The best 29 Valuation books

Understanding valuation is essential for investors, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in finance. This book list delves into the theories and techniques of valuation, providing valuable insights for making informed decisions in the world of finance.
From discounted cash flow models to the art of valuation in mergers and acquisitions, these handpicked titles will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex world of valuation. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a beginner, these books are a valuable resource.

The best 29 Valuation books
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What's Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy about?

Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy by Edward I. Altman provides a comprehensive analysis of financial distress in corporations, exploring the various strategies and mechanisms used to restructure and rehabilitate troubled businesses. Drawing on real-world case studies and academic research, the book offers valuable insights into the factors that contribute to financial distress and the implications for stakeholders such as investors, employees, and creditors.

Who should read Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy?

  • Professionals working in finance, accounting, or corporate restructuring
  • Graduate students studying finance, economics, or business
  • Business owners or executives seeking to understand financial distress and how to navigate it

Valuation Books: How To Swing Trade by Andrew Aziz, Brian Pezim

How To Swing Trade

Andrew Aziz, Brian Pezim

What's How To Swing Trade about?

How to Swing Trade by Andrew Aziz and Brian Pezim is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to learn the art of swing trading. The book covers everything from the basics of swing trading to advanced strategies, risk management, and practical tips for success. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, this book provides valuable insights and actionable advice to help you become a successful swing trader.

Who should read How To Swing Trade?

  • Traders and investors looking to learn swing trading strategies
  • Individuals who want to improve their stock trading skills and profitability
  • Those interested in understanding technical analysis and chart patterns

Valuation Books: Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto

Equity Asset Valuation

Jerald E. Pinto

What's Equity Asset Valuation about?

Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto provides a comprehensive guide to valuing stocks and other equity securities. It covers various valuation techniques and models, as well as the factors that influence stock prices. Whether you're a finance professional or a student, this book offers valuable insights into the world of equity asset valuation.

Who should read Equity Asset Valuation?

  • Finance professionals and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of equity valuation
  • Investors looking to enhance their stock selection and portfolio management skills
  • Analysts and researchers aiming to improve their financial modeling and valuation techniques

What's Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility about?

'Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility' by Alan L. Lewis is a comprehensive guide that delves into the complex world of option pricing. The book explores the challenges posed by stochastic volatility and provides valuable insights into advanced modeling techniques. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a novice in the field of finance, this book offers a detailed analysis and practical solutions that will enhance your understanding of option valuation.

Who should read Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility?

  • Quantitative analysts and researchers in finance
  • Options traders and risk managers
  • Financial engineers and professionals working with derivatives


What's Corporate Valuation Modeling about?

Corporate Valuation Modeling by Keith A. Allman provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and building financial models for valuing companies. It covers key concepts, techniques, and best practices in corporate valuation, making it an essential resource for finance professionals, analysts, and students.

Who should read Corporate Valuation Modeling?

  • Finance professionals and analysts looking to enhance their corporate valuation skills
  • Investment bankers and M&A advisors involved in company transactions
  • Business students and academics studying corporate finance and valuation

Valuation Books: Investment Banking by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl

Investment Banking

Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl

What's Investment Banking about?

Investment Banking by Joshua Rosenbaum and Joshua Pearl is a comprehensive guide to the complex world of investment banking. It covers everything from financial analysis and valuation to the different types of transactions and their structuring. Whether you're a finance student looking to enter the industry or a professional seeking to deepen your understanding, this book provides a detailed and practical insight into the key concepts and strategies of investment banking.

Who should read Investment Banking?

  • Students and professionals aspiring to work in investment banking
  • Anyone looking to understand the principles of valuation, financial analysis, and deal-making
  • Individuals seeking practical and comprehensive insights into the world of finance and mergers and acquisitions

What's Foundations of Real Estate Financial Modelling about?

Foundations of Real Estate Financial Modelling by Roger Staiger provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and creating financial models for real estate investments. It covers key concepts such as cash flows, risk analysis, and valuation techniques, offering practical examples and step-by-step instructions. Whether you're a student or a professional in the real estate industry, this book will help you build a solid foundation in financial modelling.

Who should read Foundations of Real Estate Financial Modelling?

  • College students studying real estate finance or financial modelling
  • Real estate professionals looking to improve their financial analysis skills
  • Investors interested in understanding and evaluating real estate investment opportunities

Valuation Books: Stock Buybacks by Edward Yardeni

Stock Buybacks

Edward Yardeni

What's Stock Buybacks about?

Stock Buybacks by Edward Yardeni provides a comprehensive analysis of the controversial practice of stock buybacks. Yardeni delves into the history, mechanics, and impact of stock buybacks on companies, shareholders, and the economy. He presents both the arguments in favor of buybacks as well as the criticisms against them, offering valuable insights for investors and policymakers alike.

Who should read Stock Buybacks?

  • Investors and financial professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of stock buybacks
  • Corporate executives and board members responsible for making decisions about share repurchases
  • Economists and academics interested in the impact of buybacks on market dynamics

Valuation Books: Margin of Safety by Seth A. Klarman

Margin of Safety

Seth A. Klarman

What's Margin of Safety about?

Margin of Safety by Seth A. Klarman is a renowned investment book that delves into the principles of value investing. Klarman emphasizes the importance of a margin of safety in investment decisions, advocating for a cautious and disciplined approach to managing risk. Through insightful analysis and real-world examples, the book offers valuable lessons for investors looking to navigate the unpredictable world of finance.

Who should read Margin of Safety?

  • Individuals seeking to learn the fundamentals of value investing
  • Experienced investors looking for insights on risk management and market behavior
  • Those who want to understand the importance of margin of safety in financial decision making

Valuation Books: The Wall Street MBA by Reuben Advani

The Wall Street MBA

Reuben Advani

What's The Wall Street MBA about?

The Wall Street MBA by Reuben Advani is a comprehensive guide that breaks down complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. It provides practical insights and real-world examples to help readers gain a deeper understanding of finance, investment strategies, and the inner workings of Wall Street. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a novice in the world of finance, this book offers valuable knowledge to help you navigate the complexities of the financial industry.

Who should read The Wall Street MBA?

  • Anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of finance and business
  • Recent college graduates looking to understand the principles of Wall Street
  • Professionals seeking to enhance their financial literacy and decision-making skills


What's The Shareholder Value Myth about?

The Shareholder Value Myth by Lynn A. Stout challenges the widely accepted belief that a company's primary goal should be to maximize shareholder value. Stout argues that this narrow focus can be detrimental to the long-term success of a business and offers alternative perspectives on how companies can create sustainable value for all stakeholders.

Who should read The Shareholder Value Myth?

  • Business leaders and executives seeking to broaden their understanding of corporate responsibility
  • Investors looking for alternative metrics to evaluate company performance
  • Entrepreneurs and startup founders aiming to build sustainable and socially responsible businesses

Valuation Books: Founder’s Pocket Guide by Stephen R. Poland

Founder’s Pocket Guide

Stephen R. Poland

What's Founder’s Pocket Guide about?

Founder's Pocket Guide by Stephen R. Poland is a comprehensive resource for entrepreneurs looking to navigate the complex world of startup valuation. Packed with practical tips and real-world examples, this book offers valuable insights into the various methods and factors that determine the value of a new business. Whether you're seeking funding or planning for future growth, this guide will help you make informed decisions and set the right course for your startup.

Who should read Founder’s Pocket Guide?

  • Entrepreneurs who want to understand the valuation of their startup
  • Small business owners seeking to raise capital
  • Founders looking to communicate effectively with investors

Valuation Books: Crack the Funding Code by Judy Robinett

Crack the Funding Code

Judy Robinett

What's Crack the Funding Code about?

Crack the Funding Code by Judy Robinett is an insightful guide that offers valuable strategies for entrepreneurs looking to secure funding for their business ventures. With practical tips and real-life examples, Robinett demystifies the world of startup funding and provides a step-by-step approach to successfully attracting investors. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-time business owner, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to crack the funding code.

Who should read Crack the Funding Code?

  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners seeking funding for their ventures
  • Startups looking to understand the world of angel investing and venture capital
  • Individuals interested in learning about the strategies and tactics for securing funding from investors

Valuation Books: Financial Valuation by James R. Hitchner

Financial Valuation

James R. Hitchner

What's Financial Valuation about?

'Financial Valuation' by James R. Hitchner provides a comprehensive guide to valuation techniques and methods used in the financial industry. It covers topics such as discounted cash flow analysis, market multiples, and asset-based valuation, offering practical insights and real-world examples to help readers understand the complex world of financial valuation.

Who should read Financial Valuation?

  • Professionals in the field of business valuation
  • Finance and accounting students seeking a comprehensive understanding of valuation
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to understand the value of their company

Valuation Books: Damodaran on Valuation by Aswath Damodaran

Damodaran on Valuation

Aswath Damodaran

What's Damodaran on Valuation about?

Damodaran on Valuation by Aswath Damodaran is a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricacies of valuation in the world of finance. With real-world examples and practical insights, the book delves into various valuation techniques and provides a framework for analyzing and valuing different types of assets. Whether you're a student, investor, or finance professional, this book offers valuable knowledge that can help you make informed decisions in the world of investments.

Who should read Damodaran on Valuation?

  • Finance professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of valuation techniques
  • Students pursuing a career in investment banking, corporate finance, or financial analysis
  • Investors looking to sharpen their valuation skills and make more informed investment decisions

What's Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management about?

Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management by Jack Alexander provides essential insights and practical strategies for financial professionals. It covers topics such as budgeting, forecasting, financial modeling, and performance measurement. Whether you're a finance student or a seasoned professional, this book offers valuable guidance for improving financial decision-making and driving business success.

Who should read Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management?

  • Professionals in the finance industry looking to enhance their financial planning and analysis skills
  • Aspiring financial analysts seeking practical insights and best practices
  • Business leaders and decision-makers aiming to improve their organization's performance management

What's Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street about?

Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street by Jeffrey C. Hooke provides a comprehensive guide to analyzing and valuing stocks and businesses. It covers fundamental analysis, financial statement analysis, valuation techniques, and the practical application of these methods in the real world. The companion website offers additional resources and tools to further enhance your understanding.

Who should read Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street?

  • Individuals interested in understanding and analyzing financial markets
  • Investors looking to improve their skills in evaluating stocks and businesses
  • Financial professionals seeking practical insights and real-world examples in security analysis

What's Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019 about?

Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019 by Shmuel Oluwa is a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to create financial models using Excel. It covers topics such as forecasting, valuation, and scenario analysis, providing practical examples and step-by-step instructions. Whether you're a finance professional or a student, this book will help you master the art of financial modeling.

Who should read Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019?

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively build and analyze financial models using Excel
  • Professionals working in finance, investment banking, or corporate finance
  • Students pursuing a degree in finance or accounting


What's Corporate Valuation Modeling about?

Corporate Valuation Modeling by Keith A. Allman provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing valuation models for businesses. It covers various valuation approaches, financial statement analysis, forecasting, and the use of Excel to build and analyze valuation models. Whether you're a finance professional or a student, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary for corporate valuation.

Who should read Corporate Valuation Modeling?

  • Professionals in finance, investment banking, and corporate finance

  • Business students and academics studying valuation and financial modeling

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to understand the value of their companies

What's Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy about?

Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy by Edward I. Altman provides a comprehensive analysis of the causes, consequences, and resolution of financial distress in corporations. It offers valuable insights into the various restructuring and bankruptcy processes, along with practical strategies for managing and overcoming financial challenges. Whether you're a student, investor, or business professional, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of corporate financial distress.

Who should read Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy?

  • Financial professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of corporate distress and bankruptcy

  • Business owners and managers looking to navigate financial challenges and restructure their companies

  • Investors and creditors aiming to assess and mitigate credit and default risks

Valuation Books: Crack the Funding Code by Judy Robinett

Crack the Funding Code

Judy Robinett

What's Crack the Funding Code about?

Crack the Funding Code by Judy Robinett offers practical strategies and insider tips for entrepreneurs seeking to secure funding for their startups. Robinett draws on her extensive experience in the world of angel investing and venture capital to provide a step-by-step guide for navigating the complex funding landscape. Whether you're looking for angel investors, venture capital, or crowdfunding, this book will help you crack the code and attract the investment you need to take your business to the next level.

Who should read Crack the Funding Code?

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners seeking funding for their ventures

  • Startups looking to understand the funding landscape and how to navigate it

  • Anyone interested in learning about the mindset of investors and how to approach them effectively

Valuation Books: Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto

Equity Asset Valuation

Jerald E. Pinto

What's Equity Asset Valuation about?

Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto provides a comprehensive overview of the techniques and methods used to value stocks and other equity investments. It covers topics such as discounted cash flow valuation, relative valuation, and the analysis of financial statements. Whether you're a finance professional or an individual investor, this book will help you make informed decisions when it comes to valuing equity assets.

Who should read Equity Asset Valuation?

  • Finance professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of equity valuation

  • Students pursuing a career in finance or investment analysis

  • Investors looking to improve their ability to evaluate and value stocks

Valuation Books: Financial Valuation by James R. Hitchner

Financial Valuation

James R. Hitchner

What's Financial Valuation about?

Financial Valuation by James R. Hitchner is a comprehensive guide to understanding the principles and techniques of business valuation. The book covers a wide range of topics including valuation theory, financial statement analysis, cost of capital, and valuation models. It provides practical insights and real-world examples to help readers master the art and science of valuing a business.

Who should read Financial Valuation?

  • Professionals in the field of finance and accounting

  • Business owners and managers looking to understand the value of their company

  • Investors who want to evaluate potential investment opportunities

What's Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management about?

Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management by Jack Alexander provides a comprehensive guide to the key principles and best practices in financial planning, analysis, and performance management. It covers topics such as budgeting, forecasting, variance analysis, and financial reporting, offering practical insights and tools to help organizations make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Who should read Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management?

  • Professionals in finance and accounting who want to enhance their financial planning and analysis skills

  • Business owners and managers looking to improve their company's performance management

  • Students and educators seeking comprehensive knowledge in the field of financial analysis

What's Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019 about?

Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019 by Shmuel Oluwa is a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to build and analyze financial models using Excel. With step-by-step instructions and real-world examples, this book will help you gain the skills and confidence to create accurate and effective financial models for decision making and analysis.

Who should read Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019?

  • Professionals in finance, accounting, and investment banking who want to enhance their financial modeling skills

  • Business owners and entrepreneurs who need to create accurate financial forecasts and projections

  • Students and educators looking to learn or teach practical financial modeling techniques using Excel

What's Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility about?

Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility by Alan L. Lewis provides a comprehensive analysis of option pricing models that take into account the stochastic nature of asset volatility. The book explores the challenges and complexities of valuing options in markets where volatility is not constant, offering practical insights and advanced techniques for option traders and financial professionals.

Who should read Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility?

  • Financial professionals seeking a deeper understanding of option pricing and volatility

  • Graduate students or academics studying quantitative finance or financial engineering

  • Traders looking to improve their risk management strategies and enhance their trading decisions

What's Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street, + Companion Web Site about?

Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street by Jeffrey C. Hooke provides a comprehensive guide to analyzing and valuing stocks and businesses. It covers fundamental concepts, financial statement analysis, valuation techniques, and the practical application of these methods in the real world. The companion website offers additional resources and tools to enhance your understanding of the subject.

Who should read Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street, + Companion Web Site?

  • Investment professionals looking to enhance their analytical skills and valuation techniques

  • Business students and aspiring finance professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of security analysis

  • Individuals interested in learning how to evaluate and value stocks, bonds, and other investment opportunities

Valuation Books: Stock Buybacks by Edward Yardeni

Stock Buybacks

Edward Yardeni

What's Stock Buybacks about?

Stock Buybacks by Edward Yardeni provides a comprehensive analysis of the controversial practice of stock buybacks. Yardeni explores the history, motivations, and impact of buybacks on companies, shareholders, and the economy. Through insightful research and real-world examples, the book offers a balanced perspective on this complex financial strategy and its implications for the stock market.

Who should read Stock Buybacks?

  • Investors and financial professionals seeking a deeper understanding of stock buybacks

  • Corporate executives and board members looking to make informed decisions about capital allocation

  • Economists and policymakers interested in the impact of buybacks on the economy

What's The Shareholder Value Myth about?

The Shareholder Value Myth by Lynn Stout challenges the widely accepted belief that a company's primary goal should be to maximize shareholder value. Through extensive research and compelling arguments, Stout argues that this narrow focus can be detrimental to the long-term success of a company and society as a whole. She offers alternative perspectives and practical solutions for creating sustainable and responsible business practices.

Who should read The Shareholder Value Myth?

  • Business leaders who want to challenge conventional wisdom and rethink their approach to creating value

  • Investors who are interested in long-term sustainable growth rather than short-term stock price fluctuations

  • Policy makers and regulators seeking to understand the potential drawbacks of prioritizing shareholder value

Related Topics

Valuation Books

What's the best Valuation book to read?

While choosing just one book about a topic is always tough, many people regard Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy as the ultimate read on Valuation.

What are the Top 10 Valuation books?

Blinkist curators have picked the following:
  • Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy by Edward I. Altman
  • How To Swing Trade by Andrew Aziz, Brian Pezim
  • Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto
  • Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility by Alan L. Lewis
  • Corporate Valuation Modeling by Keith A. Allman
  • Investment Banking by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl
  • Foundations of Real Estate Financial Modelling by Roger Staiger
  • Stock Buybacks by Edward Yardeni
  • Margin of Safety by Seth A. Klarman
  • The Wall Street MBA by Reuben Advani

Who are the top Valuation book authors?

When it comes to Valuation, these are the authors who stand out as some of the most influential:
  • Edward I. Altman
  • Andrew Aziz, Brian Pezim
  • Jerald E. Pinto
  • Alan L. Lewis
  • Keith A. Allman