Michael Bungay Stanier
Unlock Your Greatness
Unlock Your Greatness
1h 33min 2 Blinks + 2 episodes

Author of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller "The Coaching Habit" brings out the best in you and everyone around you by leveling up your coaching skills. Learn how to reclaim your ambition, discover the basics of coaching, and get practical advice on being the best coach for your mentee or team.

1. Start with the worthy goal

There are lots of ways to look at goal-setting—SMART goals, BHAGs, and so many more. But there’s a more important question here, and it’s framework-free: how do we reclaim the ambition to actually work on our biggest goals?

Get started
Get started

6 min
Start with the worthy goal
Start with the worthy goal

3 min
How to Begin
How to Begin

Michael Bungay Stanier

23 min
Recap: Two tools for taking action
Recap: Two tools for taking action

2 min
Two Questions for Taking Action
Two Questions for Taking Action

Recap of Chapter 1
Recap of Chapter 1

2. Focus on what matters

Tim Galway, tennis coach extraordinaire, is an OG in the world of coaching. His ideas about focus are ones I return to again and again, and essential to get the people you’re coaching working on the right thing.

Forget the outcome
Forget the outcome

3 min
Psychology: The Coach In Your Head
Psychology: The Coach In Your Head

Against the Rules

14 min
Recap: The power of process
Recap: The power of process

2 min
Recap of Chapter 2
Recap of Chapter 2

3. Coaching is an act of service

This book is where I learned the basics on coaching. This foundational text will help you bring coaching into the way that you work.

Work the basics
Work the basics

2 min
Co-Active Coaching
Co-Active Coaching

Henry Kimsey-House

14 min
Recap: Slow down the advice
Recap: Slow down the advice

3 min
Recap of Chapter 3
Recap of Chapter 3

4. Make the most of your 1-on-1

1 on 1s can be bureaucratic and impersonal. I love this episode of Brave New Work because it teaches us how to make this weekly face-to-face with your direct reports the most high-impact, human part of your day.

Make an impact by being human
Make an impact by being human

3 min
The Perfect 1-on-1
The Perfect 1-on-1

Brave New Work

12 min
The 3 Key Coaching Tools
The 3 Key Coaching Tools

8 min
The Dynamic: The Karpman Drama Triangle
The Dynamic: The Karpman Drama Triangle

The Mindset: The Yes State
The Mindset: The Yes State

The Powerful Coaching Question
The Powerful Coaching Question

Recap of Chapter 4
Recap of Chapter 4

5. What’s next? Moving forward

Let’s recap everything we learned today so you can go out there and be a great coach.

Recap: What was most useful for you?
Recap: What was most useful for you?

4 min
Guide Recap
Guide Recap

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