What's Best Next Book Summary - What's Best Next Book explained in key points

What's Best Next summary

Brief summary

What's Best Next by Matt Perman is a guide to productivity that emphasizes the importance of doing work that matters. It offers practical strategies for prioritizing tasks, managing time effectively, and making a positive impact.

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Table of Contents

    What's Best Next
    Summary of key ideas

    Understanding Productivity in a New Light

    In What's Best Next by Matt Perman, we are introduced to a fresh perspective on productivity. Perman argues that productivity is not just about getting more done in less time, but about doing the right things in a God-honoring way. He emphasizes that our work should be driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to serve others, rather than just personal gain.

    Perman introduces the concept of 'Gospel-Driven Productivity', which is based on the idea that our work is a way to serve God and others. He encourages us to align our work with our values and beliefs, and to view our daily tasks as opportunities to contribute to the greater good.

    Principles of Effective Productivity

    Perman then delves into the practical aspects of productivity, offering a comprehensive framework for managing our time and tasks. He introduces the concept of 'The Big Picture', which involves setting long-term goals and then breaking them down into smaller, actionable steps. He also emphasizes the importance of prioritization, urging us to focus on tasks that align with our values and contribute to our long-term goals.

    Another key principle in What's Best Next is the idea of 'Doing What Only You Can Do'. Perman argues that we should delegate tasks that others can do, so that we can focus on our unique strengths and contributions. He also introduces the concept of 'The Weekly Review', a practice of reflecting on our progress and adjusting our plans accordingly.

    Overcoming Obstacles to Productivity

    Perman acknowledges that there are many obstacles to productivity, such as procrastination, distractions, and overwhelm. He offers practical strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting boundaries around our time and attention, and using tools like to-do lists and calendars to stay organized.

    He also addresses the issue of work-life balance, arguing that it's not about dividing our time equally between work and personal life, but about integrating the two in a way that aligns with our values and priorities. He encourages us to set boundaries around our work, so that we can be fully present in our personal lives.

    Productivity in a Gospel-Centered Perspective

    Throughout What's Best Next, Perman emphasizes the importance of a gospel-centered perspective on productivity. He argues that our work is a way to serve God and others, and that our ultimate goal should be to glorify God in everything we do. He encourages us to view our work as a calling, and to approach it with a sense of purpose and mission.

    In conclusion, What's Best Next offers a comprehensive and practical approach to productivity, grounded in a gospel-centered perspective. It challenges us to rethink our approach to work, and to align our daily tasks with our values and beliefs. By doing so, Perman argues, we can not only become more productive, but also find greater fulfillment and purpose in our work.

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    What is What's Best Next about?

    What's Best Next by Matt Perman offers a fresh perspective on productivity, focusing on how to align your daily work with your long-term goals and values. Through practical advice and biblical wisdom, the book helps you prioritize your tasks, manage your time effectively, and make a positive impact in both your personal and professional life.

    What's Best Next Review

    What's Best Next (2014) by Matt Perman offers a practical approach to productivity that aligns with our values and leverages our strengths. Here's what makes this book worth reading:

    • It provides a step-by-step framework for managing time, setting priorities, and achieving meaningful goals, empowering us to make the most of our limited resources.
    • With its emphasis on effectiveness over efficiency and the integration of our faith into our work, the book challenges conventional productivity advice, offering a fresh perspective.
    • Combining research-based strategies with real-world examples, the book is engaging and relevant, helping us navigate the complexities of our modern work lives.

    Who should read What's Best Next?

    • Individuals seeking a biblical perspective on productivity
    • Professionals looking to improve their time management skills
    • People who want to align their work with their values and priorities

    About the Author

    Matt Perman is a writer and speaker who focuses on productivity and leadership. With a background in both business and ministry, Perman offers a unique perspective on how to be effective in both professional and personal life. He is the author of the book What's Best Next, which provides practical advice on time management and prioritizing tasks. Perman's work is highly regarded for its thoughtful and holistic approach to productivity.

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    What's Best Next FAQs 

    What is the main message of What's Best Next?

    The main message of What's Best Next is effective productivity with a focus on doing meaningful work.

    How long does it take to read What's Best Next?

    The reading time for What's Best Next varies, but it typically takes a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is What's Best Next a good book? Is it worth reading?

    What's Best Next is a valuable read for anyone looking to improve their productivity. It offers practical strategies and a fresh perspective on maximizing impact.

    Who is the author of What's Best Next?

    The author of What's Best Next is Matt Perman.

    What to read after What's Best Next?

    If you're wondering what to read next after What's Best Next, here are some recommendations we suggest:
    • Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore
    • The Portfolio Life by Christina Wallace
    • The Power of Less by Leo Babauta
    • Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
    • The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo
    • Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
    • Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
    • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
    • Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William Ury & Bruce Patton
    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill