexibility and the willingness to explore unconventional options during negotiations, a hallmark of Trump-style deal-making.

    Applying Trump-Style Negotiation in Your Life

    In the concluding sections of Trump-Style Negotiation, Ross offers practical advice on applying Trump's negotiation tactics in various scenarios, from business deals to personal relationships. He stresses the need for continuous learning and adaptation, as well as the importance of maintaining integrity and building trust, even in high-stakes negotiations.

    In summary, Trump-Style Negotiation provides a comprehensive overview of the negotiation strategies employed by Donald Trump, as seen through the eyes of his long-time advisor. While acknowledging that Trump's approach may not be suitable for everyone, Ross presents valuable insights and lessons that readers can adapt and apply to their own negotiation style, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in mastering the art of the deal.

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    What is Trump-Style Negotiation about?

    Trump-Style Negotiation by George H. Ross provides an inside look at the negotiation tactics and strategies employed by Donald Trump. Drawing from his own experiences as Trump's right-hand man, Ross offers practical advice on how to negotiate effectively in business and in life. Whether you love him or hate him, this book offers valuable insights into the art of the deal.

    Trump-Style Negotiation Review

    Trump-Style Negotiation by George H. Ross (2008) is a book that provides valuable insights into the art of negotiation, sharing strategies and techniques employed by Donald Trump himself. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • It offers practical tips and strategies for negotiating effectively, empowering readers to become skilled negotiators in their own lives.
    • Through real-life examples and anecdotes from George H. Ross's experiences working with Trump, the book provides a glimpse into the high-stakes world of negotiation.
    • The book's engaging storytelling keeps readers captivated, ensuring that the topic of negotiation remains interesting and far from boring.

    Who should read Trump-Style Negotiation?

    • Individuals who want to improve their negotiation skills
    • Business professionals seeking to close deals and achieve better results
    • Entrepreneurs looking to navigate and win in the world of business

    About the Author

    George H. Ross is an attorney, businessman, and best-selling author. He is best known for his role as a senior advisor to Donald Trump on the reality TV show The Apprentice. Ross has had a long and successful career in real estate and has been involved in numerous high-stakes negotiations. In his book Trump-Style Negotiation, he shares his insights and strategies for achieving success in business and life. With his wealth of experience, Ross provides valuable lessons on how to navigate complex deals and come out on top.

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    Trump-Style Negotiation FAQs 

    What is the main message of Trump-Style Negotiation?

    The main message of Trump-Style Negotiation is to learn negotiation strategies from Donald Trump's experiences and apply them to achieve success.

    How long does it take to read Trump-Style Negotiation?

    The reading time for Trump-Style Negotiation varies, but it can typically be read within a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Trump-Style Negotiation a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Trump-Style Negotiation is worth reading as it offers valuable insights into negotiation techniques used by Donald Trump, providing practical knowledge for effective negotiations.

    Who is the author of Trump-Style Negotiation?

    George H. Ross is the author of Trump-Style Negotiation.

    How many chapters are in Trump-Style Negotiation?

    The book Trump-Style Negotiation contains several chapters, but the titles are not listed.

    How many pages are in Trump-Style Negotiation?

    The book Trump-Style Negotiation contains a specific number of pages, but the exact count is not available.

    When was Trump-Style Negotiation published?

    Trump-Style Negotiation was published in the year it was released.

    What to read after Trump-Style Negotiation?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Trump-Style Negotiation, here are some recommendations we suggest:
    • Start with Why by Simon Sinek
    • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
    • Good to Great by Jim Collins
    • Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore
    • Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
    • Built to Last by Jim Collins
    • Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
    • The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
    • Inspired by Marty Cagan
    • ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson