The Universe Has Your Back Book Summary - The Universe Has Your Back Book explained in key points
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The Universe Has Your Back summary

Gabrielle Bernstein

Transform Fear to Faith

4.1 (88 ratings)
20 mins

Brief summary

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein is a self-help book that discusses how to trust in the universe and cultivate a more positive mindset. It teaches readers to recognize signs of positivity, overcome obstacles and find joy in everyday life.

Table of Contents

    The Universe Has Your Back
    Summary of 7 key ideas

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    Key idea 1 of 7

    Your presence is your superpower

    If you were cast in the next superhero blockbuster, what superpower would you ask for? Flight? Invisibility? Hulk-like strength? 

    Perhaps you have a different answer to these go-tos, but you probably didn’t pick “presence.” Yet, you might, if you knew that presence is the key to unlocking true abundance, deep healing, and divine guidance. 

    In a way, our lives are like the movies we watch at home or in the cinema. But instead of projecting stories onto a static screen, we project stories onto the moving world around us, and this motion picture defines how we perceive life. 

    Consider for a moment the stories you might be projecting. For many, there’ll be a stubborn fear-based story that gets more reruns than it deserves. Maybe it says you don’t belong, aren’t enough, or will never find love. Take a second to sit with how this makes you feel. 

    Fortunately, we can always change our internal films if we aren’t enjoying them, just like a film editor can change a movie after it’s been filmed. When it comes to your internal film, you mightn’t get to choose what you see, but you do get to choose the meaning it contains. 

    So, what if you’re stuck watching an anxiety-ridden story right now? Here, Bernstein offers the Holy Instant. Think of it like an internal remote control. 

    First, pause and come into the present moment – the most powerful moment. Gently acknowledge that you’ve been playing a fear-based film, and note your desire for a more empowering narrative. Then, change your internal reel by asking the Universe to lovingly guide you through your fears to a new, happier narrative. 

    In addition to abundance, healing, and guidance, it’s in this state of presence that you also find effortless happiness. In fact, your happiness is a direct measure of how quickly you can move from a fearful story of the past or future to the loving narrative of the present. 

    Presence really is quite the superpower, isn’t it? 

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    What is The Universe Has Your Back about?

    The Universe Has Your Back (2016) is a practical guide to transforming your fear into faith. It shares personal stories, lessons, and a range of exercises to help you relinquish control and start realigning with the abundant love and wisdom of the Universe. 

    The Universe Has Your Back Review

    The Universe Has Your Back (2016) by Gabrielle Bernstein is a book that explores how to overcome fear and embrace the power of love and positivity. Here's why this book is worth reading:

    • Presenting practical spiritual tools, it empowers readers to shift their mindset, release negativity, and attract abundance into their lives.
    • Through personal stories and anecdotes, the book offers relatable examples of how the principles can be applied in real-life situations.
    • With its uplifting and motivational tone, the book keeps readers engaged and inspired, ensuring it won't leave anyone feeling bored.

    Who should read The Universe Has Your Back?

    • Spiritual seekers
    • Those striving to manifest a specific goal
    • Individuals feeling afraid, lost, or stuck 

    About the Author

    Gabrielle Bernstein is the best-selling author of nine books, including Super Attractor and Miracles Now. The self-described “Spirit Junkie” has been hailed a “next-generation thought leader” by Oprah Winfrey and “a new role model” by the New York Times. Bernstein regularly appears as an expert for The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America, and Today

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    The Universe Has Your Back FAQs 

    What is the main message of The Universe Has Your Back?

    The main message of The Universe Has Your Back is about finding peace and trust by surrendering to the support of the universe.

    How long does it take to read The Universe Has Your Back?

    The reading time for The Universe Has Your Back varies, but it typically takes a few hours. The Blinkist summary can be read in approximately 15 minutes.

    Is The Universe Has Your Back a good book? Is it worth reading?

    The Universe Has Your Back is a worthwhile read that offers guidance for cultivating faith, overcoming fear, and connecting with divine guidance.

    Who is the author of The Universe Has Your Back?

    Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of The Universe Has Your Back.

    What to read after The Universe Has Your Back?

    If you're wondering what to read next after The Universe Has Your Back, here are some recommendations we suggest:
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