The best 42 Minimalism books

In a world filled with constant stimulation and consumerism, many people are seeking simplicity and mindfulness. Minimalism offers a refreshing approach to living, focusing on intentional choices and decluttering our lives.
To help you embrace this lifestyle, we've curated a collection of books that delve into the principles of minimalism. From practical guides to inspiring stories, this book list will guide you on your journey to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

The best 42 Minimalism books
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Minimalism Books: Lagom by Linnea Dunne


Linnea Dunne
The Swedish Art of Balanced Living
Listen to the Intro

What's Lagom about?

Lagom (2017) introduces the Swedish attitude toward life that embodies the principle of “not too little, not too much, just enough.” It explores how this approach contributes to happiness and well-being – as evidenced by Sweden’s high ranking in the World Happiness Report – by being deeply rooted in community and responsibility. 

Who should read Lagom?

  • Busy professionals seeking balance
  • Environmentalists aiming for sustainable living practices
  • Community organizers needing to foster social bonds

Minimalism Books: The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees

The Curated Closet

Anuschka Rees

What's The Curated Closet about?

The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees is a comprehensive guide to building a wardrobe that truly reflects your personal style. Through practical tips and exercises, Rees helps readers declutter their closets, define their style preferences, and make thoughtful purchasing decisions. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to create a more intentional and curated wardrobe.

Who should read The Curated Closet?

  • Individuals who want to refine and define their personal style
  • People who struggle with decision fatigue when it comes to choosing outfits
  • Anyone looking to build a more intentional and sustainable wardrobe

Minimalism Books: Less by Andrew Sean Greer


Andrew Sean Greer

What's Less about?

Less by Andrew Sean Greer is a witty and charming novel that follows the misadventures of Arthur Less, a struggling writer who embarks on a journey around the world to escape his problems. Filled with humor and poignant reflections, the book explores themes of love, aging, and the pursuit of happiness.

Who should read Less?

  • Anyone looking for a humorous and insightful exploration of the human condition
  • Readers who enjoy travel literature and exploring different cultures
  • People who appreciate well-crafted storytelling and memorable characters

Minimalism Books: The Year of Less by Cait Flanders

The Year of Less

Cait Flanders

What's The Year of Less about?

The Year of Less by Cait Flanders is a memoir and self-help book that chronicles the author's journey towards minimalism. Flanders documents her decision to go on a year-long shopping ban and declutter her life, as she explores the deeper reasons behind her excessive consumption and seeks a more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, the book encourages readers to reconsider their own relationship with material possessions and embrace a simpler way of living.

Who should read The Year of Less?

  • Individuals who want to declutter and simplify their lives
  • People looking for inspiration to break free from consumerism and materialism
  • Readers who are open to exploring the connection between their spending habits and their overall happiness

Minimalism Books: Simple Matters by Erin Boyle

Simple Matters

Erin Boyle

What's Simple Matters about?

Simple Matters by Erin Boyle is a thoughtful guide to living a more intentional and sustainable life. Filled with practical tips and beautiful photographs, the book explores the idea that simplifying our living spaces and daily routines can lead to a greater sense of contentment and fulfillment. It offers inspiration for decluttering, embracing minimalism, and making small changes that can have a big impact on our lives.

Who should read Simple Matters?

  • Individuals who want to simplify and declutter their lives
  • People living in small spaces such as apartments or tiny homes
  • Those interested in sustainable and minimalist living

Minimalism Books: The Hoarder in You by Robin Zasio

The Hoarder in You

Robin Zasio

What's The Hoarder in You about?

The Hoarder in You by Robin Zasio delves into the psychology behind hoarding and offers practical advice for overcoming this compulsive behavior. Drawing on her experience as a clinical psychologist and host of the TV show Hoarders, Zasio provides insights and strategies to help hoarders and their loved ones break free from the grip of clutter and reclaim their lives.

Who should read The Hoarder in You?

  • For individuals who struggle with excessive clutter and hoarding tendencies
  • People seeking practical strategies to declutter and organize their living spaces
  • Those interested in understanding the psychological reasons behind hoarding behavior

What's How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind about?

How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana K. White offers practical and realistic advice for keeping your home clean and organized. With humor and empathy, White shares her own struggles and provides actionable tips to help readers tackle household chores and decluttering without feeling overwhelmed. It's a must-read for anyone looking to bring order to their living space.

Who should read How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind?

  • Individuals who struggle to keep their homes organized and clean
  • People who want practical tips and strategies for managing household chores
  • Those who are looking for a realistic and non-judgmental approach to maintaining a tidy home

Minimalism Books: The Minimalist Way by Erica Layne

The Minimalist Way

Erica Layne

What's The Minimalist Way about?

The Minimalist Way by Erica Layne offers practical advice on simplifying your life and embracing a minimalist mindset. Through personal anecdotes and helpful tips, the book guides readers in decluttering their physical space, managing their time more effectively, and prioritizing what truly matters. It inspires a more intentional and fulfilling way of living.

Who should read The Minimalist Way?

  • Individuals looking to declutter their lives and focus on what truly matters
  • People feeling overwhelmed by consumerism and the constant need for more
  • Anyone seeking a more peaceful, mindful, and intentional way of living

Minimalism Books: Unf*ck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman

Unf*ck Your Habitat

Rachel Hoffman

What's Unf*ck Your Habitat about?

Unf*ck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman offers a refreshing take on cleaning and organizing your living space. With a no-nonsense approach and practical tips, the book encourages you to break down daunting tasks into manageable steps. It's a must-read for anyone looking to transform their home without feeling overwhelmed.

Who should read Unf*ck Your Habitat?

  • Individuals who struggle with maintaining a clean and organized living space
  • People who want practical and realistic cleaning and organizing tips
  • Those who are looking for motivation and guidance to improve their home environment

Minimalism Books: The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta

The Effortless Life

Leo Babauta

What's The Effortless Life about?

The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta is a guide to simplifying your life and finding more joy and fulfillment in the process. Babauta shares practical tips and insights on how to let go of the need for constant busyness and productivity, and instead embrace a more relaxed and intentional way of living. Through personal anecdotes and actionable advice, this book offers a refreshing perspective on how to live a more effortless and meaningful life.

Who should read The Effortless Life?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce stress
  • People who want to prioritize what truly matters and let go of unnecessary busyness
  • Anyone looking to cultivate mindfulness and embrace a more present way of living

Minimalism Books: The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard

The Story of Stuff

Annie Leonard

What's The Story of Stuff about?

The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard is an eye-opening book that delves into the lifecycle of the products we consume and the impact they have on the environment. From extraction to production to disposal, Leonard uncovers the hidden costs and unsustainable practices behind our consumer-driven economy. With compelling storytelling and insightful analysis, this book challenges us to rethink our relationship with “stuff” and work towards a more sustainable future.

Who should read The Story of Stuff?

  • Individuals who want to understand the environmental impact of their consumption habits
  • People interested in sustainable living and reducing their carbon footprint
  • Environmental activists and advocates seeking insight into the global system of production and consumption

Minimalism Books: Unstuffed by Ruth Soukup


Ruth Soukup

What's Unstuffed about?

Unstuffed by Ruth Soukup offers practical advice and actionable steps to declutter your home, mind, and schedule. With personal anecdotes and insightful tips, the book helps you break free from the overwhelming weight of physical and mental clutter, leading to a more organized and fulfilling life.

Who should read Unstuffed?

  • Individuals who feel overwhelmed by clutter and want to simplify their lives
  • People who struggle with managing their time and commitments
  • Those who want to break free from consumerism and find contentment with less

Minimalism Books: Project 333 by Courtney Carver

Project 333

Courtney Carver

What's Project 333 about?

Project 333 by Courtney Carver challenges readers to simplify their wardrobes by choosing only 33 items of clothing to wear for 3 months. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, Carver demonstrates how this minimalist approach can lead to a more intentional and fulfilling life. The book offers a fresh perspective on consumerism and encourages readers to prioritize what truly brings them joy.

Who should read Project 333?

  • Individuals who want to simplify their lives and reduce stress
  • People who are interested in practicing minimalism and decluttering their possessions
  • Those looking to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly wardrobe

What's A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind about?

: [A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind]( is a thought-provoking book that explores the connection between our physical environment and our mental well-being. Drawing on Zen teachings and personal experiences, Shoukei Matsumoto offers practical advice on decluttering, cleaning, and organizing our living spaces to achieve a sense of calm and clarity. It will inspire you to approach household chores with mindfulness and find peace in a tidy home.

Who should read A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind?

  • Cleaning enthusiasts looking for a mindful approach to tidying up
  • Individuals seeking to create a serene and peaceful living environment
  • People interested in incorporating Zen principles into their daily routines


What's The Minimalist Mindset about?

The Minimalist Mindset by Danny Dover is a practical guide to decluttering your life and focusing on what truly matters. Through personal anecdotes and actionable steps, the book teaches you how to adopt a minimalist mindset and live a more intentional, fulfilling life. It offers valuable insights for anyone looking to simplify their lifestyle and prioritize their values.

Who should read The Minimalist Mindset?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce stress
  • People who want to focus on what truly matters to them
  • Those looking to declutter their physical space and mental clutter

Minimalism Books: Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson

Zero Waste Home

Bea Johnson

What's Zero Waste Home about?

Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson is a practical guide to reducing household waste and living a more sustainable lifestyle. Johnson shares her personal journey towards a zero waste home and offers tips on decluttering, making eco-friendly swaps, and embracing a simpler way of living. This book is an inspiring resource for anyone looking to minimize their environmental impact.

Who should read Zero Waste Home?

  • Environmentally conscious individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint
  • Households aiming to minimize waste and live a more sustainable lifestyle
  • People interested in practical tips and strategies for decluttering and organizing their homes

Minimalism Books: No Baggage by Clara Bensen

No Baggage

Clara Bensen

What's No Baggage about?

No Baggage by Clara Bensen is a captivating memoir that chronicles the author's spontaneous and adventurous journey across Europe with a man she barely knew. With no plans, no baggage, and no expectations, Bensen takes readers on a whirlwind trip filled with unexpected challenges, self-discovery, and a deep exploration of human connection.

Who should read No Baggage?

  • Travel enthusiasts seeking a unique and adventurous memoir
  • Those interested in unconventional relationships and personal growth
  • Readers who enjoy stories about stepping out of comfort zones and embracing spontaneity

What's Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui about?

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston offers practical advice on how to declutter your home and life using the principles of Feng Shui. The book explains how clutter can negatively impact your energy and provides step-by-step guidance on how to clear and organize your space to create a more harmonious environment.

Who should read Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui?

  • Individuals looking to declutter and organize their living or working space
  • People interested in incorporating Feng Shui principles into their daily lives
  • Those seeking a fresh start and a new perspective on their belongings and environment

Minimalism Books: Coming Clean by Kimberly Rae Miller

Coming Clean

Kimberly Rae Miller

What's Coming Clean about?

Coming Clean by Kimberly Rae Miller is a gripping memoir that delves into the author’s experience growing up with parents who are hoarders. Miller bravely shares the challenges and emotional turmoil she faced living in a cluttered and chaotic environment, while also exploring themes of family, mental illness, and the healing power of self-acceptance. This raw and heartfelt account offers a unique perspective on the impact of hoarding on individuals and their loved ones.

Who should read Coming Clean?

  • Anyone struggling with clutter and organization
  • People who want to understand hoarding and its impact on families
  • Readers interested in personal memoirs and overcoming adversity

Minimalism Books: A Simplified Life by Emily Ley

What's A Simplified Life about?

A Simplified Life by Emily Ley offers practical tips and advice on how to simplify your life and focus on what truly matters. From decluttering your home to managing your time more effectively, this book provides a step-by-step guide to creating a more organized and fulfilling life.

Who should read A Simplified Life?

  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed by their busy and cluttered life
  • Individuals looking to simplify and streamline their daily routines
  • People seeking practical tips and guidance for decluttering their home and mind


What's The Simple Living Guide about?

The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs offers practical advice and inspiration for those looking to simplify their lives. With tips on decluttering, time management, and creating a more balanced life, this book challenges the notion that more is always better and encourages readers to focus on what truly matters to them.

Who should read The Simple Living Guide?

  • Those who want to simplify their lives and focus on what truly matters
  • Individuals seeking to reduce stress and find more joy in everyday life
  • People interested in minimalism and sustainable living

Minimalism Books: Lightly by Francine Jay


Francine Jay

What's Lightly about?

Lightly by Francine Jay is a thought-provoking book that challenges our societal obsession with busyness and excess. Through practical tips and philosophical insights, Jay encourages readers to embrace a lighter, more intentional way of living. From decluttering our physical spaces to simplifying our daily routines, this book offers a refreshing perspective on how we can find greater fulfillment and freedom by doing less.

Who should read Lightly?

  • For individuals looking to simplify their lives and declutter their minds and spaces
  • Anyone seeking inspiration and practical tips for living with less and finding more joy

Minimalism Books: The Art of Discarding by Nagisa Tatsumi

The Art of Discarding

Nagisa Tatsumi

What's The Art of Discarding about?

The Art of Discarding offers practical advice and strategies for decluttering and simplifying your life. It helps you understand the psychological reasons behind our attachment to possessions and provides step-by-step guidance on how to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose. This book will inspire you to create a more organized and peaceful living space. Whether you're a minimalist or a hoarder, it offers valuable insights into the art of letting go.

Who should read The Art of Discarding?

  • Anyone looking to declutter their home and simplify their life
  • People who struggle with letting go of possessions
  • Those who want to adopt a more minimalist lifestyle

What's Decluttering at the Speed of Life about?

Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White offers practical and realistic advice for anyone looking to tackle their clutter. With a focus on mindset shifts and small, manageable steps, this book helps readers create a personalized decluttering plan that fits their lifestyle. It's a refreshing take on decluttering that emphasizes progress over perfection.

Who should read Decluttering at the Speed of Life?

  • Individuals who feel overwhelmed by clutter and want to simplify their lives
  • People who are looking for practical and realistic decluttering methods
  • Readers who enjoy a light-hearted and humorous approach to tackling organization challenges

Minimalism Books: You Can Buy Happiness by Tammy Strobel

You Can Buy Happiness

Tammy Strobel

What's You Can Buy Happiness about?

You Can Buy Happiness by Tammy Strobel challenges the notion that material possessions lead to true happiness. Through personal anecdotes and research, Strobel explores the benefits of minimalism and living with less. She offers practical tips and insights on how to prioritize experiences and relationships over consumerism, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Who should read You Can Buy Happiness?

  • Individuals seeking a more intentional and minimalist lifestyle
  • Those interested in the relationship between consumerism and happiness
  • People looking for practical tips on simplifying their lives and finding joy in the little things

Minimalism Books: The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

The Minimalist Home

Joshua Becker

What's The Minimalist Home about?

The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker offers practical advice and inspiration for decluttering and simplifying your living space. With a focus on intentional living and the benefits of owning less, this book guides you through the process of creating a minimalist home that brings more joy and freedom into your life.

Who should read The Minimalist Home?

  • Individuals looking to simplify and declutter their living space
  • People who want to reduce their material possessions and focus on what truly matters
  • Those interested in adopting a minimalist mindset and lifestyle

Minimalism Books: Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki

Goodbye, Things

Fumio Sasaki

What's Goodbye, Things about?

Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki is a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of minimalism and its impact on our lives. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, Sasaki challenges the notion that owning more things equates to happiness and encourages readers to declutter and simplify their lives. An inspiring read for anyone looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle.

Who should read Goodbye, Things?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce clutter
  • Those looking to cultivate a minimalist mindset and let go of material possessions
  • Readers interested in the philosophy behind minimalism and its potential impact on personal well-being

Minimalism Books: New Minimalism by Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici

New Minimalism

Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici

What's New Minimalism about?

New Minimalism by Cary Telander Fortin and Kyle Louise Quilici offers a fresh perspective on decluttering and simplifying your life. Focusing on the principles of minimalism and sustainability, the book provides practical tips and insights to help you create a more intentional and meaningful living space. Whether you want to streamline your belongings, reduce your environmental impact, or simply find more joy in everyday life, this book is a valuable guide to embracing a minimalist lifestyle.

Who should read New Minimalism?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce clutter
  • People who want to adopt a more mindful and intentional approach to their belongings
  • Those interested in creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing living space

Minimalism Books: It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh, Hilary Liftin

It's All Too Much

Peter Walsh, Hilary Liftin

What's It's All Too Much about?

It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh is a practical guide to decluttering and organizing your home and life. With helpful tips and real-life examples, the book offers a step-by-step approach to tackling the overwhelming mess and creating a more peaceful and functional living space. It provides valuable insights into the emotional and psychological aspects of clutter and offers strategies for letting go of the things that weigh us down.

Who should read It's All Too Much?

  • Individuals feeling overwhelmed by clutter and disorganization in their homes
  • Those seeking practical tips and strategies for decluttering and simplifying their living spaces
  • People looking to cultivate a more mindful and intentional approach to their possessions

What's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love about?

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a collection of short stories by Raymond Carver that delves into the complexities of love and human relationships. Through raw and compelling narratives, Carver explores the various forms of love, from romantic to familial, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Who should read What We Talk About When We Talk About Love?

  • People who are curious about the complexities and nuances of love
  • Readers who enjoy thought-provoking and introspective stories
  • Those interested in exploring the human condition and how individuals navigate relationships

What's A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind about?

A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind by Shoukei Matsumoto offers a unique perspective on the connection between our living spaces and mental well-being. Drawing on his experiences as a Buddhist monk, Matsumoto shares practical tips and profound insights to inspire readers to declutter their homes and minds. This thought-provoking book invites us to rethink our approach to cleaning and discover the profound benefits it can bring to our lives.

Who should read A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify and declutter their living space

  • People interested in incorporating mindfulness and meditation into their daily cleaning routine

  • Readers looking for a unique perspective on the connection between physical and mental cleanliness

Minimalism Books: A Simplified Life by Emily Ley

What's A Simplified Life about?

A Simplified Life by Emily Ley offers practical tips and advice for simplifying your life and finding more joy in the everyday. From decluttering your home to managing your time more effectively, this book provides actionable steps to help you create a life that is both organized and fulfilling.

Who should read A Simplified Life?

  • Individuals who want to declutter their lives and focus on what truly matters

  • People who are feeling overwhelmed and in need of practical strategies to simplify their daily routines

  • Those who are looking for inspiration and guidance on creating a more intentional and balanced lifestyle

Minimalism Books: Lightly by Francine Jay


Francine Jay

What's Lightly about?

Lightly by Francine Jay is a refreshing guide to living a simpler and more intentional life. With practical tips and thoughtful insights, Jay encourages readers to declutter their physical space, schedule, and mindset. This book offers a gentle reminder that by lightening our load, we can create more space for what truly matters.

Who should read Lightly?

  • Those who want to simplify their lives and reduce stress

  • People who are interested in minimalism and mindful living

  • Readers looking for practical tips on decluttering and organizing

Minimalism Books: New Minimalism by Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici

New Minimalism

Cary Telander Fortin, Kyle Louise Quilici

What's New Minimalism about?

New Minimalism by Cary Telander Fortin and Kyle Louise Quilici offers a fresh perspective on decluttering and simplifying your life. Focusing on the connection between our physical and mental spaces, the book provides practical advice and inspiring real-life stories to help you create a more intentional and meaningful lifestyle. Whether you want to streamline your belongings or reevaluate your priorities, this book is a valuable guide to embracing minimalism in a way that works for you.

Who should read New Minimalism?

  • Individuals looking to simplify their lives and reduce clutter

  • People interested in sustainable and mindful living

  • Those who want to create a more peaceful and organized home environment

Minimalism Books: No Baggage by Clara Bensen

No Baggage

Clara Bensen

What's No Baggage about?

No Baggage is a captivating memoir by Clara Bensen that chronicles her daring and unconventional journey across Europe with a man she barely knew. Fueled by spontaneity and a desire for adventure, Bensen challenges societal norms and her own fears as she embarks on a trip with no plans, no luggage, and no expectations. This thought-provoking book explores the complexities of human connection and the liberating power of letting go.

Who should read No Baggage?

  • Individuals seeking inspiration to step out of their comfort zone and embrace adventure

  • Travel enthusiasts looking for a unique and unconventional approach to exploring the world

  • Readers interested in personal growth, relationships, and the transformative power of travel

Minimalism Books: The Art of Discarding by Nagisa Tatsumi

The Art of Discarding

Nagisa Tatsumi

What's The Art of Discarding about?

The Art of Discarding by Nagisa Tatsumi is a practical guide to decluttering and organizing your home. It offers insights into the psychology behind our attachment to possessions and provides step-by-step methods for letting go of items that no longer serve us. With helpful tips and real-life examples, this book empowers readers to create a more minimalist and harmonious living space.

Who should read The Art of Discarding?

  • Individuals who struggle with clutter and want to declutter their homes

  • People who are looking for practical tips on how to let go of possessions

  • Those who want to adopt a minimalist lifestyle and simplify their lives

Minimalism Books: The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta

The Effortless Life

Leo Babauta

What's The Effortless Life about?

The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta is a guide to simplifying your life and finding joy in the present moment. Through practical tips and personal anecdotes, Babauta shares how to let go of unnecessary stress and busyness, and instead focus on what truly matters. This book offers a refreshing perspective on living a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Who should read The Effortless Life?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce stress

  • People who want to cultivate mindfulness and live in the present moment

  • Those looking to prioritize their values and focus on what truly matters to them


What's The Minimalist Mindset about?

The Minimalist Mindset by Danny Dover challenges readers to reevaluate their priorities and embrace a simpler, more intentional way of living. Through practical advice and real-life examples, the book offers a step-by-step guide to decluttering your life, both physically and mentally, in order to focus on what truly matters. It encourages readers to let go of the constant pursuit of more and find contentment in less.

Who should read The Minimalist Mindset?

  • Individuals who feel overwhelmed by clutter and excess in their lives

  • People looking to simplify and prioritize what truly matters to them

  • Those seeking practical strategies for living with less and finding greater fulfillment


What's The Simple Living Guide about?

The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs offers practical advice and inspiration for those looking to simplify their lives. From decluttering and organizing your home to reevaluating your priorities and finding more time for what truly matters, this book provides a step-by-step guide to living a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Who should read The Simple Living Guide?

  • Individuals seeking to simplify their lives and reduce stress

  • People who want to declutter their homes and minds

  • Those interested in minimalism and mindful living

Minimalism Books: The Year of Less by Cait Flanders

The Year of Less

Cait Flanders

What's The Year of Less about?

The Year of Less by Cait Flanders is a memoir that chronicles the author's journey towards a more intentional and minimalist lifestyle. Faced with overwhelming debt and a deep sense of dissatisfaction, Flanders embarks on a year-long shopping ban and decluttering process. Through her personal story, she explores the power of consuming less and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

Who should read The Year of Less?

  • Individuals looking to simplify their lives and declutter their possessions

  • People who want to break free from consumerism and reduce their spending

  • Readers interested in personal growth, mindfulness, and intentional living

What's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love about?

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a collection of short stories by Raymond Carver that delves into the complexities of human relationships. Through raw and minimalist prose, Carver explores the different facets of love, from romantic to familial, and the ways in which it can both uplift and unravel our lives. Each story offers a glimpse into the quiet moments and unspoken emotions that shape our connections with others.

Who should read What We Talk About When We Talk About Love?

  • Readers who enjoy introspective and thought-provoking literature

  • Those interested in exploring the complexities of human relationships

  • Individuals who appreciate minimalist and precise writing styles

Minimalism Books: You Can Buy Happiness by Tammy Strobel

You Can Buy Happiness

Tammy Strobel

What's You Can Buy Happiness about?

You Can Buy Happiness by Tammy Strobel challenges the notion that material possessions bring us true happiness. Through personal anecdotes and research, Strobel explores how simplifying our lives, embracing minimalism, and prioritizing experiences over things can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful existence. This thought-provoking book offers practical advice on how to shift our mindset and redefine what it means to truly be happy.

Who should read You Can Buy Happiness?

  • Individuals seeking a simpler and more fulfilling life

  • People interested in minimalism and reducing their material possessions

  • Those looking to prioritize experiences and relationships over material wealth

Related Topics

Minimalism Books

What's the best Minimalism book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Lagom as the ultimate read on Minimalism.

What are the Top 10 Minimalism books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Lagom by Linnea Dunne
  • The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees
  • Less by Andrew Sean Greer
  • The Year of Less by Cait Flanders
  • Simple Matters by Erin Boyle
  • The Hoarder in You by Robin Zasio
  • How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana K. White
  • The Minimalist Way by Erica Layne
  • Unf*ck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman
  • The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta

Who are the top Minimalism book authors?

When it comes to Minimalism, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Linnea Dunne
  • Anuschka Rees
  • Andrew Sean Greer
  • Cait Flanders
  • Erin Boyle