The Menopause Reset Book Summary - The Menopause Reset Book explained in key points
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The Menopause Reset summary

Mindy Pelz

Get Rid of Your Symptoms and Feel Like Your Younger Self Again

4.2 (107 ratings)
10 mins
Table of Contents

    The Menopause Reset
    Summary of 5 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 5

    A personal journey

    Imagine sailing through life without any major hormonal hassles – having a period without a hitch, conceiving a child effortlessly. That was the life of the author Mindy Pelz until her 40s came knocking. Suddenly, the tides shifted. She describes this decade-long detour as a wild hormonal ride, saying, "Overnight, I went from being a joyful, energetic, and kind person to being an emotional, hot mess." It's as if someone else was at the helm of her thoughts, sleep, and well-being.

    Despite having a picture-perfect life on paper, complete with an amazing family and a thriving wellness practice, waves of deep and inexplicable depression began to wash over Pelz. These weren't occasional bouts of sadness caused by life's ups and downs. This was a different beast – deep, illogical, and consuming. Add to that nightly hot flashes that had her soaked in sweat, and anxiety that would jerk her awake, causing her mind to race uncontrollably. And the weirdest part? She was just 43 with a regular menstrual cycle. Classic menopause seemed a distant shore, especially with her mother's own breezy experience in her 50s.

    Some well-meaning folk pointed to medication, and others to the unavoidable perils of perimenopause, but something didn't sit right. An interaction with a respected OB/GYN, however, threw her for a loop. She said, "I have a practice full of women your age who have those hormonal symptoms, and I honestly don’t know what to do with them. My medical textbooks have failed me." This hit the author like a ton of bricks. If so many were suffering, surely, there was an environmental connection.

    This revelation propelled Pelz on a mission to decode the effect of today's toxic world on women's health. Through intensive research, she delved into the potential of the body to detoxify itself using powerful tools like fasting and the ketogenic diet. Her breakthrough? An arsenal of strategies that not only reclaimed her joy, sleep, and sanity but also transformed the lives of countless women.

    As Pelz passionately remarks at the age of 50, "I feel powerful and in control. I feel like me again." Her journey offers hope and tangible solutions for those navigating the tumultuous waves of hormonal imbalance. It's a testament to the incredible resilience and adaptability of the human body and spirit, showing that with the right knowledge, we can chart our own course back to wellness

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    What is The Menopause Reset about?

    The Menopause Reset (2021) is a comprehensive guide to alleviating frustrating menopause symptoms through achievable diet, lifestyle, and mindset changes that help you balance your hormones, metabolism, gut health, and more.

    Who should read The Menopause Reset?

    • Anyone with perimenopause or menopause symptoms seeking relief
    • Partners or family members supporting someone through menopause
    • Those advising menopausal clients or patients in healthcare, wellbeing, and fitness practices

    About the Author

    Mindy Pelz is a nutritional and functional health expert, best-selling author and keynote speaker on topics of diet and wellbeing. She hosts a popular YouTube channel on these topics, and hosts The Resetter Podcast.

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