Dare to Lead (new version) Book Summary - Dare to Lead (new version) Book explained in key points
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Dare to Lead (new version) summary

Brené Brown

Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole hearts.

4.3 (756 ratings)
21 mins

Brief summary

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown is a leadership book that challenges traditional approaches. It encourages vulnerability, empathy, and courage as essential skills for modern leaders. Learn how to cultivate true belonging and unlearn what you've been taught about being a leader.

Table of Contents

    Dare to Lead (new version)
    Summary of 6 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 6

    Begin your leadership journey by reframing your idea of vulnerability.

    Let’s start by asking a bold question: What makes you feel vulnerable? 

    Even though vulnerability is a universal feeling that we all experience, we still sometimes associate it with “weakness” or feeling inadequate. We worry that admitting we don’t know all the answers will make us look stupid.

    So rather than exposing ourselves to others and allowing for moments of genuine connection and problem-solving, we reach out for our “emotional armor,” we put it on, and we create barriers – between us and our coworkers, between us and the challenges we face, between us and our emotions, between us and true moments of understanding and connection with our team.

    Far from being a weakness, practicing real vulnerability is a superpower. It will transform you from a mediocre leader into a great leader. And this is our first key message: being vulnerable is an act of courage. 

    It involves saying what’s on your mind and being honest with yourself and your team. The original word for courage comes from the Latin word cor, or “heart,” and it meant “to speak your mind by telling your heart.”

    Vulnerability is your winning hand. It’s the cornerstone of human innovation and creativity, and it requires you to get open and comfortable with failure. More often than not, you’re going to need to fail multiple times before your team eventually lands on that one idea, that clear “aha” moment, that helps move everything forward. 

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    Key ideas in Dare to Lead (new version)

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    What is Dare to Lead (new version) about?

    Dare to Lead (2018) explores how to find the inner courage to lead a great team. Drawing on Brené Brown’s research and experience as a leadership coach, it shows how you can harness your emotions, quash your fear of failure, and become a daring leader in an increasingly competitive world. 

    Dare to Lead (new version) Review

    Dare to Lead (2018) by Brené Brown tackles the complexities of leadership and provides valuable insights for anyone looking to lead with courage and authenticity. Here's why this book is definitely worth reading:

    • It offers a practical roadmap for leaders, with actionable advice on cultivating brave work, tough conversations, and wholeheartedness.
    • By combining research-backed findings with real-life stories, Brown brings the content to life and makes it relevant and relatable.
    • The book's emphasis on vulnerability and overcoming shame fosters a deep connection with readers, making the journey engaging and thought-provoking.

    Best quote from Dare to Lead (new version)

    The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, its about the courage to show up when you cant predict or control the outcome.

    —Brené Brown
    example alt text

    Who should read Dare to Lead (new version)?

    • Business psychology buffs seeking new insights
    • Leaders searching for fresh ways to connect with their team
    • Anyone trying to build their courage in the workplace

    About the Author

    Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston whose work focuses on courage and empathy. Her 2012 book Daring Greatly was a New York Times best seller. Her TED talk, “The Power of Vulnerability,” has over 30 million views and is one of the top five most-viewed TED talks of all time.

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    Dare to Lead (new version) FAQs 

    What is the main message of Dare to Lead?

    The main message of Dare to Lead is the importance of vulnerability and courage in leadership.

    How long does it take to read Dare to Lead?

    The reading time for Dare to Lead varies, but it usually takes a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Dare to Lead a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Dare to Lead is worth reading for its valuable insights and practical guidance on leadership. You won't be disappointed.

    Who is the author of Dare to Lead?

    The author of Dare to Lead is Brené Brown.

    What to read after Dare to Lead (new version)?

    If you're wondering what to read next after Dare to Lead (new version), here are some recommendations we suggest:
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