Unstoppable Book Summary - Unstoppable Book explained in key points
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Unstoppable summary

Maria Sharapova

My Life So Far

4.5 (44 ratings)
28 mins

Brief summary

"Unstoppable" by Maria Sharapova narrates her amazing journey as a professional tennis player. Her struggles with injuries, suspension, and controversies, along with her sheer will to succeed and perseverance in the face of adversity, make her a true champion on and off the court.

Table of Contents

    Summary of 13 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 13

    Maria Sharapova grew up in a loving home in Sochi, Russia, and she played a lot of tennis.

    It was after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster that two Belarusians, Yelena and Yuri, left their home and headed to Siberia. After they had settled in Nyagan, these two had a daughter, Maria Sharapova, who was born on April 19, 1987.

    But Yuri Sharapov detested life in Siberia, and so he soon moved his family to a small apartment in Sochi, a Russian sea resort on the eastern shore of the Black Sea. Maria Sharapova was two years old.

    A few years later, on one particularly auspicious day, Sharapova’s father took her down to a tennis court in Sochi. He’d been given a racket as a joke by his brother. While her dad was practicing, the bored Sharapova snatched up an idle racket and started whacking balls herself.

    It felt right – almost immediately so. Her ability to concentrate on the game was incredible. Taking notice of this innate ability, her father soon started taking the four-year-old Sharapova to lessons with a proper coach.

    Sharapova’s early years weren’t entirely devoted to tennis, however. Her home was a lively place, often filled with friends, and family members visited regularly, too.

    She read and wrote stories with her mother, who taught Sharapova the Russian alphabet and insisted she read all sorts of literature and other stories – everything from Pippi Longstocking to Russian poems.

    Nonetheless, tennis soon became the major preoccupation of Sharapova’s childhood, and her father ferried her to practice and tournaments.

    Her parents were, in many ways, very protective of her. Sharapova still remembers how she used to watch the local children playing from her apartment window. Other than to play tennis, she really wasn’t allowed out much.

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    What is Unstoppable about?

    Unstoppable (2017) tells the personal story of Maria Sharapova, the internationally renowned and respected tennis star. It chronicles her life, from when her family fled Belarus after the Chernobyl disaster, through to her relocation to the United States and her incredible career achievements. Sharapova’s autobiography offers a testimony to the power of strong will and unwavering determination.

    Unstoppable Review

    Unstoppable (2017) by Maria Sharapova is a captivating memoir that delves into the life of the renowned tennis player and her journey to success. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • Sharapova's story is filled with resilience and determination, inspiring readers to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.
    • The book offers insights into the world of professional sports, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and triumphs of an elite athlete.
    • Sharapova's honesty and vulnerability make this book relatable and compelling, as she reflects on her mistakes, victories, and personal growth.

    Best quote from Unstoppable

    That was my gift. Not strength or speed. Stamina. I never got bored.

    —Maria Sharapova
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    Who should read Unstoppable?

    • Aspiring young athletes
    • Tennis fans and players
    • Dreamers and lovers of inspirational stories

    About the Author

    Maria Sharapova, a true tennis superstar, has won five Grand Slam titles. Born in Belarus, Sharapova moved to America with the help of her father, and it’s there that her career as a professional tennis player began. She’s been ranked number one in the world multiple times.

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    Unstoppable FAQs 

    What is the main message of Unstoppable?

    Overcoming challenges and achieving greatness through determination and resilience.

    How long does it take to read Unstoppable?

    Reading time varies, but the Blinkist summary can be read in just 15 minutes.

    Is Unstoppable a good book? Is it worth reading?

    Unstoppable is worth reading for its inspiring story and valuable insights.

    Who is the author of Unstoppable?

    The author of Unstoppable is Maria Sharapova.

    What to read after Unstoppable?

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