The best 5 Trading books

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Trading Books: How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz

How to Day Trade for a Living

Andrew Aziz
A Beginner's Guide
4.2 (204 ratings)
Listen to the Intro

What's How to Day Trade for a Living about?

How to Day Trade for a Living (2015) propels you into the exhilarating world of day trading, equipping you with proven strategies and insights for consistent income. This no-nonsense guide demystifies complex concepts, revealing how you can turn the stock market into your personal ATM.

Who should read How to Day Trade for a Living?

  • Novice traders wanting to start day trading
  • Intermediate traders looking to brush up on their knowledge of the basics
  • Trading enthusiasts

What's A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online about?

A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online by Toni Turner provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of day trading. It covers essential topics such as setting up a trading account, understanding market trends, and developing effective trading strategies. With practical tips and real-life examples, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to start day trading.

Who should read A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online?

  • Individuals who are new to day trading and want to learn the basics

  • People who are interested in understanding the stock market and how to trade online

  • Beginner traders who want to develop a solid foundation and avoid common pitfalls


What's Day Trading For Dummies about?

Day Trading For Dummies by Ann C. Logue is a comprehensive guide for beginners looking to enter the world of day trading. It covers everything from understanding the basics of day trading to developing a trading strategy, managing risk, and using technical analysis. With clear explanations and practical tips, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning how to day trade.

Who should read Day Trading For Dummies?

  • Individuals who want to learn how to start day trading

  • Beginner traders who want to understand the basics of day trading

  • People who are interested in managing their own investments and taking control of their financial future

Trading Books: Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter

Mastering the Trade

John F. Carter

What's Mastering the Trade about?

Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter is a comprehensive guide to navigating the world of day trading. Carter shares his wealth of knowledge and experience, providing practical strategies and techniques to help traders succeed in the fast-paced and unpredictable market. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this book offers valuable insights and actionable advice to improve your trading skills.

Who should read Mastering the Trade?

  • Individuals who are interested in learning the ins and outs of trading in financial markets

  • Experienced traders looking to enhance their skills and strategies for better results

  • Those who want to understand the psychology behind successful trading and how to manage emotions

What's Reminiscences of a Stock Operator about?

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is a fascinating account of the life and experiences of legendary trader Jesse Livermore. Written by Edwin Lefèvre, the book offers valuable insights into the mindset and strategies of a successful stock trader. Through Livermore's own words, it delves into the highs and lows of his career, providing timeless lessons for anyone interested in the world of investing.

Who should read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator?

  • Individuals interested in learning about the psychology of trading and investing

  • Traders and investors looking to improve their decision-making and risk management skills

  • Those who want to gain insights from the experiences of a legendary stock trader

Related Topics

Trading Books

What's the best Trading book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard How to Day Trade for a Living as the ultimate read on Trading.

What are the Top 10 Trading books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz
  • A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online by Toni Turner
  • Day Trading For Dummies by Ann C. Logue
  • Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

Who are the top Trading book authors?

When it comes to Trading, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Andrew Aziz
  • Toni Turner
  • Ann C. Logue
  • John F. Carter
  • Edwin Lefèvre